Dg shipping cdc application status
Date and Place of. Descrip- tion of voyage.
To be entered by the Seaman. Additional Pages for office use. If the period of validity expires during the voyage it shall continued to be valid till the end of the voyage. Additional Pages for Office Use. FORM 2. See rule 7.
Indian CDC | Travco Holidays Pvt. Ltd.
Issued by. Signature of Seaman:. Issued on:. Any person is warned that he is liable to be prosecuted if he tamper unlawfully with this register.
FORM — 3. The Director General of Shipping, Mumbai. Go Top. Go Back. Directorate General of Shipping. Cs issued from the port shall also be recorded in the said Register 8. Issued by the Government of India. Visitor Counter 2 9 7 4 0 5 7 1. Xth standard passed.
CDC Filling Assistance
Name of ship , official No. Description of voyage. Name of Master. Passport 3. PSSR 4. PST 5.
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First Aid 6. Fire fighting 7. INDOS 8. Photo in uniform is not acceptable. Copy of the profile registration print out under Directorate Notice No. Notice 24 of Dated CDC renewal form is self explanatory. Size: 40 mm X 30 mm.

Any suppression of truth, mis-representation of facts or submission of false certificates will result in cancellation of admission, forfeiture of fees and shall be punishable as per law. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Final Exit Examination:. For Candidate who performs poor, a warning letters are sent to the parents of trainees who remain deficient in the examination, as a continues monitoring process.
A candidate who wishes to re appear for the next attempt will have to mandatorily attend the classes for at least one month to re-sit. After completing the Pre-Sea Training G.
The Academy will procure the CDC of passed out candidates and issue with all the other certificates. Job Prospects:. After passing out from the Academy and obtaining the CDC from the Shipping Master, Mumbai, the trainees qualify to take up employment as seamen aboard a ship of Indian or Foreign flag on their own.
Shipping requirements. The Academy shall guide the passing-out trainees in obtaining suitable jobs with the help of placement cell. Disciplinary Rules of MTA:.