Samsung galaxy s3 silicone clear case
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DropTech Clear Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Case
Estimated Import Fees Deposit:. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. International Product from outside the UAE. Ships from and sold by Amazon US. Amazon Global Store International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions. Any warranty descriptions were intended for US purchasers. Product information Technical Details.
Cases, Covers & Skins for Samsung Galaxy S III for sale | eBay
Item Weight 9. Additional Information. And if you want to take the case off? Forget it. It's so hard to get it off. Overall, it does the job in protecting the phone but because of these annoying little issues, I actually took the case off and put another one on my phone. So I'm not even using the case, Add to cart. This case is very impressive because of its look and its quality. The phone is old, but it's case rocks! This thing fits like a glove! The grip is perfect, no slipping, no risk dropping my phone!
There's nothing worse than a big bulky case to protect your phone. If you're looking for something sleek and unobstructive, this is the product you want! Order it! This is an excellent product. It fits perfectly. It has two parts so both the front and back can be protected when not in use and one part has an excellent belt clip.
It is exactly what we were looking for and at a great price.

Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Burrows North Carolina. I dropped my phone on the concrete at work, it bounced and landed safely without any issues. When I upgraded to the next model up, I decided to look for the very same case. I would buy this for every model phone that I get, it's fantastic, durable and really works.
Fits my phone good.
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It has stayed on the phone well. Looks good too. After scratching and chipping 2 slimline hard snap-on cases for my S3, I decided to suck it up and get a TPU case. This one fit what I was looking for perfectly. The pink color has just the barest purple tinge to it it's very subtle , but mainly appears as a very hot pink awesome! It is glossy, but not slippery, yet it slides without any problem into and out of purse and pants pockets.
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The cutouts are also spot on. The top holes for headphone jack and sensor are exact and do not create any difficulties in plugging in headphones. When looking for a TPU cover, I The case is thicker and heavier than expected, but I'm used to it now and very happy with it.
It is sturdy and good protection for the phone. I like the magnetic feature, but makes taking photos a bit more involved, and the phone is unprotected when photographing. Overall, very good case with lots of storage for cards and money.