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That is why you see, the situation never improved at the smartphone unit, it only got worse. Maybe this is normal in business. Surely there are far bigger disasters that management have inflicted on their companies. I'm sure there are, but not at the level Elop was at. Not when you're a Fortune sized company. At that level there is nothing that comes even close. Consider New Coke. Yes, Coca Cola's disaster new drink. It caused Coca Cola to fall behind Pepsi for the first time in history and Pepsi so celebrated, they gave every employee a day off and ran huge ads in the press.
Or what of the recent problems Toyota had with its brakes that caused 12 million cars to be recalled. These are classic management blunders, costing tons, and surely they must be bigger. I've actually collected the five most notorious management mistakes that occured while Elop was alive, by Fortune Global sized companies, who also were the market leaders or near the top of their given industries, for some contrast. Lets see how Elop's little smartphone mishap compares: The above image may be freely shared. Elop has indeed set the record for management failure, not just in handsets but in any global industry.
Worse than Mercedes Benz's A-Series, the car so dangerous, you could not drive it into any curve or corner without it tipping over. Worse than Coca Cola's New Coke. Worse yes, than even the Toyota brakes problem recall. And look, the damage was deeper and longer than any of those classic disasters. Congrats Stephen 'call me the General' Elop. Your name will be synonymous with world record failure and you did it with the Elop Effect. Note, AA is 'so bad' it is still what the US treasury bonds are rated today.
Second best ratings class in the world. But this was a severe problem under Kallasvuo. Of course not. The ratings agencies have issued several revisions of Nokia's ratings. Not once has it been up, invariably its been down. Moody's rates Nokia now as Junk. Standard and Poor's rates Nokia now as Junk,.
Fitch's rates Nokia as Junk. Is that cause to celebrate Elop or to fault him? What of the Fortune Global ranking? Here is the trend: The Fortune Global ranking comes out in the summer, so just before Kallasvuo was kicked out, we saw his last ranking and we get 3 more under Elop: Fortune Global Rankings for Nokia: Not the biggest fall in Fortune history, obviously, as many companies have faced catastrophic conditions, wars, natural disasters etc.
Genuine damage by management, not accounting tricks or exchange rate fluctuations etc.
Then what of Interbrand? They rank the most valuable brands on the planet Coca Cola is number 1 again. Nokia has been in the Top 10 globally for the whole past decade. Yes, far above Mercedes Benz or Rolex or most such brands. Here is how Interbrand has judged the Nokia we've now seen under Elop in this new decade: Interband Ranking for Nokia past 4 years: In the Nokia brand was worth How much has it fallen?
Today Interbrand rates Nokia brand worth only 7. Or in dollar terms, wiped out That is a bit more than what the Financial Times just calculated, as Nokia's market capitalization, Elop has destroyed The Misery Graph. I have written many times, that Nokia legacy will be not how its given products were great or not, not on its patents or its loyalty or its profits or its maps or whatnot. Nokia will only be considered in the view of history on one metric - did Nokia win or lose the transition.
What transition? THE transition it faced. Nokia took the world crown from past master, Motorola, when the handset industry shifted from analog mobile phones to digital mobile phones. Motorola dominated the analog era, Nokia became the biggest riding the new technology and digital. So what was the next disruption? Would Nokia only last one generation like most tech companies, who then die in the next 'paradigm shift' or would Nokia be the rare exception who masters the next shift as well.
So that is why we may judge Apple or Blackberry or Sony or Samsung or Huawei or Lenovo on different terms when it comes to smartphones, but in the long run judgement of history, Nokia will only be judged on one - would it die like Motorola, by missing the big shift, or would it manage to hold its lead through the difficult transition into the new age, from dumbphones to smartphones. And my regular readers know this. The smartphone was not invented by Apple in It was invented by Nokia ten years before.
Nokia's true competitor was not Apple in , it was Samsung as we can see in the above graph early in this story - why? Because Nokia to phones is like Toyota to cars. Toyota makes cars of every type and kind, for every market, in every price range. From luxury Lexus to cheap taxicabs to rugged four wheel vehicles to vans to citycars to hybrids and just about anything you'd want. And Apple is like Porche, who produces only a few products and aims at the very high end of value with high profit per unit and ignores most segments.
Has products which even over time are difficult to tell from one another. So while Toyota occasionally competes with some sports car against Porsche, obviously Toyota's main competitors are General Motors, Volkswagen etc, not a luxury-sports niche car-maker like Porsche.
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If Toyota made the strategic mistake of ignoring Volkswagen and Ford and GM and Nissan and Fiat and Renault, but only focused on trying to beat Porsche, they'd go bankrupt immediately, as their whole organization is built on optimizing the benefits of scale. From sourcing to manufacturing to distribution and sales. It would be suicide to suddenly focus only on one tiny rival, no matter how profitable that one tiny rival might be. Nokia invented the smartphone. Then, Nokia led the migration from dumnbphones to smartphones - among its true competitors, those handset makers who were full-portfolio handset makers who made anything from slick superphones to ultracheap basic communication.
In that transition race, Nokia was ahead of all its traditional rivals in No, they do not need to manage a transition from dumbphones to smartphones. But Nokia's traditional rivals would have to.
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That is why I coined this next graph the Misery Graph. Up to the Elop Effect, Nokia was safely above the global average in migrating customers from dumbphones to smartphones. Why 'misery' - because Nokia was the global market share leader in dumbphones as well as in smartphones. If Nokia managed only to use its existing market share in dumbphones as it migrated to smartphones - Nokia would easily end up the biggest smartphone maker too as it already was at the time - and if it just continued on that path, successfully, and profitably, it would 'win this decade' and win the race to smartphones.
As long as Nokia stayed on that path, that it held its migration rate above the industry average. But look what Elop did: The above may be freely shared Yes, Elop truly came and snatched defeat, from the jaws of victory. Nokia was first, among all full-portfolio handset makers, in leading the migration to smarpthones and the only one at the time, that was ahead of the industry average migration rate by end of Nokia was the only full-portfolio handset maker who had also achieved that difficult transition without missing a beat, all of Nokia's full-portfolio rivals like Motorola, Samsung, LG and SonyEricsson, had reported at least one quarter of a loss in their handset divisions while attempting this costly endeavour.
Nokia had passed that test with flying colors, never once reporting a loss in its handset unit up to Elop. This was the ultimate measure for Nokia and Nokia was winning the war. If it maintained its global market share lead of dumbphones into smarpthones, it would inevitably win also the smartphone wars of this decade. That was at stake when Elop suddenly derailed the victory train. We know why of course, he had 25 million sweet reasons to cause the collision. But that is the end effect. Today Sony has completed its transition, all of its phones are now smartphones.
Motorola went bankrupt in the attempt and the migration was too costly for Ericsson who pulled out of the handset business altogether. Only Nokia was winning this war, until Elop demolished that. So here's three cheers for misery!
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Hey, if this is my big 'lets do the proper performance review of Elop' then we cannot ignore a couple of his most famous ie infamous promises. The m promise or the 1-to-1 promise etc. So, lets take his most famous strategy promises and rate those too. Elop promised us a 1-to-1 transition from Symbian to Windows once the strategy had been fully implemented. He talked at one point about 1-to-1 revenue transition and at another point about 1-to-1 unit sales transition. Do you remember this graph from February Above image may be freely shared I want to correct that for the obvious omission, this is the same data but adding the missing year, remember, Nokia handset business was not static when Elop took over, it was growing.
By revenues, driven by the smartphone unit, towards the end of the year , Nokia handsets unit was growing strongly, so it looked like this: Above image may be freely shared So Elop promised, that after he announced, there would be no erosion of Nokia handset business - before Windows based Lumia would launch. That the dumbphones business gray on the bottom would remain essentially flat. That the light-blue part Symbian revenues would remain the same, then transition on a 1-to-1 basis to his new Windows based Lumia smarpthones.
And by the time the transition was done, which we now know, happened at the end of Q1 of , the revenues in the smartphone unit would be the same as they were when he announced this back after Q4 of So we have a three-part strategy. Now we also have the final results, straight from Nokia's own Quarterly results in this fun game. Lets see how it panned out. This is what happened over at the Symbian unit: That was a total flop right there, to start us off.
Symbian did not materialize in the way Elop promised. How much abandoned revenues were in that light blue sector that is now missing compared to the promise? Try Can't be all bad, lets take the second leg, the migration from Symbian to Windows. We know that at least had to do better, didn't it? Above image may be freely shared So yeah, misery gets worse. One can certainly understand that the transition stage was 'challenging' and even a hyper-genius 'call me the General' type of strategic thinker like Elop might get the initial Symbian sales wrong, but you can't fail if you select Windows, right?
The new Lumia would surely resurrect Nokia smartphones to its former glory and recover to the same level of revenues as Nokia had with Lumia. Elop talked specifically about 1-to-1 revenue transition in his shift from Symbian to Windows and pointed out very explicitly, that MeeGo was excluded, that might be a wrinkle that Windows might not be able to match, but old Symbian.. So did it? As we see from the above picture, Lumia failed spectacularly.
Thats pretty bad, folks. What has this cost Nokia so far? Through Q3 this failure has abandoned more Nokia smartphone revenues at the level of Well the one good thing is, this was a 3 part strategy, and while the other two parts went bad, at least there was the solid featurephones foundation, that even a moronic Elop memo can't wreck. Or can it? Lets see how solidly the dumbphone division managed under this new Elop strategy: Above picture may be freely shared Yeah. Would you believe it, even the dumbphones unit revenues collapsed under the stupid Elop strategy.
How badly? And how much was wiped out of the rosy gray area in the promise to the sad gray area in the reality? That amounts to All three legs of the strategy failed. This is the truth graph to show reality vs the promise: Above picture may be freely shared So yeah.
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The red part in the graph represents the extent of Elop's total failure across all three legs of his infallible strategy. How big is big? He is Thats His strategy failure is so thorough, his broken promises red part of graph has already grown to be bigger than all blue parts dark and light, and all grey parts since his strategy was announced - COMBINED!!! Which brings me to his million promise. That was the number of Symbian based smartphones that Nokia promised to deliver when Elop announced the Windows strategy.
How close did we get? Nokia gave us only But lets use the Even at that number Elop broke half of his promise to Nokia loyal customers and especially long-term loyal Nokia developers, partners, component suppliers, you know 'smartphone wars are won by ecosystems' Elop thinking.. Ok, then if the strategy failed on the revenues, maybe it succeeded at least on the 1-to-1 transition from Symbian to Windows, by unit sales? Or did it. This is the proportion of that failure: Above image may be freely shared Yes, again gargantuan level of failure.
We can see how Elop got his job. He is excellent at promising utterly impossible things. Unfortunately for a Fortune Global company CEO, it is a very bad tendency to over-promise and under-deliver. But hey, want to see that above picture with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth part, added. Are those 'successfully migrated' Lumia owners now all happily loyal Nokia customers or are they imprisoned bitter Nokia-haters who can't wait to get away from Windows Phone at the first chance they get?
We actually know! There have been two global surveys by Yankee Group and by Bernstein that answered that loyalty question of early Lumia and Windows Phone owners. This is that above graph, corrected for Nokia satisfaction level: In layman's terms, for every 6 attempts to convert 5 have been lost forever as loyal customers - four are already using a rival device and the fifth can't wait to go. But we have to take this in context of Nokia, how would Nokia do 'normally'.
We now have 4 periods of the very latest and best Lumia, under Windows Phone 8. How did it do, against the last 4 quarters of the same time period ending in Q3 before the Elop Effect? Lets normalize the sales so that in 'Q0" the quarter before the first quarter, five quarters back, we 'zero' the sales, and then add incremental new sales per quarter. While we are at it, lets also see how the original Lumia did in its first four quarters, as they too started in Q4 and we end in Q3. Last Symbian new sales from Q4 to Q3 of This should be interesting.
Lets see: Above image may be freely shared Yeah, no happiness here. Note, first, that the best performance was by Symbian. The note how similar original Lumia and 'new and improved Windows Phone 8' Lumia are, nearly identical for first 3 quarters until Microsoft 'Osborned' the current Windows Phone line of Nokia, by announcing it cannot be upgraded to Windows Phone 8. But then recognize, these are actual unit levels, but the market has grown 2. I wonder if there would be any more applicable statistic, that would accurately account for the change in the market.
Hey, market share would do that! If we use the same idea, but instead of measuring actual unit sales in millions, we measure market share gains in points, we now have a harmonized scale that is applicable over time. How does Nokia old Symbian sales pattern compare to first Lumia and second Lumia. I think this graph would also answer the question - how much does 'carrier relations' and 'retail support' matter when you launch your phone. Above image may be freely shared NOTE - this above image is subject to easy mis-interpretation!
Please read my explanation here of what it indicates and what cannot be inferred from the graph. This is not a 'normal' market share graph! The comparison here is not 'across' so you should not compare blue lines across - these are within the period, you can only compare each Q4 number blue, red and white , or each Q1 number etc. So why the confusion.
That is not what this graph attempts to illustrate. This graph has harmonized each period, to be comparable to the SAME period before, through the unit of 'market share' that is only accurate within that same period. To put it simply, if the world had not grown, the above would indicate real market share gains. But in reality, the actual market ALSO grew, but because I brought in different times into this graph, adding detail, we lose other detail time comparison 'across' from one period to the next. You can make no infrences about 'market share' gains or losses based on this graph, I have that info elsewhere.
By this graph, we can compare Lumia unit sales equivalent performance to a market that sells 1 Billion smartphones now, to Symbian unit sales equivalent performance 3 years ago when smartphones sold million smartphones in the year. The only possible measure is what market share that unit sales level would have been out of that given point in time. Let me show by example. Take blue line, go to the third blue line, Q2 of in our case for Symbian. The earlier graph above told us that Nokia had added 8. What does the total 8.
The market globally was So far the math is on, and for any one number here, the math holds. Now the misunderstanding, if we now compare 'across' and compare to Q1, this graph now suggests Nokia market 'share' grew by 2 market share points. That didn't happen in reality, because the global market also grew, from Q1 to Q2 in , and that growth rate was more. So Nokia real market share in Q2 had fallen from Q1. Why is this? Because each quarter is now comparable within the quarter. How many Lumia sales would we have to have now for example in Q2 of , to match a number that would be the same performance as market share points as under Symbian.
How much worse is Lumia now? Here we can now do the math - within one quarter, not across. The failure is 12 points of market share or.. Yeah, I know the picture is confusing. Someone may know of a better terminology or better statistic, its literally a quarter of a century since I last studied statistics in my MBA studies, I have forgotten far more than I could hope to remember.
But yes, that above graphic is not a measure of market share gains and losses. It is a conversion of unit sales to equivalent points when the market has grown to more than 3 times larger comparing oldest and newest data points. If you are uncomfortable with this methodology, just go back to the previous slide, and remember, that picture is 'flattering' to the Lumia, because even as they are far worse than Symbian, the market has ALSO grown dramatically, so the comparative performance is even worse, when market growth is included into the picture I wonder if I still had more I wanted to share?
I do want to get all my pictures out, to discuss the Elop catastrophy, so that all the pictures and numbers are in one place, and I don't have to revisit this topic again in some weeks Ok, its been long already, let me go through my notes, I may have something more still coming, but am not sure. I prepared these for back when Elop's damage was only 2 years of age, so these are all accurate, but up to the end of last year, so keep that in mind, compared to now.
These just go to show the incredible depth of the delusions of the Imaginarium of Doctor Elopssus. This is interesting if you really take Elop at his word we now obviously know, the only way to take Elop is to find what is in his bonus clause of his contract.
This is Nokia in February See what Elop thought of the condition. And then see how Nokia fared and what Elop said exactly one year later, February Above image may be freely shared Note for context. Elop himself within 4 months had issued at least 11 statements that contradicted or redacted essentially all points he made in his silly memo of February Elop himself admitted to Nokia shareholders in , that yes, the memo did damage Nokia smartphone sales.
Did Elop ever apologize for it. Did he ever even say in public he didn't mean what the memo said? He clearly went to the Donald Rumsfeldian school of truth-telling. Ignore facts, never admit you were wrong, even when your own words are played back at you, deny deny deny. Like Dick Cheney taught you no doubt. But yes, lets go on. There are MORE clowns. Now, what do you think happened a year after that, in late January ? This is the most unbelievable picture of delusion in a corporate CEO. Above image may be freely shared Haha, I did like adding those silly clown-faces.
By January I was utterly fed up with the shenaigans of Mr 'Call Me the General' Elop and just wanted this thing to be over with, and for the Nokia Board to fire the incompetent fool. Adding clown faces cheered me up in a little way at the time of ever worsening Nokia news. Did I have any other pictures or stats to share with you? What is it that Elop wrecked that now is sold at fire-sale prices as damaged goods to Microsoft?
Where revenues and profits both GREW in ? The most healthy part of Nokia. The destruction for which Elop was now paid 25 million dollars as bonus - or as the Financial Times calculated, for every 1 Billion Elop demolished in shareholder value, he got paid 1. This image may be freely shared Yeah. I want to return to the first picture. There is no doubt, Nokia was having problems and was reporting disappointing results and its then CEO, Kallasvuo needed to be fired in the summer of I am not claiming Nokia was in perfect health. But we can see, Nokia's problems were not in the smartphone unit.
Elop didn't work diligently to fix Nokia's problems. He took the best part of Nokia, the healthiest part, and demolished that. So lets keep in mind, his predecessor was already by broad consensus so bad, he had to be fired. I have slightly updated the graph from the top, with the actual numbers as well as the indexed comparison, and of course added now the reasoning as well. How is it, that Elop was so misguided to deliberately wreck the company he was hired to run. We now know why. Elop had tricked the Nokia Board into adding a new clause to his contract his predecessors never had.
That nice little one with 25 million reasons to destroy Nokia. Here are the two CEO's compared one more time. If you, my reader, can find any other Global Fortune sized company ever, with a CEO with worse results than these, please tell me. And journalists out there - here is your Pulitzer prize, please write about the greatest heist in corporate history, how Elop swindled 13 Billion dollars out of Nokia investors to pocket 25 million dollars for himself. The above image may be freely shared And yes, of course, I will be releasing a book about this. Posted by Tomi T Ahonen at Posted by: Anoop SK November 14, at Basically, Elop used Nokia i.
The sad part of this is that Elop could not have achieved all these without continuous help from inside Nokia i. It is still amazing that Elop didn't get fired immediately after the burning platform memo! One does not have to be a genius to realize that this kind of stunt can sink even a big company!
Paul Ionescu November 14, at After all, he was in charge before Android and iPhone appeared, and it is his long-term performance in the face of those disruptions that really count compared to the performance of a CEO who had to deal with the full blows of a competition now on a winning path. Elop recklessly engaged the future of the entire product portfolio of Nokia mobile devices; it was not just mucking up by launching one miserable model, or having one large accident in the production processes.
You argue that benign neglect might have done it good, but the situation was really bad for a long time before that, and is just acceptable now but far from safe. What really helped NSN out of the hole? Nokia knows what it is doing in that domain, and its strength in production and logistics shows. Keeping a decreasing business profitable when everybody is shouting "Feature phones are dead! Hopefully this is your last word on the matter for a while. I look forward to reading more on those interesting things happening in Asia or Africa, and less about how Nokia was run aground by a series of incompetent managers.
Casais November 14, at Casals "I look forward to reading more on those interesting things happening in Asia or Africa, and less about how Nokia was run aground by a series of incompetent managers. I agree, Asia and Africa are changing faster than the eye can follow. South America is changing too. Your commitment to Nokia is understandable, but the people that made Nokia great are still around. They will push Finland into the future.
Helping them understand this future in mobile will do more for Finland than trying to punish Elop. Let him go destroy MS. They deserve each other. Winter November 14, at Try looking at this post: It argues that Nokia did not convert its portfolio of feature phones early enough to cash in on the surge in smartphone interest.
This is the sort of transition that can only come about from an explicit strategic intention on the part of management. Market demand can steer you in any number of directions, but a vision of a future should provide the compass for making the big bets. And low end meant feature phones. Sander van der Wal November 14, at Sander van der Wal You see that the turning point for Samsung was halfway ? That was when Elop started. Had Elop betted on Android late in , he could have caught a lot of sales in the summer of Android phones were quite easy to produce by then.
Now, all those Nokia feature phone users switched to Samsung. But we know Elop decided to go for WP. For the first three quarters of , Nokia had no credible Smartphone on the market. After that, they had a good one they did not want to sell, and a bad one no-one wanted to buy. The answer, in my opinion, is simple: Blackberry made one similar mistake: But, unlike Windows Phone, their OS was popular and was fully controlled by the company. When we look at all of Elop's decisions together, we get a clear picture: He acted and talked like a Windows Phone advocate.
He invited competitors including Samsung!!! That fact, by the way, puts down the argument that Elop somehow knew that Samsung would dominate Android, and thus opted for Windows Phone. If he knew Samsung would become so powerful, why the heck would he invite the company to the Windows Phone bandwagon? And let's not forget that Nokia was bigger, had better carrier relations and brand recognition than Samsung at the time. Even today, people say they would love to buy a Nokia Lumia Didn't Elop made a market research before adopting Windows Phone?
Wasn't it clear that Nokia would have to lift Windows Phone, and not the other way around? Just look at all the Windows Phones and see what is lack of differentiation: Microsoft gave minimum space for customization because it wanted manufacturers to build generic products which depended on their OS just like in the PC market. So, that's the point that must be stressed out: Elop wasn't only incompetent -- he was working for the best interest of another company.
I'm now just really waiting what the end of this story will be. It will be part of history - one way or an other And while Nokia did initiate the transition to smartphones, it was racked by so much infighting that this strategic intent failed to stabilize. Hell, you are the head of the feature phone business, selling hundreds of millions of devices at rock-bottom prices -- and you are clearly profitable; why would you disengage and let your fiefdom go to please those Symbian guys in difficulties, or those Meego nobodies, or those WP or Android sell-outs?
As I repeatedly said: The belated and incomplete transition to smartphones is a result of this. And there were right. The best-seller amongst Nokia WP devices is the Lumia -- a low-priced device. The new Motorola G is already shocking the market with its low price. And the next billion users is not a gimmick -- remember that there are billions of people for whom the price of an iPhone represents one month to one year of income; for them, only low-priced devices will do -- and that inevitably means "low-end" devices.
Notice that Samsung, which focused so much on the high-end and left its low-end Bada line in the limbo has announced that it will devote more attention to the low- and middle-range in the near future. Transition to smartphones does not necessarily mean transition to high-end only You make the typical mistake of judging everything by share price.
This attitude has hurt global economy more than everything else combined. I have no idea how many jobs were lost just to 'maximize share value'. Bottom line: Every company run with such an objective is doomed. And if that's what you attribute Elop's actions to, you just prove my point. That may be nice for Wall Street locusts like you but not for the people actually working in such a company. The damage being done will eventually paid by others who had no say in what was happening. I'd say people with your mindset better stay out of economics. You'd leave a barren wasteland behind in your relentless crusade to squeeze out as much money as you can.
RottenApple November 14, at To say that Elop did good job running Nokia would be equally dumb to saying Jobs failed miserably leading Apple. It took me a long time, years in fact, until I understood that people who knew nothing about the total Nokia dominance in mobile, Elop can be seen as having done decent job. When Elop announced the death of Symbian while saying we have no replacement either, not for a long time, I walked around like a zombie for days, not believing in such stupidity to be possible.
His reasons are no longer secret, though. Timo M November 14, at For an outsider - yes, it is an achievement. So, yes. Elop is the worst CEO of Nokia - by default since during his tenure the crown jewel of the company, the part what Nokia is known of, the one made the brand a world recognised BRAND is going to be sold out for peanuts. C'mon, let's be realistic: Or something similar. Ironically the thing I was worried about was having those ears on all our western communication, companies, banks etc. The idea might be a bit far from the average phone user, but I am a bit paranoid: Still I welcome the success of Google and Apple.
What I hate is what Elop did at Nokia. He destroyed everything. Nokia could have gone with Meego Intel-Nokia venture or Android the most common prediction. Symbian was on terminal stage when Elop took over. Still making money, though, but to be replaced. WP was non-existent. Zero market share. Nokia changed dominant position to zero. Every WP phone still makes a loss. All his other mistakes are catalogues here in the blog. That kind of incompetence cannot be justified. It is criminal and Elop should be in jail now. Nokia should be Samsung and that is what pisses me off.
You have no idea how much I hate Elop. Probably half as much as Tomi, which is more than I can handle. Like when he said Microsoft will never buy Nokia, I drew different conclusions and bought Nokia stock. I was sure that with Balmer Elop would be gone as well and that would skyrocket the stock. Got lucky. The graphs are many, but the quality of them leaves things to desire. The 12 month average is very slow to react to changes. It shows the reality with a huge delay. A good quarter almost year earlier will cancel out a bad latest quarter and it is very hard to see sudden changes.
Another problem with some of the graphs is that they do not show enough history. I am sure Tomi knows how phone manufacturing works, but he chooses to ignore it as it does not fit his story. The Symbian device projects were around months long, even when they were not horribly delayed like many were during OPK era. This means that when a CEO is changed, the effect of his actions will take a long time to be seen. A big ship turns slowly. Elop inherited a product pipeline both hardware and OS that was not good, actually it was a disaster.
Unfortunately the worst part was not the unit sales, it was the user experience and price. Before that I had been worried about Nokia and Symbian, because their UX was from without much progress, iPhone was on a totally different level. Nokia was fighting war at two fronts. Apple had already taken the premium category and nice margins from Nokia, now Andoid devices started to undercut Symbian device prices, with better software library and UX. The post tries hard to argue that Elop was some kind of superman who did all the decisions and that his actions happen instantly in some kind of a bubble that is unaffected by the surrounding market.
That is simply untrue. Rise of Android would have happened in any case. The user experience of Symbian vs. The board decided the WP strategy, which was assumed to be the best option for Nokia by the board and by the executive team. This did not happen. Both Ollila and Kallasvuo have stated lately in Finnish media, that big mistakes made were made in their tenure. Nokia faced a huge disruption or two and Nokia just was not prepared for it. Their software and OS expertise was not at good enough level. Tomi is totally correct, Elop was at helm when Titanic hit the ice berg, but the course and speed was set by the CEOs before him, and obviously the ice berg or two were not under his control.
Seurahepo November 14, at You still don't get it, do you? People don't buy Lumias because of WP. A company can't be any kind of player if nobody wants to buy their products. Without customers there are no profits. And now you have to aid Doodle Devil in destruction of everything. S… Comcraft 3D v1. Nearly 20 blocksTouch and non-touch phones supportLandscape mode on touch phones Texturepacks supportWorlds are… Baja Buggy v1. The premiere off road endurance race pits man and… Fists of Steel v1.
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Move… Reversi v1. This free open source application includes possibility to play vs opponent with different skills… Pop it! Click below… 3D Sky Fight 2 v1. In… Checkers Lounge 3D v1. Tip and slide on the screen to rotate the view in all three dimensional… Find It! Wrong quess will reduce your time. Or just start the game and enjoy the… Jigsaw Puzzle v1. Memorize the positions of each card and match cards with the same design to complete… Bug Smasher Pro v3.
The only way to keep the game going is to smash them before they reach to the other end. In general… Jungle Mumble Memory Match v1. Flip over the cards… Super Medusa v1. Super Medusa… Warspear Online v3. Going into the game, you will plunge into a unique game world with its own… Fillr Winter Edition v1. And now the evil spirit has stolen the Christmas from the Fillr land. Help Santa and the Fillrs to take back the Christmas from Dark. Click below… Monkey Jump v1. Help monkey to climb across the pillars avoiding its enemies like snakes, squirrels, crows and… Pick Sticks v1.
Rules are simple, just pick all the sticks in the fastest time possible! Comes with… Star Diamonds Capture v1. No single player, no offline modes — just online… Sudoku v1. Have fun and exercise your mind everywhere and every time… M Bounce Throw It v1. You can throw it in any direction to overcome the wind force. Challenge your friends to break your records and share… Extreme North v1. You can… Trash It!
Throw the ball by touching it with our finger… LeBubbleShot v1. The more Bubbles burst with a shot, the more points you will get. But wait: Pass the buoys correctly along the course to fill up… Moto GP v1. Love and treachery, adventure and jeopardy await you in this amazing game. Travel to… Balloon Adventure v1. The objective is very simple, survive as long as you can by avoiding any obstacles. The longer you survive, the higher… Bejeweled Twist ML v1. Spin and match explosive gems for shockwaves of fun.
Rotate jewels to set… Angry Birds Seasons v1. Explode onto the circuit in the fastest, hottest cars. Tear through the streets of Chicago, Dubai,… Flying Drops v1.
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Place figures on a board in order to configure a specified shape in the same color and burst them from the… Bubble Burst! You will not be able to put this game down, Hours of fun! The game is not easy! But you have possibility to find… Jump v1. Collect points as much as you can until there are no more platforms. New features like… Fifteen RE Free v1. Make sliding moves and place the tiles in order Fight with your pirates all crew that try to conquer your empire!
Sea… Tic Tac Toe Holiday v1. Get into the Holidays spirit. Play against your phone from 4 different levels: The game keeps… DragManArds: Dragon Manor Guard v1. Tako the King was chosen to protect the rebuilding process of the Dragon Manor. Help Tako the King by summoning the… Angry Snake v1.
Angry Snake! Decide now if you want to play an entertaining game in the Classic Mode or choose the Action Mode to fire off your… Doodle God v1. Doodle God by JoyBits is award-winning brainteaser with unique sandbox world, generated just by matching and… Puppy Pairs v1. Train your memory and have fun while playing Pairs.
BT Edition v1. Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every… P. HD v0. Initial release contains 20 levels with gorgeous backgrounds. As a member of the team, you will try to relieve the… Colorful Shapes v1. The game has 40 challenges in lite… Majesty: The Northern Expansion v1. The game has 4 realistic characters 2 guys and 2 girls. The world as we know it has come to an end. The legend of G-Sword takes you into the real Ninja world.
Original and thrilling story line takes you through the… Finger Bowling 2: After his initial defeat by Fingers hands, Bowlofos, the evil alien bowler has decided to take revenge. He has set… Solitaire Gold 12 in 1 v1. This is the ultimate game pack with a new game every day, … Arjun: The Warrior Prince v1. Can you match his bravery and… My Brute v1. You simply take on a series of… Soccer Run v1. Run with your soccer player as far as you can. Collect lots of bonuses during the run, they will make you money at the end of… Turbo Grannies v1. Over 2. The nursing home is awfully boring.
Turbo Granny may be as old as the hills,… Zumax Mania v1. The adventure requires you to use your quick wit and skill as you have to shoot the colored balls moving in a path… CR7 Football v1. Accompany Cristiano Ronaldo on his quest for victory in the cup finals! In this… Bublex Alien Pop v1. Stick bubbles of the same color together to pop them away. The more bubbles you pop, the bigger will be your… Euro Football Kicks v1. Your task is to hit… 2in1 Pack: World-popular Texas Hold?
Play mobile card games against 4 in-phone opponents on Atlantic City, Vegas, St. Thomas… Amazing Cowboy v1. Supper addictive game play, just avoid hurdles by jumping over them and shoot enemies. Doub… Bird Hunter Pro v1. You have to help Rob by blowing up birds using darts. Try to… Extreme Puzzle Blox v1.
Rotate and place coloured gel cubes that bounce and wobble as you try to match 3 of the same colour. Match… Medal Chase 2 v1. Master 5 gruelling events, including Javelin,… Hungry Worms v1. Simply take aim and fire the Hungry Worms at the walls of juicy fruit! Its time for the greatest show on earth. Take on the Olympic greats at the 10m Air Rifle event. This fast paced round tests your shooting skill to… Racing Masters v1. Racing Masters … Bomboo Car v1. Game features: Motion sensor or touch game play.
Rich graphics. Nice music. Play the beautiful classic mode or challenge yourself in… Line of Attack: Warriors of Pahtum v1. Play Challenge mode as well as quick play mode. Sharp reflexes are your best weapon to avoid the obstacles in your… Majesty: In every other level you have to free your homing pigeons by… Hit The Dot v1. Ge… Wimbledon Court Legends v1. Every player has his own strength and… Arkanoid v1. The same way as professional photographers spend hours to make amazing pictures you will struggle a bit to… Jumpy v1. Prove it with Jumpy — an amazing lane changer.
Jumpy v1. Swift movement through the obstacles and traffic would help you reach the hospital and save the patient in your… Street Of Assassins v1. Kill them to survive on the streets of the… Word Tiles Multiplayer v2. Enter to compete in classic… Rowdy Rathore v1. The Official Mobile Game v1. In a short time in Gotham will be a new villain. Not an ordinary criminal, and an evil genius, eager to destroy the enemies and grab… Sudoku Deluxe 3 in 1 v0. This pack offering many hours of fun is… Alchemist Stone v1. It is a system of belief found in major civilizations since… Spawned v1.
Perfect your… Sudoku Green Master v1. The hunter hunts the flying ducks before the sun fall by shooting them by tapping on them. Excellent shooting… Alchemy Classic Premium v1. Human efforts resulted in significant progress, from the simplest of tools… Move The Box v1. You have to match at least three of the same boxes in a row or… Mega Jump v1. Get ready to blast off on an epic jumping journey with Mega Jump!
Collect coins, grab crazy powerups, and evade monsters… Get Me Out v3. The puzzles will become tougher with each passing level. Great and relaxing sunshine… Brave: Not like any another cricket game, it involves guess work to beat the machine. Guess a number and score runsFeatures: It is seven a… Motocross Masters v2. Game includes 42 exciting levels with gold, silver and bronze times.
Trying to beat those will provide… Photo Xonix v1. Cut the field into pieces revealing beautiful pictures. Avoid enemies trying to hit the player. Cool struggle… Bejeweled 3 v1. Three… Bubble Bash HD v1. Get yourself immersed in this addictive game and put your ninja skills to the ultimate test.
Jump… Sparkle 1. Get ready to… Parking Lite v1. Parking Lite v1. Your main goal is to clear the game board by matching similar items into strings… Traffic Rush v1. Challenge your friends or beat A. Curl It features inventive one swipe shot to… Fun 2 Feed v3. In game you have to arrange the hexagons in such a way that all numbers… Skates Mania v3. Download now and be the master of this interesting game.
Ball Balance Time… Bubble Burst v1. But you have possibility to… Romance of Rome v1. Travel to… Pee The Bee v1. Among the green fields of barney. City of Saints. With open traversal around Manhattan, you can… Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim v1. When you become the head of… Big Tree Top Gun v1. Big Tree Top Gun v1. For you and your opponent are not the only ones in the lagoons and beaches looking… Ice Age 4: Continental Drift v1.
Continental Drift mobile game is here! The Kikoriki have decided to join TV superstar Lucien in his quest to vanquish evil. But joining the ranks of superheroes takes hard work. Could you give… The History of Light v1. Stimulate your brain with … Animals Photo Match v1. Drag one photo above another to make a pair disappear. The game is won when all photos are gone.
Begin at the foothills of the mountain and make your… Brain Cube Reloaded 1. We… Jelly Wars v1. Perfect… Nu, Pogodi! Catch the eggs rolling from four roosts until the game getstoo fast for you. The game offers two… Robodef Pro v1. Go zombie busting in this award winning game with… Brain Cube v1. Squares, Cubes, Blocks — simplicity of forms, ingeniousness of tasks and levels, brilliant graphics. Includes… Fruit Ninja 1. Properly connect all branches of a sakura tree to make them alive and see wonderful blooming flowers. Easy control,… Marbians HD 1. The Marbians have crash landed in Roswell New Mexico and they need your help to get home.
In this marble-themed… Control Tower 1. Guide aircraft to their landing zones and do not let them collide! This sounds easy? You will need good strategy and fast… [Chinese Game] Zombie Crisis: The Outbreak Of The City 1. All residents have been infected and turned into zombies. Those who… [Chinese Game] Zombie Crisis 2: Wings of Liberty 1.
Zombie Crisis 2: Wings of… Peak Gold 1. Peak Gold… Puffy Poppers 1. Hours of fun! But you have possibility to find out level solutions online! Puffy Poppers is… Sakura 1. Easy control,… Count My Dokuyi Friends 1. Have fun teaching them to count! World Track is the 3rd edition of the Ferrari series. Swipe your finger across the screen to run… The Attack of the Moles 1.
Only the time will tell us. Click below… Dog Fighters 1. In this simple yet surprisingly addictive drawing game you take on the role of fighter pilot. It is your job to destroy… Candy Boy 1. Casper woke up one day, intent on making more of his delicious candy, only to find that Candy World had been… Sakura 1. Easy control,… Fantasy Pool v1. Idea is to get the balls to the bags as fast as possible. However there are some obstacles which you have to manage. Box2d… Scrubs 1. Zombies Mobile 1. SPL of the Empress and the Warriors 1. Want… Zuba Deluxe 1. After the first two or three levels the… Space Fighter 1.
Click below to… Jelly Wars v1. Each player takes it in… Spell The Word v1. Hear the words correctly and spell them within the given time. The game opens up a whole gamut of words for you to explore. Cli… Honey Bites v1. Throw honey at them to encourage a bee attack. Honey Bites v1. HDMI edition — Tombola! Shake your device and listen to the sound of the number… Iron Plane HD v1. From ships to spaceships you are fighting… Untangle RE v1. Move balls to untangle the net. Untangle RE features: Pick up nitrous bottles to boost the truck.
Keep… Hand Game v1. This is a game where you should tap… Gypsy Jump 1. Help the aged performer to get his act together! Clic… Bubble Hunter v1. The game goal is to collect as many points as you can until time is not over. Click bubbles — get points. Bubble… Border War: Line Of Control 1.
Protect your borders with a new age weapon, a super cannon. The enemy has decided… Majesty: Hankering for a new adventure and some new enemies to… Shariks v1. On high… Soul Calibur Mobile 1. Premium Edition 1. Despite the sizes, these small… The Last City: Origin 1. Not bad and not good, just one of many on Earth. But one day everything has changed. Destroyed by earthquakes, poisoned by the venom of… Pocket Zoo Keeper 1. It is simple game to glow the connections and enjoy the mental puzzle to choose correct points. Challenge your friends in… Jelly Wars 1.
The Marbians have crash landed in Roswell New Mexico and they need your help to gethome. In this marble-themed… Majesty: Hankering for a new adventure and some new enemies to… The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 1. As… Men in Black 3 v1. Click… Tezz: The Movie Game 1. You are a secret spy, and as always you are instructed to save the world and stop the villains.
You can only rely on… Little Shop: World Traveler 1. Get ready to test your mini… Men in Black 3 v1. Click… Climate Mission 1. First, you need to sort out… Vehicle Traffic Extreme 1. In this game you will face police cars and trains that are not controllable by the player. Each car has 3 moving… The Avengers: The Mobile Game 1. But first he must divide and conquer the only ones that can stop him: The Avengers and S. Cow Tossing 1. Totally inaccurate. Arthur and his trusty Knights are on a sacred quest to seek the Holy Grail. They happen upon a castle inhabited by you,… Selective Detective 1.
And… Mobile Poker Club 3. Easy to play, hard to master. Challenge yourself with the computer opponents! You can play with your friends on… Fantasy Pool 1. There is no other rules than get balls to the bags as fast as possible. However in the billiard table there is some… Snake 1. And… Heart Mania 1. In this game a heart will appear on screen for some seconds at different places and disappear.
You have to find out the… Head Fall 1. In this fast mountain climbing game, your goal… Phoenix 1. As you help and watch one of its younglings blossom into a full adult that is as beautiful as its world, and as… Championship Racing v1. When the checkered flag stirs and you challenge the best drivers in the world on tours of Australia or Singapore. Hop in your… Bumbee 1. The… Slapillar 1. Defend your tree by killing all of them!
But dont forget you shouldnt kill… The Green Hornet: Official Movie Game 1. The… Bubble Island 1. Spiders, which more will be on your way and try to prevent you from access to the… Majesty: Hankering for a new adventure and some new enemies to… P. Doom has secretly built his impregnable underwater fortress. From his cold lair, he contemplates… Agneepath 1. Based on the movie… T20 Cricket v1. The experience of the T20 season, choose from several game modes, including quick match and challenges. On which… Red Skies 1. Simple aspects… Black Jack Universe 1. So… Gumps Chocolate Puzzle 1. Prepare to be insulted!
Insult Master 1. Cricket Fever 1. Cl… 10 Tic Tac Toe 1. Here you have 10 different, extremely funny, skins — bricks, abstract, wood, metal, grass, black, paper, drops, digital, skin. You… Hercules 1. Nasey time Disney encourages you to unite with the strong man, experiencing exciting… Wonder Zoo 1. Have you always dreamed of running your own zoo? Make the most entertaining and attractive zoo to increase its reputation. The player can swap the position of any two cards. Double Trouble 1. Puzzle — Putting the crystal in the right place.
Memory — Find two identical cards. Police cars, extreme sports, a lot of crazy bonuses and all this in the… Bubble Birds 2 v2. Every day over 1. Get going on the beach, sift the depth and make a foray into the Antarctic to satisfy your… Wrath of the Titans 1. Take on the Perseus and embark on a dangerous mission into the underworld to rescue Zeus, who was… Nukkad Cricket 1.
So what are you waiting for just play the Nukkad Cricket, select… John Carter v1. John — the hero and veteran of the U. Note the brand and product names are tagged lines. Hit out! Punch Out! Have fun; knock Gumbo out flat to win this game! Collect money to buy a new bike and use a feature of Typhoon to beat all opponents on… [Signed] Protoxide: Death Race 1. Tilt the phone to move Ernie, and… Iron Worm 1. That is not so amusing. By pronouncement of good King Arthur, I extend to you an invitation: Be the first person to click on a strange combination to win this game.
Cl… Freddy: Destroy all the bricks, collect bonuses and avoid traps and use special skills to win! Escape the nightmare… John Carter 1. Civil War, which by chance and… Nu, pogodi! Now get this award winning game optimized with HD graphics for your Nokia Symbian device. Sensible Sudoku includes everything that makes playing Sudoku on a… XDancery v1.
A mobile phone games, to support two kinds of play, touch and play disc mode mode. Traintiles is an exciting new puzzle game for your mobile phone! Do you have what it takes to be the best Railroad Engineer? Bugs want it. So there is absolutely no other alternative than to…Smoke the Bugs! Use a magnifying glass to prevent bugs getting your… Brain Power 1. Did you always forgot sth.? This game is a brain trainer. You should remeber all the symbols… Hugo Retro Mania 1. Remember when Hugo ravaged the whole world with his amazing TV-show, running inside the mine.
Peak Gold 1. Grab the stuffaround and throw them into the Bin, but… Amazing TD 0. Build on their way to a variety of traps, and the strengthening of military positions. It is your job to destroy… Fix The Net v1. You tap… Catch Cock 1. Dominoes 1. Three game modes, simple rules and intuitive interface — you spend a lot of hours in this relaxing game!
Travel through four distinct maps of water, fire, air and earth. But the zombies have been put in motion and are determined to exterminate to the last human being. The only defense of humanity… Raindom Words 1. However in the billiard table there is some… 15 24 Slide Puzzle 1. It is fun for you and your children. You can choose between numbers or a picture to reorder. Official Game 1. Shoot to kill and annihilate your enemy. A all fire power game where you down with your guns blazing. Click below to download… Earth Calling 1.
Earth Calling 1. You have a time limit to do it and your shovel will break if it takes too… Motocross Masters 1. Just step in to this protracted game up to 20 plus levels. Build your own drains. Place pipes on map to allow transport water from start point to end.
Simple, but fun game with classic jumping theme. Similar games are: City and country, sea and gorgeous arms company! And all this in a completely new game Worms Reloaded! Click… Word Cracker 1. A time based word game that challenges the players to make the maximum number of words from a given word within limited time… NCIS TV 2: But despite being an inexperienced college student, you have managed to stay alive… so far. The Fantasy Kingdom Sim 1. Step up to the one of the most fast paced, action packed, table tennis games around.
Welcome to The World Of Rabbit! Embark on a quest that will take you… Angry Birds Rio 1.

In the office, wielding real wolf-werewolf. We are in , in the metropolis of Sky City. The goal is to get the red block out of the board by sliding the other blocks out of the way. Unblock Me… Cut the Rope v1. Play against your phonefrom 4 different levels: The game keeps the score for You, the… Photo Match 1. Drag one tile above its match to make a pair disappear. The game is won when all tiles… Bee Twist 1. Touch and drag the bee to the hive while collecting the flowers and also avoid the… Zuminja 1. In fact, we at Ximad — the Ninja and Panda experts — love it so much that we hired… Asphalt 6: Rules are really easy,… Monkey Island 0.
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Throw the fruits at the monkey to terminate them. Brace on for an adventure to… Iced In 1. Free the penguin from its cage in each level. To free the penguin push ice blocks onto each big red switch. All switches must… Shark Attack 1. Outwit sharks and not be their next meal protein. Just rotate your device like a real kaleidoscope to get infinite number of beautiful pictures.
Diverse backgrounds and can be shown on a snowy effect. Symbian S60v5: Collect bonus elements that will give you extra points and help you… Help Mouse 1. MOUSE is a simple but very addictive puzzle game. The goal is to help the mouse escape from the trap and find the exit in… Drop 1. On past discs with numbers, you will… Golden Collection 1. Are you looking for another way to challenge your… Dream Coaster 1. Collect the various stars for extra points, life and time as you drive along. A fun game for all ages. For the first time a… Color Decode Ex 1.
But there are variety of colors of birds, To be the king of the birds, you must decode what color of… Monsterit 1. Winning is not easy, the tracks are filled with different… Pirates tour on the Caribbean 1. Unfortunatly the wind is blowing so… Actresses PhotoMatch 1. The game is won when all tiles… Flick It 1.
To answer correctly, select the correct number. The game has three… Blackjack Caribbean 1. Somewhere in the Caribbean, deep in the hold of a fast ship under a Jolly Rodger you are offered… High Hats 1. Donut and the gang attack! Beat them back in the kitchen labyrinth! An astonishing new premiere of a cult game.
Millions of fans around the globe! Weave… BriX 4D Full 1. Tons of bricks waiting just for you and your massive paddle. Release the canaries to get your answers. The 1st player… Droplets 2 v1. Challenge your mind and recharge your spirit getting away from the city buzz. Meditate gathering all… Vikings Can Fly! He casually met… Trix II 4. Discover the most famous card game in the Middle East and compete against ultra-realistic opponents. Take orders and throw together some fresh, tasty tacos as quick as you can in this fast-paced, streamline… Fantasy Pool 1. However in the billiard table there is some… Speedfest 1.
Speedfest straps you onto a rocket-sled going at breakneck speeds, your mission is to… Astro 1. Play in Endless mode and try to get all the achievements… Parking 1. Frog Parking 1. Go out and make snowball fight with your friends to be more active. The idea of the game is… A-Line Three 1. The idea of the game is to make a line of three coins while hindering the opponent from… Make Your Box 1.
Join the dots and make your box to win this game. Make Your Box 1. Help them to cross the road without getting mowed down by the tank. Snail Savior 1. A player forms images of scattered fragments. The game offers 20 boards to form which are divided into four… Slice Ice! Use your finger to cut pieces of any shape away from the ice, but keep the… Jelly Wars 1. Jelly Wars is a turn-based strategy game where two players battle by… Ninja Shooter 1. Pandas vs Ninjas the epic eastern clash! Faithless… Tank Hero 1. Take out your enemies with cannons, heat seekers, and howitzers.
Battle against cunning enemies and become… Hand Of God 1. Because of a volcano erupts several buildings go up in flames. Take the role of God and touch the screen to save the people from the… Fox and Geese 1. This game is known since 14th century. It probably originated in Scandinavia, as a variant of Tafl. In the… Crystal Wave 1. Compete to be on the top of the online highscore list!
Crystal Wave 1. Tumble a rectangular… Bemoneyed 1. Your objective is to match the sparkling coins and to form a horizontal or vertical chain of three or more… Dewan of Kout 2. Slide your finger on the screen and race through floating gates and tunnels, collecting bonuses and performing… Galaxy War 1. Push your stars on galaxy to kill asteroid monsters.
Destroy asteroid as much as possible to protect galaxy. Click below… Dawn Of The Fly: The specs! All look the same! The glowing brine. The soft black rain. Dawn Of The FLy is back!!! This time the flies have risen for revenge! Click… Dawn Of The Fly: Chapter 1 v1. No information remains to which power… Christmas Mice 1. You can choose complexity, speed and time of game.