Solar charger app for android mobile
Please clear my concept regarding this issue. Related Discussions: Is it OK to charge my Android mobile with the common Universal charger?
About Solar Charger For Mobile
Will it create any problem? Unable to charge an android tablet either via Normal charger or USB charger. What to do? Not able to charge my Android Incredible mobile? Anyone faced the same problem? Wall charger not working for Ematic Android tablet Micromax A73 phone stops charging after rooting. Join Date Apr Posts 1, I also had same que. So to clear my doubt i downloaded it!! All details of app is already given in the market.. The ans was as I expected..!!
I don't think it's working as a solar charger..!!
Solar Battery Fast Charger
It is simply a app for our entertainment!! Join Date Apr Posts Hello Friend, As far as charging your phone through sunlight is considered it's not possible until a phone have a solar charging panel. So the truth is that no app can charge act as a solar charger for your phone.
My sincere advise to you is that don't fell prey to these apps as you wound end up only damaging battery of your phone.
- Top 10 best solar battery prank apps (android/iPhone) .
- Charge your Android phone using a 'Solar Charger' app? Well, no | ZDNet.
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So here are some Best Solar battery apps Android It is best solar battery app Android This Solar charger prank just simulating and behave like and show that your battery level is increasing. This app is now more beneficial as it now Added with Battery Saver which extends battery life by stopping apps and increase charging speed.
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- How to Use Solar Charger Android app;
This Battery saver app also includes Power saver mode that shows the General mode, sleep mode, long standby, custom mode, and according to demand to select a different power saving mode. This app also states for Battery Current, Temperature, Voltage and Battery life status and it also monitor all apps that drain power and it remind users about high power consuming app while not in use and also Indicates how much power battery will be extended if you use.
It is also good app and Solar battery Charger app displays animation of mobile battery charging only in the presence of Light and it will check light sensor and display charging.
This app includes animation of battery charging between 6AM to 6PM and remaining time and it also show the solar battery will work only in the presence of sunlight. This is a prank app and only meant for entertainment purpose.
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- Solar Charger App Download for Android (% Working).
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Have this great app now and prank with your friends and family and have fun! Solar Mobile Charger Prank Android. This app is the simulation app of charging your Mobile Phone. This app is only meant for entertainment. If you like to prank your friends by showing that your battery charge with your thumb print using this Fingerprint battery charger. This Fingerprint Battery charger is only support the android app which is made to prank your friends. Fast Charging Solar Battery Prank.
Top 10 best solar battery prank apps (android/iPhone) 12222
This app is only meant for prank and entertainment. This Solar charger prank application just simulating and show that your battery level is increasing. This Fast Charging Solar Battery Prank is fun app, and it does not charge you mobile battery, it is just made for fun and entertainment only. If sunlight measure more than lx, your phone will be charged automatically. Solar Battery Charger is a Prank app and it is only meant for entertainment. It actually does not charge the battery at all.

This Solar battery charging application does not charge actual but behave as battery charge using solar energy. Solar charger app shows that the battery level is increasing and it has really nice graphics, attractive interface, looks and works like really loads. Have this app now and have fun with your friends.
Solar Charger For Mobile App Download
Solar Charger Simulator by jehanappsEntertainment Android. This application is just made for fun and entertainment purposes and with this you can prank your friends. Solar charger simulator App is the perfect solution to charge your phone, fast and environmental friendlly. If sunlight measure is sufficient, your phone will be charged automatically.