Iphone 4 download speed slow wifi

Some carriers would impose data capping on accounts with unsettled balances, so be sure to take care of that, if necessary.

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If the symptom is only affecting your iPhone XR, then try applying any of these possible solutions. As mentioned earlier, the problem could be with the modem or wireless router in use. By power-cycling means turning the device off for a few moments and then turn it back on. Internet service providers recommend this as the first, if not the last solution when dealing with various types of problems affecting the Internet.

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It works by clearing errant data segments from the network equipment that might have caused occurrence of Internet problems including slow browsing. Once the Wi-Fi signal resumes, all connected devices should also re-establish Internet connection.

  1. How to boost your phone's slow data connection or poor signal strength.
  2. Turn off/on Wi-Fi.
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  8. Wait until your iPhone XR is connected then open your browser app to start browsing through websites and pages. If the sites are still loading very slowly, then move on and troubleshoot further.


    To clear this out, restarting the phone can help. A soft reset or restart gets rid of minor errors affecting the phone system and likewise refreshes the internal memory. Junk files that are stored among other cached files from apps and phone memory are likewise cleared in the process.

    Aside from a soft reset, clearing cache and temporary data for your browser app is also recommended. Doing so will instigate clearing of cache and temporary data from the Safari app. Wait until Safari is finished clearing cache and browsing data.

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    Reboot your iPhone XR then retry browsing through different websites to see if sites and pages are already loading faster. There are different ways to restart Internet connection on your iPhone XR. You can toggle the Airplane mode switch on and off, toggle the Wi-Fi icon from the control center, toggle the Wi-Fi switch on the iPhone off and on or tap the option to disconnect Wi-Fi and reconnect on your iPhone. All result the same positive result. For this particular guide, restart your Wi-Fi internet connection by toggling the Wi-Fi switch from the settings menu.

    Wait for your iPhone to reconnect. This is often needed when dealing with persistent internet problems due to a corrupted Wi-Fi network.

    5 Ways to Improve Internet Speed on iPhone 4 - wikiHow

    To put things into perspective, an app or game sized around 50 to 70MB would take well over 10 minutes to fully download and install. That's just awfully slow, and something that would put off a user instantly. But thankfully, there's a fix, and it requires a little to no effort, and no more than 10 minutes of your time at best. The fix is in the form of using a different DNS server address when you connect to your WiFi network.

    See, the thing is, not all DNS addresses work flawlessly.

    Effective Ways to Fix Slow Internet on iPad

    For example, with Google DNS being the best and fastest there is for Web browsing, but when it comes to downloading and streaming content from the App Store or the iTunes Store, things can get ridiculously slow. While there are many DNS providers out there, but these are the best and most renowned ones. And if a particular DNS suits your needs and has indeed boosted your App Store download speed, then we highly recommend that you integrate these DNS addresses directly into your WiFi router for a smoother overall experience.