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However, this will only help you download IPAs of apps that have updates available for them that you haven't installed yet. That means it could be a waiting game since you'll have to wait until an update comes out if one ever does for the app you want an IPA for before using the steps below.
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To take full advantage of this method, you should disable automatic updates on your iPhone so that the app you need the IPA file for won't update on its own. If it does, you'll have to wait until the next update comes out to use Apple Configurator 2 to get the IPA file. I also suggested turning off Wi-Fi on your iPhone right before following the rest of the steps below, that way it's unlikely apps will update on their own at all.
I've had automatic updates turned off and still had apps update on their own, so turning off Wi-Fi temporarily could help in these cases when it's not working properly. Open up the Apple Configurator 2 application, select "Account" from the menu bar up top, then choose "Sign In. Next, enter the password for the account, then hit the "Sign In" button one more time, and that's it for this step.
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Now just connect your iPhone to your Mac using its USB cable, then "Trust" the connection from your iPhone if it's not already trusted. You'll need to enter your iPhone's passcode to finish the trusting process. In the Apple Configurator 2 app, select your iPhone that pops up, then click on the "Update" button in the app's top menu of options.
This will provide a popup that will ask you to update all of the apps that need updating. Click on "Update. If you don't want to download IPA files for all of the apps that need to be updated, use the drop-down to select "Only some apps" instead, then uncheck the apps you don't need before clicking "Update.
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Once the updates have concluded, you'll have to dig into your user library files to find them. The easiest way to do this is to open up your Finder, select "Go" from the menu bar, then "Go to Folder" or just use the Command-Shift-G shortcut instead.

In the box that pops up, paste the below directory path inside, then click on the "Go" button and you should be taken right there. Asked 2 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 6k times. A M A M 6 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge.
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Alternative way to install via Safari: I understood that by doing all these steps you want to install your. Sivajee Battina Sivajee Battina 3, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. Yes, it's really good but I would to learn how to do manually.
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