Nokia phones security code breaker
Hi, you should ask the password when bought it, but anyway, if you can do hard reset or unlock the password code using default security code , then you need to bring Nokia Asha to nearest service center for unlock that code. Sorry, my nokia is a second hand but it request unlock code, how can break the lock so I can use the phone? Hi, that is correct suggestion from others, that the only solution to unlock forgotten security code is bring to Nokia service center, they have tools to unlock using your IMEI.
However, if you are away from Nokia service center, than you can consider use some online tools for unlock you Nokia Asha using their service, but you have to make sure they are recommended or not, please find the right provider carefully, we nerver use their service so far. Because the right solutions is with Nokia authorize service center.
Hi, doing master reset or master format will remove all data at internal memory as well.
However, for safety reasons, please recheck again all document or files inside your internal memory after finish doing hard reset with file manager. Basically all storage device could be recovery with special treatment if we already remove or delete that files. However, as far as we know to recovery deleted files at your Nokia Asha internal storage is not easy because we had never get applications to recovery deleted files inside internal memory at this phone base on our experience.
Hi, you need to try doing hard reset, because sometime the unresponsive touch screen happen because applications. By doing hard reset or reformat, your applications and operating system setting will restore back to factory default. Hi, there are two possibilities about your Nokia Asha touch screen, one is software trouble, this should fix after doing hard reset or reformat like steps above. The other possibilities is hardware problem, the touch screen will not work although we already done the hard reset. This should fix at Nokia service center.
Hi, unfortunately if you are forgot the default password for Nokia Asha , and you have try to use default security code , then you need to bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia service center for open the security protections. Hi,i am using nokia asha ,i my phone the mobile data is switched on,bt the internet should not be connected,i also tried soft reset,plz hlp me….
If you still can not connect to Internet, then you need to consider doing hard reset or master format using steps above.
6 Suggested Answers
Sir,i have change my security code and forgot it. Hi, unfortunately you have to bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia service center for unlock forgotten security code. Hi, please try to use default security code If you can not unlock it, then you have to bring your Nokia Asha to nearest Nokia authorize service center to unlock it. Hi, sorry we do not have idea how to reset Nokia Asha using computer, maybe someone else can give the idea if that steps are available to do.
Hi, if you forgot the security code for Nokia Asha or , then you can try If still can not work, the last options that you can do is ask Nokia service center to unlock forgotten security code. Hi, usually this problems comes from applications problems. Then you should try to do hard reset or reformat to factory default your Nokia Asha and try to use several hours to make sure the problems already solved. Nun bekommen ich das Handy nicht wieder eingeschaltet. Wenn ich es einschalte, leuchtet 2x kurz Nokia auf und das war es.
Wer kann mir helfen? Hi, sorry reply in English. It seem that your Nokia get operating system trouble and need to re-flash back. Please visit Nokia service center, you can get help for flash firmware. Plz help. Hi, if your Nokia already damage and can not boot normally, then you have to reflash the operating system again, please bring to Nokia authorized service center.
Hi, maybe you should do reformat to factory default. Please do first steps to soft reset or reboot your Nokia Asha , then try it again. If the problems still happen, then you can try to hard reset or reformat. Hi, you can try to use factory default security code for Nokia Asha using However, if you or someone else ever change that code, then you can not restore it by yourself easily. Please bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia authorize service center, because they have special software to unlock your Nokia Asha forgotten security code.
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I dont see the call,message,settings icons…. Hi, usually this problems will solve at your Nokia Asha after do reformat or reinstall the operating system using hard reset steps. I have a Nokia Asha and and I do factory reset but now I love you bye again but does not accept the code. Hi, the default security code for Nokia Asha is However, if you still get problems to accessing this code, then you have to bring your phone to Nokia authorize service center. Hi, please try to use default security code , if you forgot about that, than you have to bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia authorized service center.
Hi, for Nokia Asha or family, when we forgot security code, then we need to bring to Nokia service center to unlock using their tools. My Nokia Asha fall into the water. After drying it is opened but touch pad is not responding. I connected it to my laptop but cant get my numbers back.
Please help me. Hi, when your Nokia Asha phone go into the water, then some hardware may get trouble or corrupt because this phone is not water resistance. Please recheck your hardware at Nokia authorize service center. At some situations it can not be fix. HI am using nokiya asha before that it was working proprly with wtsapp and game but abruptly its not supporting any apps ,like multimedia.. Hi, at this steps better you try to do hard reset your Nokia Asha to reformat the operating system to factory default, and try again install that apps one by one.
Hi, the factory default security code of Nokia Asha is If you or someone else has ever changed this code, then you need to ask Nokia authorize service center to unlock it. Hi, you can try to use default security code for Nokia Asha by type If that code is not work, then you have to bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia authorize service center to bypass that code. Hi, if you can not access default reset code for Nokia Asha , then you have to ask help at Nokia authorize service center to unlock.

Hi, at this time you should bring your Nokia Asha to Nokia authorize service center, it seems that your phone get hardware trouble. Hi, you can try to reformat to factory default first while your Nokia Asha still can boot properly and please do not insert any simcard at this moment, because it will boot again when you insert simcard. After finish reformat, then you can try to insert the simcard. The seconds possibilities is try to use different simcard to make sure your simcard is not the trouble maker.
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Hi, if you can not unlock using default key, then you need to ask Nokia authorize service center for restore your Nokia Asha phone. Name required Mail required Website. Home About Community. How soft reset Nokia Asha work: It will recopy or restore the default copy of. IMADI says:. June 18, at pm. July 3, at pm. October 4, at am. October 29, at pm. June 19, at am. April 18, at am. June 21, at pm. Salom Hauwanga says:. October 14, at pm.
Nokia lock code breaker
October 16, at am. December 12, at pm. December 13, at pm. December 16, at pm. December 17, at pm.
January 2, at pm. January 3, at pm. January 25, at pm.