Change bluetooth download folder android

Mine was on my internal storage. I deleted the folder Bluetooth on internal storage and created a new empty folder with the same name on the external SD card.


When I tried to transfer something, it ignored the external SD card and re-created the Bluetooth folder on the internal storage. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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Funny thing about that, if you go into the App Drawer of an Oreo-powered device, you won't find a file manager. What gives? The truth is, the file manager isn't obvious. In fact, it's tucked away within another app. Where is that file manager? Here's a hint: Open the Downloads app.

With that app open, tap the menu button in the upper right corner.

Where can we find the files transferred via Bluetooth on Android?

From the menu drop-down Figure A , tap Show internal storage. You have now enabled the Download Manager for internal storage. But where are your files? You can scroll up and down the list only to see the files saved to your Downloads folder. The key is in the sidebar. Swipe right from the left edge to reveal the sidebar Figure B. In that sidebar you will now see the internal storage for your device.

  1. Transfer Files Between Android & Windows 10 Via Bluetooth.
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  3. My Files - Samsung Galaxy J7 Perx User Guide.
  4. descargar hotmail para nokia lumia 710.
  5. How to Set the Default Download Location to an SD Card.
  6. Other Links.

At this point you can use the file manager as you would any other. Click or tap its entry in the Apps list. To find the newly transferred pictures, tap the albums entry in the Photos app. Inside the albums folder, you will find a subfolder named Saved Pictures. Tap on it.

How to Use Bluetooth File Transfer Between OS X and Android Devices

This is the place where you will find all the pictures you received via Bluetooth, including those shared via messaging apps like Whatsapp. Sending videos via Bluetooth isn't quite as popular as sending pictures because these files tend to be large and the transfer takes a very long time.

If you do receive a video file via Bluetooth, you will find it in the same folder as the pictures received via Bluetooth: Saved Pictures. Because the video files you receive via Bluetooth are treated the same as the pictures, they are stored in the same physical location: You will see the file s listed there, together with the other music files available on your Windows Phone. Another way of getting to your file is to flick the screen to the left, until you land on the new screen.

The first thing you will see listed is the album containing your newly received file s. All you have to do is tap on it and Windows Phone will immediately start playing the file s received. The artist and album name are folders that will be generated based on the meta information stored in the music files you transferred.

You may also transfer documents over Bluetooth. Files such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations. Open the Office hub and tap phone. This is the location where all your document files are stored, including those transferred via Bluetooth.

How to Change Your Default Music Player on Your Android Device

Physically, all the documents you receive via Bluetooth are stored inside the Documents folder on your smartphone's internal memory. It may happen that you used Bluetooth to transfer other types of files, not found amongst Windows Phone's known file types and which don't have any app associated with them. For example, you may receive a ". If you didn't install a "pdf reader" app on your Windows Phone, you won't be able to open this type of files.

Once you install an app that can handle a certain file type, you should be able to open the files you transferred via Bluetooth, using that app. In the screenshot below, you can see an example of how ".

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Except the file types shared in the previous sections of this article, all the other files are stored in temporary and hidden physical locations. You cannot find any of them by simply browsing through your phone's internal memory or SD card. Transferring files via Bluetooth between smartphones or other devices is commonly done nowadays. As you've seen in this guide, Windows Phone 8 has a different way of classifying and storing the files you transfer, depending on their type and the apps you have installed.

I hope you found this guide useful and, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask using the comments form below.