Samsung galaxy s3 email accounts disappear
This article helps troubleshoot email issues on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. You may have email issues if you're unable to:. These steps help identify and resolve the underlying cause. After completing each step, test to see if the issue is fixed.
Why does email disappear from my phone? - Ask Leo!
If not, continue to the next step. On your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. If you recently updated your email account password, you also have to update the email settings on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. Double-check that you have set up your email account correctly on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. Be sure that you've entered the exact settings for each email account you want to access. The instructions are different depending on the type of email account you're trying to set up. This is the most common scenario and includes all major public email providers such as Yahoo!
This step doesn't delete any of your emails. It only removes the link to your account for now. Remove an email account. Sprint recommends that you contact your IT department for the correct setup information. You'll need your server address, domain, username, and your corporate password. After you have this information, set up the Microsoft Exchange account. Note: To optimize device performance, be sure your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.
Check for software updates. If you're still having issues, try the Sprint Community pages or contact Samsung for further assistance:.
Help, My Samsung Galaxy S3 Deletes Emails After I Read Them
Troubleshoot issues related to email on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. You may have email issues if you're unable to: Send emails Receive emails These steps help identify and resolve the underlying cause. Verify mobile data is enabled. Hi Michaela Strobilus, Thanks for coming back here. Just to make sure that the rear camera has no problem, try using the rear camera with other apps, e.
Hi, My phone won't connect to wifi so I went to go into settings and it's gone. Any ideas on how to fix? It is new.. Cannot press it and not planning to. Help me please. Hi Lia D. While you're in the Downloaded tab in the Application manager, tap the Menu key and then select "Reset app preferences" followed by tapping "Reset apps". Do this action will re-enable all disabled apps. Once done, go to your App drawer and then check the Camera app. I knew it was hidden somewhere but couldnt find it.
Thank you very much for the easy find. When I swipe to open, the icon is gone, and it is not in apps. I have opened the camera from the start page by touching the icon and swiping, so I know that it works, but I cannot get to the camera from the desktop. I have reset every way I know possible. I have uninstalled updates, reset preferences, etc.
The camera is not in the list of disabled apps, or anywhere listed. How do I get the icon for the camera to show up in the list of apps or on the desktop? Post a Comment Hi the insiders, Thanks for coming and I hope you can get something useful here. Before submitting your comment to ask about an issue, please make sure to provide information as much as possible at least write your model number and Android version and describe the problem clearly.
The last, if you have a question and can't find the relevant article, please feel free to reach me through the Contact us page. I'll be more than happy to reply the email and answer the question :. By Rehan December 20, One of the most common problem experienced by the user once they updated their phone to this new operating system is that they start receive recurring old download in their notification list and sadly it's can't be cleared from there.
To fix this problem, you should clear all the download histories in the Download app or clear cache and data in the Downloads or Download manager through the Settings menu. Unfortunately, an insider has told me through the email that she can't find the Downloads app through the app drawer when she wants to clear the download histories. After some further investigation, apparently this app is disabled after update to the Android 4. How to fix missing apps in Android 4. A confusing part to enable disabled apps in Android 4.
If previously you can find the disabled app is listed in the very bottom of the All screen in application manager, now all the disabled apps will be listed under Turned off screen. Well, here's the steps to enable disabled apps in Android 4. Tap More. Tap Application manager. Swipe the screen to the left until you find Turned off screen. You can find all of the disabled apps in here. In this case, tap Downloads. Tap Turned on button to enable the apps. Restart the phone. Once the phone is turned on, now you should see the Downloads app in the app drawer and let you clear the download histories from there.
For the record, you can also use the steps above to enable another disabled app or to bring back the missing apps after updating the phone to the Android 4. So, hope this helps :. Labels Android 4. Labels of this post: Android 4. Rehan 12 May at MFer 14 July at Rehan 14 July at Rehan 31 July at Xyrill Dingle 29 September at Rehan 29 September at Laura Coburn 1 February at Rehan 3 February at Cholesterolman 22 February at Rehan 22 February at Cholesterolman 23 February at Pooja modi 18 March at Rehan 18 March at Rehan 27 May at Enrique Benitez 28 June at Rehan 29 June at Muhammed Bilal 29 June at Michaela Strobilus 5 October at Rehan 5 October at Michaela Strobilus 6 October at Rehan 6 October at Debra Rurak 31 October at Lia D.
Rehan 17 April at John High 17 August at Unknown 12 March at Popular posts from this blog. By Rehan February 21, If you have difficulty to manually move the text cursor when reviewing or editing a long text you have written, you can act the Samsung keyboard in your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge as a text cursor controller by enabling the cursor control feature so you can easily move the cursor within the text field simply by sliding your finger across the keyboard.
Troubleshoot issues related to email on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0
How to enable the cursor control feature in the Samsung keyboard? Assuming that the predictive text feature is enabled, you can turn on the cursor control feature in the Samsung keyboard by using the following steps: On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
Scroll down to the screen to find Language and input and then tap it.

Tap Samsung keyboard. Alternatively, when you're entering text, you can quickly go to the Samsung keyboard settings by long tapping the key in the left side of the space bar and then tap. Scroll down the screen, tap Keyb….
Complete Android Outlook Sync with no additional app.
Read more. By Rehan March 12, Messaging app is one of stock apps in the Samsung Galaxy SIV that can be used by the user to communicate with another phone users.
With this app, you're allowed to send either text or multimedia messages to the desired contact. See also: 4 Methods to Send a Message in the Samsung Galaxy S4 To facilitate the user, this Messaging app has equipped with some features, one of which is a text signature. How to enable and add your own text signature? Below are the steps to do so: Open Messaging app. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
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Scroll down to find Signature settings section and then tick the box next to Add signature to include signature in each message. Tap Signature text. Type your own signature here. It may be your name or something you want everyone to read it. Tap OK button.