Iphone 4 no wifi greyed out solution
The resolution involves resetting networking settings and, if all else fails, doing a full software reset in iTunes - suggesting that it's a software problem. In rare instances, the setting to turn on Wi-Fi on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch may appear "grayed out" or dim.
If this occurs, you will not be able to turn Wi-Fi on. Some users are reporting that Apple's fix has resolved their problems, but others are claiming it hasn't done the trick. Those still suffering from the problem believe that the recent iOS 7 update has unearthed a hardware defect inherent in the iPhone 4S. With one user on Apple's support forums adding that "The problem always existed in the device, because the device was defective, but that defect was not revealed until the HEAT that is produced as a byproduct of the update process caused the wi-fi chip to fail. Apple are advising users still unable to turn Wi-Fi on to "Contact Apple for support and service options".
Those whose device is still in warranty should be able to get their device replaced or fixed free of charge. However, if your device is outside Apple's 1 year warranty period then you may have to pay for it to be fixed, or buy a replacement model. Those unwilling to pay could try placing their smartphone in the freezer for a few minutes inside a sealed bag, something that users on the support form claim has done the trick for them.
However, you do so at your own risk and we advise users to contact Apple support before doing anything. Double Data. Pay as You Go Reward Points. SIM Only Offers. Online since Secure site. Categories Reviews News Guides. Network Coverage Checker Improve Signal. We have been having problems with iPhone 4S and since the hair dryer fix it's all good. Wish I could remember who told me how to do this cus I would thank them.
Austin Harris. There could be several issues causing this. If you've already tried the basics such as restoring which i doubt will help then you should check to make sure the wifi grounding chip is in place along with its corresponding screw. The top LONG screw needs to be in place as well as a tiny seemingly pointless piece of grounding metal on the back of the plate cover. I cant seem to find a picture but if i do, ill post it for ya here.
Long screw is only important for iPhone 4 GSM. Also, greyed out wifi always means that system did not properly recognize the wifi hardware. If still doesn't work. Then the wifi chip is dead. Thank you Tom and Austin!
What to Do When Wifi Greyed Out iPhone iOS 12? Four Methods!
It does appear that the issue could be bad contacts from the small plate with the screw. So I did bend the 2 prongs out slightly to make better contact. It seems to work now but time will tell! I do appreciate your help. Thank you.
Stephen Donnan. I decided to change to a HTC one which is a much better phone.
Why Is The Wi-Fi Grayed Out On My iPhone?
Anyway now I didn't need the iPhone 4s I tried a solution I saw on utube. Turn the phone off and wrap the phone in a cloth and put it in the freezer for 20 mins.
Take it out and switch it on and you wont believe it but it now works, WiFi is on and connect to networks at home and at work. No idea why cooling the phone fixes it but who cares it's now for sale on eBay!! This fix worked on my 4s. Dropped it and broke the back glass. Noticed the wifi went out the next day.
Replaced the glass via amazon and then disassembled to point of accessing the wifi chip. For heat, I used a butane torch with 'hot air' tip so it isn't direct flame and just heated it till I could just hold my finger on without burning I don't have a thermometer to test.
Top 6 Ways to Fix iPhone WiFi Greyed out (iOS 13 Supported)
Reassembled and bam! Many thanks!!! Yolo's repair trick by heating up the wifi chip for about 15 seconds up to around degrees F does work, but it seems to be only temporary because Apple has not corrected the iOS 7 programming program.. I followed Todd's advice and only took out the battery and the EMI shield I had to repeat the process two weeks later because it most likely overheated again.
Thanks for the great tips! Had the same problem after updating the software twice recently. I put it in the feezer and this fixed the problem for only a few hours. I then tried the hairdryer and it only worked for a few hours too. But then I read that you need to get the iphone really hot and focus on the top right section of the front of the phone with the hairdryer.
I used the hairdryer for minutes and the phone was quite hot. I read the hotter the better but I didnt want to risk too much heat. But it was hot after this. I immediately switched on the iphone and my wifi signal was better then ever. After a few weeks I then received another ios update and decided to chance the update a few days ago. I immediately lost the wifi again but repeated the hairdryer treatment and once again wifi back and working really well. So, try it and see. Definitely worked for me. Genius Bar gent told me that this is a hardware problem that Apple is having randomly with 4s phones.
I had backed up yesterday. He smiled took my phone and produced a new 4s that works fine at least so far. Hair dryer trick has worked for me 3 times now. Each reset has lasted about a week. Apple insists its a hardware problem and since the phone is over a year old won't replace it without paying full retail. Not happy with Apple at all. Danila Vershinin. The blowdryer method is actually working. Had stable Wi-Fi connectivity for 5 days. Michael Abejo. I just turned my phone off.
I let it rest for minutes then turned it back on. Wifi is not greyed out anymore but I still can't connect to any networks. Everytime I try to connect to a network it will only tell me that it is unable to do so. Then, whenever i tried to turn it off, my screen would freeze. I guess I just have to drain the battery totally and let it rest for hours, or days, then I'll try if it will work again then.
With hopes! Its almost as though the phones are programmed to stop working so you need to pay for a replacement or upgrade..
Solution No.2: Reset network settings.
This problem is all over the internet, most time there is no reason for it, phone isn't hot or even warm. In most cases the phone is literally not even being held. Ive seen this all to often to be just a technical fluke. I've worked for Bell mobility, Telus mobility and ive seen this probelm atleast once every 2 weeks, some weeks ive seen it up 4 -7 times. And it always seems to be between 1.
I can accept that it could be a faulty transmitter and reciever but it happens accross all iphones and not just the older models Why do people have to pay for a replacement when its clearly a manufacturer defect? This is unacceptable to me. Just another cash cow, weather it was intended or not. I currently work at sasktel in canada cell carrier and i was helping a lady with her personal hotspot and the BT and WIFI stopped working right in the middle our session.

I can vouch for this heating method. The bluetooth was showing an address under settings but would continuously be initialising itself.