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Thanks to its search engine with predictive text input and auto-correction of entries, PR Vademecum allows users to find the desired information quickly and easily. For each active ingredient, the site provides its name in various languages, its chemical formula, relevant ATC codes and a list of all available drugs trade names containing that active ingredient, sorted by manufacturer and pharmaceutical form.
For each drug, this search provides the name of the company marketing the drug, the date of marketing authorisation and the active ingredient.

The following information is also clearly stated for each drug:. The user can also find a substance using alphabetical listings of drugs, active ingredients and pharmaceutical companies.
Both the SPC and the package leaflet can be viewed on the same site; these are also available for download in PDF format. With this connection, the PR Vademecum was an incentive to increase the percentage of responses in the survey.
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Alphabetical lists. Summary of product characteristics and package leaflet. Previous Next. Marcos ec-europe team. Online tutorial:. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9 or more. This APPhas been exclusively created to complement and supportprofessionals. The data and results are reflected in her care hasbeen taken that they are correct, but this does not absolve theprofessional to verify the calculation and their responsibility tomanage.
In no event shall Owner be liable for any direct, indirect,incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages including,but not limited to, procurement of goods or services, loss of use,data or profits, or business interruption however caused and onany theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, ortort including negligence or otherwise arising in any way fromthe use of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuch damages.
In places where such liability can not be waived ordenied, liability shall not exceed the costs of sale of theapplication to the application user. If youdisagree with these terms and conditions, delete this applicationof your device. The application is auseful working tool for healthcare professionals who provideassistance in critical situations to allow consultation of the maindrugs used in the care of urgencies and emergencies in Andalusia. Information, constantly updated, verified and valid indication,dosage, contraindications and interactions of drugs most commonlyused in daily practice of healthcare professionals PublicEnterprise emergency.
This edition includes a simple andintuitive way the following main features: PR Vademecum contains updatedinformation on medicines and prescription drugs marketed inArgentina. Index of Substances and Related Products It contains thelist of principles and products that each contains.
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If you need a password and user contact a medical representativeBago Laboratory. PR Handbook contains current medications and prescription drugsmarketed in Chile information. Index of Chemicals and Related ProductsContains the list of substances and products containing each. PR Handbook was developed from reliable sources, such asprocessors and medical-pharmacological literature availabletoday. PR Handbook should not be regarded as an independent andsufficient means to prescribe those drugs or substances onreporting; recipients must use it as a complement to its delegatedprofessional responsibility, considering that the reader has theknowledge to interpret the information provided by thisapplication.
Prescription is apowerful international application that can detect more than million potential interactions between two pharmaceuticalforms.
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Editor prescription and description of drug interactions indetail severity of interaction based interaction, effect,mechanism or additional information, risk factors, management andmonitoring, references is provided. You can find a drug fromgeneric or brand names. Options for replacement of drugs are alsoavailable. A patient management was added in version 1.
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We have chosen to notlose this information in our database that extends thepossibilities of search. For this reason, they may appear to duplicate some of them matchthe Associated Risk Factors of the 3rd edition of Links. We have chosen to not lose thisinformation in our database that extends the possibilities ofsearch.
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As a member, you have unlimited access to everything Medscapeoffers. Look up the most current prescribing and safetyinformation. Pr vademecum chile android gratis PR Vademecum Chile 6. PR Vademecum Chile? Account Options!
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