Dracula the last sanctuary walkthrough ipad
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Dracula: The Last Sanctuary – Guides and FAQs
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Click on the piece of furniture in front of the door to let the monster in. The monster enters and is pulverised by the light. Take the second upright mirror standing on the right of the door. Go into Dracula's study and stand in the middle of the room, opposite a 2nd monster lurking by the door frame. Place the mirror on the ground to kill the 2nd monster. The way is now free. Go out of the study. Three monsters are down below! Go to the end of the bannister. Click on the chandelier.
Jonathan leaps onto the chandelier which reflects rays of light into the room, pulverising the three monsters. Go down into the hall and stand in front of the door of cellar, which is barred by wooden planks. Break the planks with the poker. Enter the cellar.
General FAQs
Push the boxes over to the right as you go in. Take the wire cutters. Put the first box back in its original position moving the box originally moved another one as a result, but putting it back in its place does not move the other one back as well. There is now a space between the two boxes. Take the object in the centre of the bas-relief Return to the garden. Stand in front of the table at the side of the pond.
Use the wire cutters to cut the chain and unblock the device that empties the pond. Oil the gate hinge with the oil-can. Open the gate. Put the document found behind the engraving on the table. Put oil onto the paper to make the whole plan appear. The pond fills up, triggering the device that opens the door of the cellar. Go into the cellar and open the metal door that has been shut until now, on the left as you go in. Go out into the sewers. Use a ladder to go out to the asylum through one of the sewer manholes.
Knock on the door. Bill, Dr. Seward's assistant, opens it and lets Jonathan in. Go into Seward's office. Seward and Mina welcome Jonathan.
Dracula: The Last Sanctuary - Walkthrough/FAQ
Seward, Mina and Jonathan. At the end of the last dialogue, Seward gives Jonathan the task of investigating Highgate. In order for him to get there without being noticed, he gives him a key to a passage leading straight to the sewers. Jonathan then finds himself in the cloakroom. With the key Seward gave Jonathan, open the door of the direct passage to the sewers, behind the cloakroom counter. Take a rope hanging on the right-hand wall on the right after the intersection. Go up to the small control box, further on to the left.
Pick up a broken valve lying on the ground, opposite the small control box. Go as far as a well, flooded with water.
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon Hints from UHS. Not your ordinary walkthrough.
In the inventory, combine the broken valve and the rope. Throw the rope and valve joined together onto the ladder on the other side of the well. A ladder now makes it possible to cross the well. Go to the other side of the well. Open the tool box. Take the adjustable spanner. Go back across the well and retrace your steps to the apparatus hung on the wall. Opposite this is a fixed sluice wheel. Use the adjustable spanner to unseal the sluice wheel. The sluice wheel is now freed. Take the sluice wheel. Return towards the well and when in the middle of the ladder, look on the wall to the right.
A pin can be seen. Fix the sluice wheel onto the pin. Use the adjustable spanner to tighten it. Click to turn the sluice wheel, so as to empty out the water from the well. Go to the other side of the well the side where you picked up the adjustable spanner. Take the ladder. Put the ladder against the right side of the edge of the well. Go down into the well.
Take the ladder with you. Go into the narrow horizontal passageway. Place the ladder against the edge of the vertical passageway. Climb the ladder. At the top, on the platform, shoot at the gate with the revolver. It opens, making it possible to go out. Go out into Highgate cemetery. Use the key found on Pibody the corpse at Carfax to unlock the padlock, and take the ladder.