Boyfriend leaves phone face down
This sounds like a huge red flag on your part.
The Danny Hill Experience
Its possible. My bf always puts his facedown and he isn't hiding anything if I wanted I could go through his phone anytime. Best bet is to just ask. There are 2 possibilities; first, yes he hides something o. O Second; this is his habit from teenage years: Should I be worried he always has his phone face down? I don't know why after months now that he does this. I don't know what could even be on his phone.
The 5 Signs He's A Player
He seems open with it in a way. It's just the always leaving it face down, no matter where he leaves it.

Is he hiding something? Most Helpful Guy.
The Otter Box armor is on the backside. The screen is the soft underbelly. Recommended Questions. What do you expect from a love relationship?
The 5 Signs He's A Player
Are most women too proud to ask a man out or make the first move? Which are you hoping for in a relationship, long term or short term? Does anyone else feel that sex is overrated? He gets defensive for no reason. If those reasons are coming up more and more frequently, your antennae is probably already up, rightfully so.
He never deleted his OKCupid account. He mysteriously got an STD.
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How To Know He’s A Player
Life Love. Your friend just matched with him on Tinder Douchebag. Bell Aliant.