Samsung galaxy s2 time wont change
Sprint recommends that you contact your IT department for the correct setup information. You'll need your server address, domain, username, and your corporate password.
Device has a Short Battery Life
After you have this information, set up the Microsoft Exchange account. Note: To optimize device performance, be sure your Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 is running the most recent device software. Check for software updates. If you're still having issues, try the Sprint community pages or contact Samsung for further assistance:.
This article helps troubleshoot email issues on your Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 You may have email issues if you're unable to: Send emails Receive emails These steps help identify and resolve the underlying cause. Verify mobile data is enabled. From the home screen, tap Apps. Tap Settings. Tap Data usage. Tap the Mobile data switch to ON. Update the data profile. Scroll to and tap Settings.
Scroll to and tap System Update. Tap Update Profile and wait until it completes. Tap OK. If your Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 still can't connect to data, troubleshoot data connectivity Verify that the email address and password are correct. If you're unable to sign in, double-check that you entered the correct username and password. For a personal email address: This is the most common scenario and includes all major public email providers such as Yahoo!
If you've already set up the email address on your Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, try removing it from your device to delete any incorrect settings. Add your email account to your Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. If your Exchange account still doesn't work, contact your corporate IT department for more help.
Device Support
Another of the great successes of the custom UI is actually a very small one but it makes all the difference. Samsung has thought to include the power saving widget at the top of the notification screen.
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What that means is that you can turn Wi-Fi on and off from anywhere in the system with just two quick touches and anyone who owns a smartphone will tell you how often you need to do that to eke out your battery life as far as you can. Finally on the UI, the phone will try to push some kind of zooming in with your thumbs system on you at all times.
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Ignore it. Switch it off. Pinch and zoom is a thousand times easier, more natural and more convenient. End of chat. Imaging is another of the strong suits of the Samsung Galaxy S II and the phone does not disappoint in this department. As we said before, the white balance presets are largely useless. In fact, they only skewed the colours even further, so do keep that one on automatic.
The macro is also slightly frustrating. If the software was a little better you could probably get as close as 3cm.

The worst offender for the camera is the barrel distortion. Take a look at the picture of Big Ben to see what we mean. Nothing amazing for a cameraphone and nothing too upsetting either. The disappointment comes because the photos look much better on the phone's screen than they do on your laptop. The p recording is faithful for colour, the audio is solid and the continuous AF system ensures that everything stays sharp. The downside to that is that you can almost guarantee a second or so of AF hunting in each clip you shoot which is a little annoying.
The 30fps frame rate means that you do pick up some flicker from strip lighting which you can see inside the shops at the beginning and end of the video below but the contrast adjustment is pretty hot with it only obvious for quick changes such as when the silver car appears in the foreground of the clip. Naturally, results start to get a little grainier and blurrier at low light levels but daytime indoor conditions are perfectly good.
Something for the SGS3 then. What we can say in the way of the wireless and radio systems is that everything proved to be a-OK. The range was perfectly good but, best of all, the switch from Wi-Fi to 3G and vice-versa is nice and snappy - much faster than the Nexus One and friends. The whole experience is just plain zippy. No lag, no judder, no force closures and no waiting around. If you really want to see it in action, head over to the Gallery app and see how quickly it loads up your thumbnails.
Oddly enough, the only time the phone seems slow at all is the slightly too long delay between pressing the wake button and the screen actually coming to life. It has everything you could want and will need and each of those functions it more or less excels at. YouTube Instagram Facebook Twitter. Pocket-lint Other than that, the presentation of the four Android keys is the only grievance. Pocket-lint One of the biggest worries about the handset, as often the case with Android, is over the custom UI that Samsung has chosen to slap on top of the system.
Pocket-lint Next down on the list of usefulness is the Social Hub and the best thing it seems to do is combine your Facebook and Twitter feeds into one stream. Pocket-lint The last piece of software of note in TouchWiz 4.
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Pocket-lint Imaging is another of the strong suits of the Samsung Galaxy S II and the phone does not disappoint in this department. Popular In Phones. Samsung Galaxy S11 might actually have a big enough battery. Google Pixel 4 tips and tricks: Getting the most from your Google phone.