Iphone sim card error 4s
You saved me a trip to my phone store! Ok so I removed my sim card and cleaned it. Any suggestions? Any other suggestions please?!! I tried it and it seems to have worked on my iphone 5. Really thought I was going to have to get a new phone and it is never a good time to come up with the money for that!! Hi, I have a problem.

Do you know what could be causing this? You are going to have to reach out to your carrier on this one.
Why Does My iPhone Say "No Sim Card Installed"?
Probably a hardware issue. You can try rebooting device. I doubt the dirty SIM card is your issue here. I was freaking out when I got this error on my brand-new phone and this fixed it right away! My ipad operated for two years without a problem but since the update it pops up every 15 minutes and my iPad operates off wifi without a SIM card, any ideas please? However, the issue still persists. The SIM works fine when I test it on another unlocked phone. Took it to Apple, they say the phone looks fine, there is no water damage too. Please Help!! Apple should replace it or take it to carrier?
Thanks so much! I have been experience problems with my sim card lately and this actually solved it! Thanks again! I have been trying to fix this the whole day. The alcohol trick worked like magic, thanks so much! I recently updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 8. It stopped searching signal so my phone was on No SIM for two days until I tried removing the sim for the nth time and it finally worked perfectly again. Is it the phone or the sim? This tip worked perfectly thanks so much! I had the same issue last night and was concerned that I would have to go to the Apple Store for the solution.
The sim card may be damaged.
Was really dreading spending more time at Bell and Apple they always blame each other. Found this tip after trying other fixes. It worked instantly! Many, many thanks! There is three time one is erase my phone. Second time restart my phone. Using ios 8. My sim work at my pad. My phone sim tray are normal please help how can I do. Can I complant to warea ity? They will replace for free. Go into store and ask for a new one. Did you try alcohol swab first? I am using my Iphone 5 with a Gevey R-sim9 card.
Sim card is OK, I checked witk other phones.
8 Solutions for When Your iPhone Says No SIM
Is the problem from phone or Gevey R-sim9 card? Thanks man, i just came from the maintenance center in my city after changing the lock button. I restored my iPhone, then when i finished, I got that problem.. I am having this problem on my phone. My phone is an alcatel one touch idol 2 mini s. Who should I do? Thanks so much worked for my IPhone 6. It is only 6 days old. Great TIP. I have this issue with a I phone 4! What is the fix for this problem???? There is no sim card to remove and clean in the 4. I just tried updating my iphone 4 yesterday, and got this same message, on both my computer and on my phone.
My iphone 4 is a verizon phone, and has no place for a SIM card to even be installed…. I had just come from the store the other day and the man helping me must have gotten his grubby fingers onto my SIM card. I did a restore to fix music sync issue. They absolved themselves of responsibility. Say I have to take it to my wireless carrier. Hope you will help me as you did for many.
Can you please adivse for this. Then later point it failed. Waiting for your reply. Hi ethervision, i recently came from qatar,doha to India,here i am insertn Vodafone,relinace sim my iPhone 5s shws no sim,where as my qatar sim works efficently…last time i visited India i had taken Airtel sim n it worked…soo wt solution you come up with? I used a small amount of vodka on end of an ear bud and it worked. I tried twice already but it still didnt work.
But this time it wont work even with the alcohol. May be a bad connector on your device itself. Had the same issue. I found out that is the tray. I just switched trays between 2 phones.. Solved now. Worked like a charm on iPhone 6 Plus. Thank you!!!! Try hard resetting phone before you throw in the towel. If it is Verizon pre-paid then they should be able to help you.
I bought a phone from my Friend and he says the phone is aid for it just needs the SIM card slot clean, how do I do this? Tried this and it worked!!!! Thanks heaps! Hi, i have an iphone 4,i accidentally dropped it or rather it fell and now it keeps telling me to insert sim even when the sim is correctly inserted. Done airplane mode and network reset.
Worked perfectly pulled sim out cleaned and putt back in keep white side with name on it face up! Many thanks indeed. I actually used acetone nail varnish remover. It worked perfectly using a q-tip. Then clean off dry with another q-tip.
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Great tip…thansk again. I was afraid when suddenly pop up comes that no sim!!!! But i tried your trick and wow!!!! It works i am very thank ful to you. But it will only connect to my phone when I rebook and it only registers for a few mins until I get the no sim sign. Any ideas? Its not working,i have tried cotton and alcohol Still showing no sim card or searching. I have the latest iPhone SE and it fell into the toilet and sat in there for about seconds before I noticed it was in there along with my other purse contents.
I did not turn the phone off immediately, in fact, I dialed out to a couple of family members to test it out. After researching, I attempted the bag of rice tip. I turned my phone off and put it into a bag of rice. Pure genius not really Needless to say, rice got inside the phone via SIM card tray and I only knew this because the tray resisted sliding in. So, the genius in me grabbed a flashlight and a paper clip and as carefully as possible, removed the 2 grains of rice. Now it is not reading the SIM card and I will never know whether it is because of water or paper clip because I never turned my phone back on before removing the SIM card.
I am conflicted and need help. My phone is insured and I am an honest woman and really pride myself on doing so but I am also aware that it is possible that it may not be covered because of both reasons. It was simple, non-techie, and took about 5 minutes total time. Thanks for the very helpful advice! Follow these steps or watch video to fix your sim card. My husband has the iPhone 6 and his sim just stopped working randomly. He goes through straight talk and we called them to try and fix the problem.
Straight talk told us to take th sim out and put it back in. We did that and it worked for a few hours but went back to the searching concept. Some times it does work but only for a short time during the day. We have factory reset the phone, rebooted it, cleared all data, and so on and nothing seems to be working. Any thought? Thank you it worked perfectly!! However, my phone often just shuts down I have to recharge it and sometimes it will come back on hours later its a iphone 5 what is it that will cause this problem?
Shutting down of phone would be unrelated. Thank you However, my phone often just shuts down I have to recharge it and sometimes it will come back on hours later its a iphone 5 what is it that will cause this problem? Hi I am struggling with a Cat B15Q phone. What can we do to fix that please. I have a straight talk iphone and mine seems to get the message when I lose service at home and try and run on wifi only.
Dead area right in my house but up the road and down there is service. I literally have to remove my sim card when i get home to even use the phone on wifi. Any Ideas? Straight talk says ts the phone but the phone works well any other time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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Fix the No SIM Card Installed Error on your iPhone
To fix it just follow the steps below or watch the video: Pop out the sim card by putting a small paperclip or pin into the tiny hole on the side of your iPhone. Push hard so it pops out. Take the card out of the little tray. Remember how it looks when it was in so you can put back correctly. Put some rubbing alcohol on the end of a Q-Tip. Rub the copper side of the sim card thoroughly. Wait a minute to let it dry. Stick the card back in the slot. Problem should be solved. Learn How to Fix any iPhone Problem. About the Author: Related Posts. How to Defeat iPhone Battery Issues.
Best Ways to Backup Your iPhone. Apple iPhone X Event Recap. Littlesquirrelrk November 26, at 3: Ethervision December 4, at 7: Michaela Morris May 23, at Ethervision May 26, at As long as you have a sim card, it works fine. Jeremiah Pettinato August 6, at 1: In the upper left hand corner it says invalid sim on my iPhone 6… what does that mean?
Ethervision August 13, at 4: Try removing sim and putting back in. Creaza July 23, at 2: Dhdh August 5, at 1: Mihir Kulkarni January 22, at 5: I pay 30 a month for LTE unlimited on my 5c. Ahmed Nagy August 6, at 3: I dropped my phone and its says sim card failure what do i do? Jocellyne August 14, at 9: Ethervision September 9, at 3: Jack Gat December 18, at 1: Enus McGee January 6, at 1: Had a look at the SIM and what do you know, a huge dirty fingerprint mark on it!
Thanks guys! Ethervision January 24, at 4: Arlene February 2, at 1: Terry March 7, at 4: Tyler January 27, at Rory February 1, at 4: Never even took SIM card out before but the trick works! G February 1, at 6: Worked a treat! Aariq August 13, at 2: Ethervision August 14, at Yonatan February 2, at Tim February 17, at 1: Kate February 20, at 9: In spanish: Funciono, realmente ya daba por perdido mi iPhone, muchas gracias! Aakash February 24, at 6: Just tried it and it works like a charm. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work. Trisha March 6, at 6: Adam March 15, at Pauly Nutz March 17, at 8: Satyajit Pujari March 21, at 7: Lightingboy April 2, at 6: None of my phones have SIMs cards but the other one updated fine.
Night0wl April 4, at John Longly April 12, at 3: D0peboyfresh April 16, at 4: Heather April 18, at 8: Preethi April 18, at 9: Diamond April 24, at 6: Leodiana April 27, at Saanj April 29, at 1: Ethervision April 29, at 3: Go to wireless carrier store and install there. Succeeded on my iPhone 5s.
Michelle May 14, at 8: Ashraf May 22, at 9: My iphone4s not working simcard. It show No sim installed how to fix it.
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Phil Wuenstel May 27, at 8: JD May 30, at Dianne June 10, at 2: CC June 14, at Dax June 21, at 8: MN June 28, at Ethervision July 14, at Anyting with a sim card. The error messages are probably different. Ethervision July 15, at 4: Harita July 17, at Alex July 27, at 3: Melanie July 28, at 9: Ethervision July 31, at Greg Taylor July 31, at Shan Zayd August 2, at Molly August 2, at 5: Ethervision August 4, at T8Ella August 6, at 5: Ethervision August 7, at 2: Teresa hennessy August 14, at 4: Dirty August 7, at 4: Ethervision August 8, at Tatiana August 8, at 1: Tatiana August 8, at Ela August 14, at 7: Do I need to turn off my phone before doing this process?
Ed August 18, at 9: Ethervision August 18, at 3: Maybe get a can of pressurized air or lightly tap on something soft? Ed August 18, at Gloi5 August 18, at 6: Carol August 22, at 8: Ethervision August 26, at 3: Jan August 24, at 9: This question is asked by iPhone users across the world. It occurs when an iPhone cannot recognize the SIM inserted in it and hence unable to connect to cellular network, make or receive phone calls, and send messages. There is no need to worry if you also see such a message on your home screen indicating an error of SIM Card not detected on iPhone, because it can be fixed by you at home.
This article will help you understand the possible causes and solutions for the problem that iPhone shows no SIM Card is installed. This is an easy and simple remedy. Visit Control Center and tap on Airplane icon. After about ten to fifteen seconds turn the mode off and see if the SIM Card is getting detected. The SIM Card tray slot must be kept clean and dust free at all times. Ensure this by first ejecting the SIM tray and then cleaning the slot with an unused soft bristle toothbrush or with a paper clip. Now re-seat the SIM in the tray and place them back in the slot carefully.
Insert the clip in the small hole on the tray and press lightly. The tray automatically pops-out. Now pull the tray out of the slot. Carefully examine that the tray is not disfigured or damaged. It must hold the SIM Card firmly. If the tray seems to be lose, i. It could damage your SIM and iPhone permanently. Another simple yet effective DIY technique to verify whether or not your carrier settings are updated.
This ensure all changes made by your carrier company to enable your iPhone to connect to a network are installed in your device. It is advisable to always use your iPhone with the latest iOS version. You must regularly check to download updates in Settings and install them to ensure your iPhone is secure and free from any software malfunctions that could sette the problem of iPhone not reading SIM Card.