App reading targets level 4
All statutory guidance and legislation published on this site continues to reflect the current legal position unless indicated otherwise. To view the new website, please visit http: Skip to page content Skip to main navigation Accessibility help Text size: A normal A larger A largest Toggle high contrast mode. Site search Search this site: Assessment guidelines. These assessment grids contain guidelines to support teachers' assessment.
The assessment criteria for levels 1 to 8 are available to download below: English assessment criteria for levels 1 to 8 Mathematics assessment criteria for levels 1 to 8 Science assessment criteria for levels 1 to 8 The assessment guidelines can be accessed below: In this section. Nested types defined within a private type have an automatic access level of private. Nested types defined within a file-private type have an automatic access level of file private.
Nested types defined within a public type or an internal type have an automatic access level of internal. If you want a nested type within a public type to be publicly available, you must explicitly declare the nested type as public. You can subclass any class that can be accessed in the current access context.
In addition, you can override any class member method, property, initializer, or subscript that is visible in a certain access context. An override can make an inherited class member more accessible than its superclass version.
What are national curriculum levels?
In the example below, class A is a public class with a file-private method called someMethod. If a constant, variable, property, or subscript makes use of a private type, the constant, variable, property, or subscript must also be marked as private:. Getters and setters for constants, variables, properties, and subscripts automatically receive the same access level as the constant, variable, property, or subscript they belong to. You can give a setter a lower access level than its corresponding getter, to restrict the read-write scope of that variable, property, or subscript.
You assign a lower access level by writing fileprivate set , private set , or internal set before the var or subscript introducer. This rule applies to stored properties as well as computed properties. Use fileprivate set , private set , and internal set to change the access level of this synthesized setter in exactly the same way as for an explicit setter in a computed property.
The example below defines a structure called TrackedString , which keeps track of the number of times a string property is modified:. The TrackedString structure defines a stored string property called value , with an initial value of "" an empty string. The structure also defines a stored integer property called numberOfEdits , which is used to track the number of times that value is modified.
This modification tracking is implemented with a didSet property observer on the value property, which increments numberOfEdits every time the value property is set to a new value. If you create a TrackedString instance and modify its string value a few times, you can see the numberOfEdits property value update to match the number of modifications:.

This restriction protects the implementation details of the TrackedString edit-tracking functionality, while still providing convenient access to an aspect of that functionality. Note that you can assign an explicit access level for both a getter and a setter if required. The example below shows a version of the TrackedString structure in which the structure is defined with an explicit access level of public. Custom initializers can be assigned an access level less than or equal to the type that they initialize.
The only exception is for required initializers as defined in Required Initializers. A required initializer must have the same access level as the class it belongs to. A default initializer has the same access level as the type it initializes, unless that type is defined as public. For a type that is defined as public , the default initializer is considered internal.
Otherwise, the initializer has an access level of internal. If you want to assign an explicit access level to a protocol type, do so at the point that you define the protocol.
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This enables you to create protocols that can only be adopted within a certain access context. The access level of each requirement within a protocol definition is automatically set to the same access level as the protocol. If you define a new protocol that inherits from an existing protocol, the new protocol can have at most the same access level as the protocol it inherits from. A type can conform to a protocol with a lower access level than the type itself. You can extend a class, structure, or enumeration in any access context in which the class, structure, or enumeration is available.
Any type members added in an extension have the same default access level as type members declared in the original type being extended. If you extend a public or internal type, any new type members you add have a default access level of internal. Because KS1 covers only two school years, this means that a child should have progressed one level per year for example achieving Level 1B in Year 1, and Level 2B in Year 2.
But as KS2 covers four school years, the expected rate of progress was slower — effectively half a level per year for example, from a 3C at the end of Year 3 to a 3A at the end of Year 4. In addition, there are a number of non-statutory subjects, including Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education. For these, the Department for Education published end-of-key-stage statements to help teachers track progress, but levels were not awarded.
You can download an example APP sheet to see what they looked like. They were used by schools to help with progress and learning, with each child given specific learning objectives based on his own National Curriculum levels, to help teachers plan lessons that reach children of different abilities, to help with resourcing and support e.
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Start your trial for FREE today! Access thousands of brilliant resources to help your child be the best they can be. In the past, primary school children taking SATs were given their results as a National Curriculum level. But what did these numbers actually mean?
Assessing Pupils' Progress (APP): Assessment guidelines
Lucy Dimbylow explains the grading system used in primary schools until September in parent-friendly language. This article gives an overview of the old system of levels. So, what are National Curriculum levels? What about levels for Reception children?