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Il doit y avoir un petit bug??? Par exemple: Open your iPhone's Settings. This app is grey with gears displayed on it. You'll typically find Settings on the Home Screen. Scroll down and tap Battery. It's in the top quarter of options on the "Settings" page.
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Slide Battery Percentage right to the "On" position. You'll see a number and a percent sign appear in the top-right corner of your iPhone's screen. The number here reflects the amount of battery life remaining for your iPhone's current charge. If you have Low Power Mode enabled, the battery percentage will display regardless of this setting.

It is not possible to enable battery percentage on any iPod Touch using the system software. This is because the iPod Touch lacks the hardware to properly display a battery percentage. If your iPod Touch is jailbroken, you can install a tweak that will allow you to view your percentage, but these are inaccurate more often than not. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2.