Occupational therapy apps for preschoolers

iTrace Handwriting App

Kids and adults are drawn to the technology? But what games or content are high-quality? Below are my favorite quality iPad apps. Dexteria turns your iOS device into a therapeutic tool that improves fine motor skills and handwriting readiness in children and adults. Set of hand and finger exercises to develop fine motor skills and handwriting readiness.

Best Apps for Autism

The activities are specially designed for kids age Count colorful buttons, recycle with marching ants or dainty ladybugs, recognize letters, solve bug mazes, and more! Play to learn how to write all letters of the alphabet: abc — xyz and the numbers with LetterSchool. Letter Workbook is an interactive educational app which teaches toddlers and children how to form and write letters. Through the simple, interactive guide children will learn how to write their ABC, improve vocabulary and have fun along the way!

An innovative seek and find game. Search colorful collages built from thousands of little things. Randomized searches ensure a different game each time you play.

About the Author

Visual Attention Therapy helps brain injury and stroke survivors, as well as struggling students, to improve scanning abilities. It also helps rehab professionals to assess for neglect and provide more efficient and effective therapy for attention deficits. Create beautiful fireworks display by easy tap operation!

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Touch on the screen, you immediately see breath taking fireworks in 3D graphics and real sounds. The butter pats are small so if you have a small child, you will have to monitor or pull those out and store away until they get bigger! This is a great toy! The oldest made color patterns, the middle did the expected fitting in and pulling out of the holes, and the youngest was able to pull them out and grab the 'quills.

I love Learning Resources toys they are well made and thoughtfully designed. Currently unavailable. We bought this to help my son with his fine motor skills.

‎Dexteria - Fine Motor Skill Development on the App Store

It should be a little easier for kids to open and close. See All Buying Options. I took one star out because it falls apart easily and could cause hazard if not supervised. Seriously, someone help! I received this in the mail just a few short days ago and here is my unbiased review. First, let me say that this comes in pretty much Frustration Free Packaging.

My 2 Favorite IPAD Apps For Pre Writing Skills Development

Just open the plastic bag and you've got it. There are instructions included with this that you have to condition the board before use. Basically, you need to stick the pegs in the board to size it overnight. That's it. Comes with a nice drawstring bag to contain everything. One of the first things that I noticed when my child was playing with it, is that the pegs are a good size for a toddler's hand.

Not too big and not too small, just right.

These pegs are easily stackable and she doesn't need any balancing skills whatsoever like with traditional blocks. She likes the assorted colors of the pegs and bonus! Our two year old took to these very quickly. He loves sorting them and arranging the various cups in stacking patterns. I found some counting cards and these are a perfect match to help with those as well. We call it "Matching Bear Count Time! I would definitely recommend this item as a great learning tool. This is great for those fine motor skills!! Would definitely buy this again.

Great tool to use with clients to build mindfulness and positive thinking skills, thanks! The board was soft, not the hard plastic I assumed, so it was light and easy for the little ones to carry around.

The 3 year old had a great time stacking the pegs, taking them apart and starting all over again.