Extra battery life for iphone 5
11 ways to improve iPhone battery life with iOS 11
For some people, it could. But if you go to an Apple store and the technician said your battery seems fine, it probably is. Otherwise, if you're only missing a few percentage points, you can probably wait. The standards for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi say that when they are on and not in use, they use no power, so there's no need to turn them off to eke a few more minutes out of your phone. In fact, if you have an Apple Watch and you turn Bluetooth off, it not only will stop your Apple Watch from working correctly, it could drain faster too. However, if you are in an area with a bad cellular connection, that can negatively impact your battery life.
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Turning on Airplane Mode in these kind of situations can save battery life. In fact, Wi-Fi uses much less power than a cellular network, so Apple recommends keeping Wi-Fi on at all times. More information is available from Apple here. While it might be tempting to manually control your iPhone brightness, dimming it when you need extra juice and ramping it up when you don't, Apple says that its auto-brightness setting actually saves battery life.
You can also dim the screen manually in Control Center, which does use less power.

But you might also forget to turn it back on, and you'll be stuck squinting at a very low-power screen. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.
Search icon A magnifying glass. Hold and pause. This will prevent iPod from accidentally waking up and using unnecessary power.
1. Figure out what's sucking your battery.
Equaliser EQ. Use the backlight only when necessary. Always make sure your MacBook is using the latest version of macOS. Learn more about updating macOS. The Energy Saver preference pane includes several settings that determine power levels for your MacBook.
The Ultimate Guide to Solving iPhone Battery Drain - Connect IT Birmingham
When using battery power, it dims the screen and uses other components sparingly. If you change this setting to maximise performance, your battery will drain more quickly. Dim the screen to the lowest comfortable level to achieve maximum battery life. For instance, when watching a video on an aeroplane, you may not need full brightness if the cabin lights are off. Wi-Fi consumes power, even if you are not using it to connect to a network.
You can turn it off in the Wi-Fi status menu in the menu bar or in Network preferences. Applications and peripherals. Disconnect peripherals and quit applications not in use. Otherwise those devices may drain the battery in your MacBook faster than normal. Open menu Close menu Why Lithium-ion? Maximising Performance Service and Recycling.
General Tips. Tips for iOS Devices.
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Activate Low Power Mode
General Performance Tips Update to the latest software. Or the whole phone would just shut off in the middle of a battery-intensive task. Of course, there are lots of short-term measures you can take to save on battery life—like switching to low power mode , turning down screen brightness , turning on airplane mode , etc. Some apps can be real battery hogs—and you may not even know it. Are there apps that you can delete from your phone or use less frequently? A quick scan of my usage shows me that I spend way too much time on Facebook.
If your Mail app is eating up a bunch of battery in the background, change how often your iPhone fetches new data. To save on those battery percentages, you can either turn off Background App Refresh all-together, or just be more strategic with which apps are allowed the privilege of a background refresh.
If this sounds familiar, try calibrating your battery. Lifehacker explains :. Calibrating a battery is easy. If your battery is aging and you need extra life, you can always opt for a battery pack.