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Use of this distributed data system specifically does not limit you to Clarion programs. Any program in any language can read and write to the data, using any appropriate technique, as long as the field rules are followed. Some samples of getting the time-stamp value in various languages are;.

Introduction Creating the server for a disconnected app is very straight-forward because it's either completely automatic, or only minor changes to the wizarded app is required. Add the Optional extensions as desired.
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On the Procedures tab set the items as shown Select the Files to Sync. This will usually be all of them, or almost all of them. A Sync server is still a web server, and documentation for the API's is automatically generated. Select your preferred Application Theme Option. Click Next. Select your preferred menu. Set the server options to not-secure, or secure. Set Header and Footer options. Set IndexPage options.
Set the sync Service name. The default value is sync. Click Finish to complete the Wizard. You will likely see a message along the lines of the picture below. Click on Yes. Your app will be created. This application is set up to be your Disconnected App Server. The only additional work will be normal new-app things, like setting variables to connect to the database if SQL and so on.
If you have an existing Sync app, and you add a new table to your dictionary then you will need to add a method for that table to your server app. The standard is to use the prefix sync and then the table name. This convention is necessary to make it easy for the client application to call the right procedure. Then click on the Select button.
Also select the table that this method will sync. Click on the Finish button to complete the wizard. The Sync server, and Sync client work well together. However if a very large number of records need to be synchronized [1] then this can place a large demand on the RAM used by both the server and the client. Build This reduces the memory used thus scaling better to more clients.
The exact mechanisms are discussed elsewhere, this section covers the changes needed to existing Sync procedures to support this new mode. There are two approaches to upgrading the procedures, the one you choose depends on the amount of customization filtering etc that you have added to the Sync procedures. Rerun the Wizard This is the fastest way to upgrade. Simply generate a new app from the dictionary, with the new Sync procedures, and then import those into your application. Alternatively run the procedure wizard for the Sync procedures one at a time.
This approach is slightly more work, but does not take a long time to do. For each procedure two new parameters are added, and two new return values are added. The parameters are; maxrecords and skiprecords. Notice that both values are Numbers, and the case for both records is set to Lower case. Both values maxRecords and skipRecords are already declared in LocalData so you can get them straight from there. The return values are equally simple; skippedRecords and resultComplete. That's all you need to do one the server side.
For more information on the client side see The client template options.
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The program itself is written to talk to this local copy pretty much like any Clarion desktop program would talk to any database. Then a "Sync" procedure is added to the local program. That Sync Server then interacts with the server-side database. This architecture is useful when the connection between the desktop program is either too slow, or too unreliable for direct connections to the main server in the cloud. The key is in noticing that the desktop program, and the desktop data is completely unconcerned with the network connection.
It is the responsibility of the sync procedure, which is running in a separate thread, or even a separate process, to communicate changes with the parent server, and to get changes made in the parent server back to the desktop. This architecture is not limited to a single desktop data set.
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The following is also valid Multiple different locations can synchronize with the same server. A Sync procedure can be imported from the example desktop. This procedure can be a background procedure in your application ideal where a single user exists for the remote program or as a separate program on the LAN. The sync procedure can be triggered by a timer every few minutes or so or it could be triggered by NetRefresh so that it synchronizes after every write. If the desktop is unable to connect to the server then the desktop will continue working as normal, and the data will then be sync'd on the next working connection.
This template requires the NetTalkClientSync global extension be added to the application. The Sync procedure runs on its own thread and can be communicated with using events. The thread number of the procedure is stored in glo: ControllerThread A Sync can be triggered at any point, by any thread, by simply posting Event: SyncNow to the Sync thread. If a Sync is currently underway then it will complete the current sync and do another full sync immediately afterwards. For example; Post Event: SyncNow, ,glo: ControllerThread The Sync itself is a fairly cheap operation with minimal overhead, so it can be called on a regular basis.
If no data in a table has been updated on the server, or client, then it's a very small request and response for the server. If you want the sync procedure to create the table, then add the table to the data pad for the procedure.
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On Delete As explained earlier, when records are deleted they are not really deleted, the DeletedTimeStamp field is just set. This allows the delete to propagate up to the server when a sync occurs. By default these records are then left in the local database, as well as the server database until you do a purge.
The Sync Controls extension template, in the Sync procedure, has an option to purge deleted records from the client as soon as they are sync'd with the server. The deleted records will still appear in the server database as before, but they will no longer appear on the client. If this option is on then any deleted records sent by the server to the client will also be immediately removed from the local database if they exist and will not be added if they don't exist. The options on that template are as follows; Server URL:.
Out of the box the Client Sync procedure usually called ServerSync will synchronize all the tables, and rows, in the local database with the server for all tables that have the necessary synchronization fields. There are however a number of embed points in the sync procedure where code can be added to customize the sync. TableLabel can be checked to determine which table is currently being synchronized. For example self. SetTagCase jf: Fields such as token , table and action are already included, but this embed allows you to enter additional information that may be required by your server.
The self. Use the self. TabelLabel property to know which table is being exported. TThis embed allows you to suppress rows in the table which should not be sent to the server. For example you may choose to exclude all records from the table where some LocalField is set. This method is called on both exporting records to the server and importing records from the server. The properties self.
Importing and self. Exporting are set appropriately, so test these when importing or exporting. If you add code to this method it should return one of the following values; jf: Filtered - the record should be excluded from the import or export. OutOfRange - the record and all subsequent records should be excluded.
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This this option very carefully, especially on import. Allows you to format values in outgoing JSON. Typically this is done for you by the templates based on pictured in the dictionary but you can supplement that, or override it if you like. Consider the case where there is one server with the complete database of all branches and several distributed data sets each with a sub-set of the data we'll call these "branches" in this example.
The goal is allow each branch to receive only the data, and data updates that apply to this branch. The problem breaks down into two parts; The branch needs to identify itself when doing a sync, and The server needs to filter the data based on that ID. Client Identification As described above, additional information can be sent to the server by specifying Custom Data on the client side.
The name should be in quotes You can name the parameter anything you like, and the value would be a local, or global variable or whatever that identifies this branch. Keep the name part as a lowercase string. You will already see other parameters listed there, like maxrecords , and skiprecords and so on. Add your variable branchid to the list. Use the local variable, branchid , in your filter. If the id value is a number then the filter might look like this; 'cus: Introduction A disconnected web app is a web application where the browser can be disconnected from the network, but the web app itself continues to work.
In other words a user can go to the web site say via a Wi-Fi connection start working, then walk away, out of Wi-Fi range. While out of range the app continues to work, and the user can continue to capture and edit data. Once the user is back in range, and connected to the server again, then the data is automatically synchronized. The basic architecture for a disconnected web app is very similar to a normal web app, however there are some key differences; The app is created as a Single Page Application.
This means that the browser will do a single FETCH to the web server, and will receive the entire application. The app does not interact with the server as the user uses the system.
Rather everything is done on the client, and data is stored in the browser local storage. This means that embedding Clarion code in the server is not useful as the server code is not called. Embedding, where necessary, would need to be done in JavaScript. The synchronization of the data requires a Server for Disconnected Apps. In this server there will typically be one sync method for each table in the application.
Once the web app is running on the device, the only communication with the server will be via the Sync methods. The Sync methods can be included in the same actual app file as the Disconnected Web App. This allows browsers to store information in a data store belonging to the browser, which in turn means the app can work when it is not connected to the network.
Local Storage is supported in all the modern browsers with the notable exception of Opera Mini. In iOS 5 and iOS 6 it's possible for data in the local storage to be cleared by the OS, so use of devices running those operating systems is not recommended. IE7 and earlier is not supported. Use of any version of IE for disconnected web apps is not recommended as Local Storage under IE has a number of different behaviors compared to other browsers.
Because of the above differences it is very important that the design of the application be focused around what tasks the user will need to accomplish when using this app. It is probable that in many cases only a limited sub-section of functionality is required by a user when they are disconnected from the network. By clearly thinking through the tasks which you need to support, you will better be able to design the appropriate application.
Tick on; Generate for Disconnected App is on. Make sure the menu is set so that all the links are opened as Popup. Links set as Link or Content are allowed, but those links will not work if the browser is disconnected from the network ie cannot access the server. The Application Cache Manifest file, while not absolutely required in order to do web apps, is a way of explicitly telling the browser which resources will be required by the app. This feature is supported all major browsers except for IE9 and earlier, and Opera Mini. The application cache file is generated into the web folder as app.
You do not need to do anything to turn this support on. In addition frameworks like PhoneGap extend the JavaScript language to give the JavaScript engine access to the native operating system API, which in turn means you have access to the hardware, contacts list and so on. Apps built in this way are sometimes know as Hybrid apps, because they combine the portability of HTML and JavaScript, with a minimal amount of generic native code to expose the underlying hardware and OS.
The big advantage of this approach is that multiple operating systems can be supported from a single code base. This makes it ideal for systems which need a mobile application, but which don't necessarily have the economic viability of re-coding the same app multiple times especially for some of the more minor platforms.
There are two disadvantages with this approach though. The first is raw performance. This makes it unsuitable for high-performance situations, like games. For data collection applications though performance is certainly good enough, and the responses are mostly quite snappy. The second disadvantage is that the interface can look, and behave differently to a native application. As such it must conform to Apple's standards for design and usability. Apps can also be submitted to the Google PlayStore which has a much lower set of standards and requirements. NetTalk generates the necessary file to make it easy to package the application using Adobe PhoneGap.
PhoneGap is an open source framework, currently owned by Adobe, which makes it easy to package hybrid applications. PhoneGap was released under an open source license as Apache Cordova. You don't have to use PhoneGap build, but it is certainly a convenient and reasonably cheap way to get started. You do not have to use PhoneGap Build, it is perfectly possible to create your own build environments, but it is a recommended way to start.
PhoneGap Build requires a configuration file, called config. This file is generated for you by mBuild. The database has to be designed to work is a disconnected way. A Server-side API app for synchronizing the data is created. A disconnected Web Application is created. The resources for the disconnected app are then packaged together and passed through the PhoneGap Build system. This is done for you by the mBuild utility. Similarly the iOS build can be installed on iOS devices and so on.
For more on mBuild see the mBuild documentation here. The following mobile device requirements are needed to run NetTalk Apps. At this stage it's not known that these versions work, however it is known that versions before this won't work. More information will be posted here when available. IPA File: APK File: Android 5 Lollipop or later with Chrome 58 or later installed Chrome Browser: Version 58 or later. If you have a web app then you can use this list to set it up to be a phone app ready for mBuild.
This is a checklist of setup items, it doesn't comment on the content of the app itself. Adjust the Dictionary to use the table layouts as discussed in Distributed Data Synchronization above. Consider the addition of a Single Record Settings Table - you'll almost certainly need one. Create the Server App. Apps Tab - Set everything it needs here. Layout Method to DIV. Create favicon After mBuild runs make sure manifest.
Introduction As the web, and mobile apps, have evolved, so a new class of application has appeared. The Progressive Web Application is a web app which conforms to a set of standard behaviors and rules. Voices sounded like they were starting to go under water. And delays in when I talked and when the other party heard me of up to 5 seconds, just happened at random. NetTalk is a piece of garbage for me. Is there something better that costs in the same neighborhood? I had 2 Magic jacks for 3 Years. Voice quality suck big time. Skype has its own bad days but not as bad as majic jack.
Talknet is a money waste, when you call it will appear its ringing but they will getbthe call after 30 seconds only, poor customer service, you stay on phone for an hour to talk to a human who doesnt know english, also they dont refund the money in your balance if you bring it back, poor calling quality. Magic jack is the best and i just love it. Nettalk duo sucks big time….. Do not buy. Worst Customer Service.
That happens with me. Search Search for: Prev Next. Yes, this has been a great value product DUO for me, both domestic and Internationaly. Customer Service cannot give info on this. Anyone got any tips? The regulators need to do a better job keeping these telecommunication companies under control. Dropped calls with an ear piercing squeal.
Voices sounded like they were starting to go under water. And delays in when I talked and when the other party heard me of up to 5 seconds, just happened at random. NetTalk is a piece of garbage for me. Is there something better that costs in the same neighborhood? I had 2 Magic jacks for 3 Years. Voice quality suck big time. Skype has its own bad days but not as bad as majic jack. Talknet is a money waste, when you call it will appear its ringing but they will getbthe call after 30 seconds only, poor customer service, you stay on phone for an hour to talk to a human who doesnt know english, also they dont refund the money in your balance if you bring it back, poor calling quality.
Magic jack is the best and i just love it. Nettalk duo sucks big time….. Do not buy. Worst Customer Service.
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That happens with me. Search Search for: Prev Next. Yes, this has been a great value product DUO for me, both domestic and Internationaly. Customer Service cannot give info on this. Anyone got any tips?