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Submitted by a reader, Ruler is a ridiculously simple but actually useful app. All it does is display a ruler with inch and centimeter markings on the screen so you can measure stuff with just your phone. Before you can use the app for the first time you have to calibrate it with a real ruler. When you are done with the calibration tap the screen or press OK or Enter to hide the on screen buttons or labels and make the ruler full screen.
PicoWireless has released version 3. It lets you message your friends and share images, music, videos and graphical stickers. The free SMS function current only works for sending to phones in India, where hike is based.
Application description
It may work on other Nokia S40 phones and some Sony Ericsson phones. The jad link at the bottom of the page is a signed version that should work on all the supported phones. If you get a error on an unsupported phone try using this unsigned jad. You can also try downloading the app directly from hike.
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New features in PicoFinance 3. PicoScoop 3. New features in this release include: Ability to turn images off to save both bandwidth charges and speed delivery of content. Ability to refresh the main page.
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Members in the Live Chat will hear you immediately. Only one person can talk at a time. The indicator light will turn red if you press the button while others are speaking, and you won't be able to talk. Select "…" at the top right corner. You can share the group chat QR code via email or save it to your device. People can scan the QR code with WeChat to join this group chat. If your friend has not sent you a message in the past 10 minutes, you need to send them an invite message and get a response in order to call them.
Select "Video Call" again in the chat window. Your friend will see the following window and can tap Accept to start. You can switch between Video and Audio modes during the call. Features: Talk faster on the go with voice messages Crystal clear voice and video calls Instant messaging with group chats and animated smileys Chat with your friends or with people nearby Sending photos and videos has never been simpler Real walkie talkie mode with up to 40 friends Always on, no logouts, never miss a message Get message alerts instantly with push notifications Share, like, and comment on photos with your friends Import contacts and add friends instantly Available on Android and all other smartphones, all for free More Features What's New: macOS version updated to 2.
A whole new design with a clearer, more intuitive interface Configure an alert from a chat's settings screen for a special alert when receiving a message From the stickers panel, create and send a selfie sticker Added Direct Download link which contains the. Read more. Apps similar to WeChat WhatsApp for Android 2.
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