Windows phone fast app switching

What is a phone without Reddit? Baconit is a Reddit app for Windows Phone. It supports Live Tile pinning of subreddits and a clean UI. Perhaps you prefer Hacker News? That's available now too with the Hacker News Reader. I've got Spotify on four other devices and my PC so I need it on my phone too. Finally, it's here. It plays music in the background and under the lock screen and it integrates with the existing Music Hub so it doesn't feel like a 3rd class citizen. When I get tired of Spotify, sometimes I'll just let videos play with Vevo playlists. It also has a nice Live Tile.

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There is also Last. All the functionality is there and cleanly integrated with the Photos Hub. Crop, Rotate, Effects, etc. It's a must-have if you are doing any photography on your phone. Say what you will about using a supercomputersmartphonewith8megapixels to take crappy Polaroid pictures but I'm a big Instagram fan. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that Instagram the company is interested in fostering a 3rd party client application ecosystem because their API is effectively crippled with no upload support.

Seems odd. Also consider Flickr if you use that service. I'm a paying Dropbox user and a big fan. I can pin Dropbox folders to the start screen and email links to files in my Dropbox. I've got a few files on SkyDrive including some photos and OneNote files, so there's an official SkyDrive client as well. This app particularly shines when editing Word and Excel documents from the cloud on your phone.

Yes, Skype, baby. It's beta as of the time of this writng, so you can't search for it, you need to go get Skype for Windows Phone from this link or read their help page on Skype for Windows Phone. I'm less interested in the Video part, although that's cool, and more in the audio calls part. It's completely cut out international long-distance from my life, and I still get to talk on my same phone.

GroupMe might not seem obvious or essential at first, but my team uses it all the time. That means you can put together a group of family members and start a chat without paying for SMS costs, and everyone can talk to everyone at the time time across platforms. It's fantastically useful, especially if you want to include non-smartphone-using Dad or Mom on the social. Ya, they get their own category. Both apps are of exceedingly high quality. The Amazon Mobile app has UPC scanning as well as the ability to pin a scanning tile to you rhome screen so you can scan with one click.

The Kindle app is as you'd expect. It has a very nice theme but then turns into a clean reader when you are in the book with options for fonts and colors. Best part, it syncs you pages between all your Kindle devices. As an honorary mention to the Amazon section, check out Craigslist Mobile. A very attractive and polished app more than the CL website! I was impressed they had a native app.

Preview: Fast App Switching on Windows Phone 7

They are almost so useful that they should be built into the OS. That's when I know a utility is work my time Ok, I'll cheat, the first one is mine. It's http: I always think it's silly to get a fancy phone with a GPS to track it when it's lost. Why not just put your phone number on the wallpaper? Absolutely essential. Wiztiles Pro is a little hard to understand but if you use the phone for more than a day you'll immediately want what it has to offer.

It's essentially a shortcut creation kit. For example, I added custom shortcuts to my browser with a custom downloaded theme icon, added a directly link to Share Status.

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You can customize anything you like, even break large pictures up into tiles. You can customize the phone's tiles in ways you didn't think possible. It's really amazing. I use both regularly. If you've considered making an application of your own for the Windows Phone, here's a write-up on how I wrote my first app's first version in about 6 hours. I also have some podcasts you might be interested in:.

Hope you enjoyed this list. I was pleasantly surprised how many apps that I already use were available. Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way. About Scott Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. Sponsored By. Hosting By. Comments [60] Share on: Tuesday, February 28, You're missing the crucial Game's category! Aaron Corcoran. The write up link at the end is broken.

Nice roundup of apps. There are a few here I haven't seen yet. Daniel Sorensen. Good list and I'll be trying a few out too. Major missing app for me is Audible player. Scott Hanselman. I'm missing the ability to "like" this post to my Facebook ;-. Benjamin Howarth. So have you actually make a switch from iPhone to Windows Phone? If so, what do you use for GPS in particular, turn-by-turn directions and Siri? If you have 37 "must have" apps - when do you actually put the phone down and do something?


Alek - There are turn by turn directions already built into the phone. There are also other apps, like Nokia Maps that do the same thing. So, GPS already exists. Wednesday, February 29, Sweet, thanks. So if this have been fixed, and there is a free GPS with turn by turn directions [i.

It looks like the only major thing missing is Siri. I'm trying to figure out which way to go on my next upgrade, but have not decided between iPhone, Windows Phone, and Android, yet. Btw, here is an interesting comparison between the similar Windows Phone and iPhone apps: Like this quote: Thanks for the post.

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Will be helpful, if I go with Windows Phone. If you like movie apps you should check out GoodMovie a wonderful app by me haha! Alek - For what it is worth, I drove miles all over New England on vacation a place I had never been to see all the sights using the built-in Windows phone GPS maps and voice turn-by-turn directions and I found it to be very good. The Local Scout found excellent places to eat. The Trip Advisor app found great places to stay. First road trip ever without a paper map and we were never lost.

Boston's complicated downtown area was no problem for it. While I feel WP7 is missing some needed third party apps, I have always been satisfied with its maps, directions, and local scout. I read your original rant regarding not having a if found phone number on the lock screen. That continues baffles me and others I poll. A permanent wall of text over their wallpaper. You do, I get that. The Windows Phone does have something very like it already though. Granted, it's not instant but it can already do this.

Go to windowsphone. Select 'My Phone' and then 'Find my phone' Select 'Lock' Enter the message you want to appear on your phone lock screen and if you don't do this by default lock it with a pin. It also assumes your phone has connectivity, isn't overseas, or in a building. It assumes a lot of technology when simply putting your contact info even a sticker on the back! Wednesday, February 29, 1: Scott - I have a Focus as well and received a Lumia through the same promotion. Got any advice on how to switch to the Lumia preferably with the option to switch back and forth at will?

Alek Windows Phone has voice commands for many things in the OS although it isn't the same natural language that Siri uses. And if you are connected to bluetooth it will offer to read text to you etc. It isn't as feature rich as Siri but it is pretty good. From my uses it is more reliable in many cases as well. You should try it out! By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service.

I don't want to show my application's screenshot when it is in app-switching. I want to change it and put an image, how can I do it? This question has been asked before and already has an answer.

Fast App Switching does exist on 256 MB Windows Phones

If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. The purpose of using a screen shot of the app when the use left it is to provide appropriate context to the user. How can I change application's image when it is in fast-app-switching in Windows Phone?

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Here's how to quickly switch between apps in Windows Phone:. In Windows Phone, the Back button helps you switch between open apps. If you press it once, it takes you to the previous app that you opened. If you press and hold the Back button, you'll see a list with all your open apps. Tap the preview of the app you want to switch to and you are done. You can also use the app switcher to close apps by tapping the X sign on the top-right corner of the preview of the app that you want to close.

Now that you know how to quickly switch between apps in Windows Phone, you will be a lot more productive than you were before. As you can see, the app switcher is really easy to use. If you are looking for more useful tips and tricks about Windows Phone, read the guides recommended below. People have been continuously arguing about which is better: The debate never ends, and most people choose to be fans of iOS or Android, no matter what. I previously used a Motorola Nexus 6 smartphone running Android 7 Nougat.

I also reviewed many smartphones with Android, for my work here at Digital Citizen. How to use Diagnostic Data Viewer to learn what is not working in Windows 10 Windows 10 has made the headlines with the fact that it sends all kinds of data to Microsoft.

Fast App Switching does exist on MB Windows Phones - Jayway

To alleviate suspicions of wrongdoing, and increase transparency, Microsoft released the Diagnostic Data Viewer app which anyone can use to see what data Windows 10 sends to its parent company. One other convenient use of Diagnostic Data Viewer is for troubleshooting. With this app, you can see what does not work on your Windows 10 PC or device, what is causing the problems, and take measures to fix them. Here's how:. The same is true if you are using Office , and even if you use a smartphone with Android.

Are you wondering what OneDrive is and what it does? Do you want to know what the benefits are when using OneDrive? Read this article, as it explains everything you need to know:.