Call in planning application secretary of state

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Called-in planning application
Anyone can ask for a planning application to be called-in. Applicants should give clear reasons why they think that the application should be called-in, including why it is of more than local importance.
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Further information on the criteria for calling in on the planning applications and recovered appeals can be accessed here. The Secretary of State has to take published government policy into account when deciding whether or not to call in a planning application, and when making the decision. All representations received prior to the Representation Hearing were taken into account prior to the Mayor making his decision.
The documents can be viewed on the datastore here. The Secretary of State has directed that the application shall be referred to him instead of being dealt with by the Mayor. The Planning Inspectorate are now dealing with the case. In due course, an Inspector will be appointed and an Inquiry will be held.
Calling in a planning application - Commons Library briefing - UK Parliament
Details of the Inquiry will be published here when this has been arranged. Interested persons may attend the Inquiry personally or through a representative and, at the Inspector's discretion, give their views. Sign up.
No thanks. Background to the public hearing. The GLA reference is a.