Are cell phone boosters dangerous
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Here's the story: While they can be used immediately without registering with your carrier, it's highly recommended to do for following reasons: No fees, no finger-wagging, no downgrade in performance, no interrogation. Nothing, just a simple by-the-way notice. In the very, very small chance your booster does cause interference, having a registered booster allows the carrier to remedy the situation without any liability to you.
Not registering, however, may produce different outcomes. According to Dr Ajay Purung of the Metro Group of hospitals in Noida, the radiation is particularly harmful for pregnant women. However, not everyone in the medical fraternity agrees with Aggarwal and Purung. There is not enough scientific evidence.
More studies have to be done, people have to be observed over a period of time. It puts radiation from cellphones and microwaves in the same cancer risk category as lead, DDT and chloroform. Jul 26, Kapil Datta Hindustan Times.

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Cellular Phone Towers
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