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But unlike other keyboards, the predicted words appear directly above the next letter in the word you're typing. To finish the word you just slide your finger upward from above the letter you're on. The Z10 virtual keypad also takes predictive text a step further.
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In the past week, I've send a lot emails to PR people and sources, and I closed many of these messages with a standard: "Thanks very much for your assistance. And if I slide my finger up to type "very," the word "much" appears above the "M" key and so on. The BlackBerry Hub shows all of your messages and notifications in a single place. And you can easily access it, when you're using a specific application or while you're navigating home screens, by sliding your thumb up from the bottom of the display and then to the right, to pull the active page to the side and "peek" at your Hub.
If you want to open a message or notification you just continue your thumb's leftward motion until the Hub takes up your entire display and click on the message or notification of your choice. If there are no pressing messages, you can slide your thumb back to the right and return to whatever you were doing. BlackBerry Hub also lets you filter messages and notifications so you see only the items you want. For example, when you're in the Hub you can pick Email to see only email messages, or you could choose Facebook to see only messages and notifications from Facebook Friends.

Developers can build applications that integrate with the Hub, and the more Hub-compatible apps you use the richer the information you find there. BlackBerry Hub is unlike anything in iOS, and though it takes some getting used to, it works very well. BlackBerry 10 can keep up to 8 applications running at one time, and each app is represented with its own Active Frame that appears on your main home-screen pane. Active Frames are dynamic windows that update themselves periodically with new information. Different apps provide different levels of information via Active Frame, depending on the software's integration with BlackBerry But a deeply integrated app can provide a wealth of information just by viewing its Active Frame.
A couple of examples: The Active Frame for the BlackBerry World store rotates through popular and spotlighted apps, noteworthy films and music to show you what's hot at a given time without actually opening up the app store; and the BeWeather 10 app shows rotating weather information and graphics for your pre-set locations in its Active Frame. BlackBerry Balance is a technology built into the BlackBerry 10 OS that lets IT administrators create two separate personas on your smartphone: one for work; and one for personal.
While Balance sounds like a feature designed specifically for IT, it also benefits users because it keeps all personal information separate from corporate data, so IT never has to access personal files - or delete them in case of a security scare. Balance couldn't be more unobtrusive for the user, so it doesn't affect the overall experience. And it provides piece of mind for both IT and Z10 users.
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And the user experience will likely be less smooth. Former CIO. Al also managed CIO. Al resides in Boston and is a passionate reader, traveler, beer lover and Red Sox fan. Here are the latest Insider stories. Now browse for the app you want, and hit the green download arrow to download. Between these various sources, you should be able to assemble a pretty comprehensive range of major Android apps on your BlackBerry smartphone.
There you have it. If you have any questions about the above, let us know in the comments section below.
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Unlike other sites, we thoroughly review everything we recommend, using industry standard tests to evaluate products. We may get a commission if you buy via our price links. Tell us what you think — email the Editor. The BlackBerry Z10 , the first smartphone to run the brand-spanking-new BlackBerry 10 operating system, finally gives us the first full look at what Research In Motion now BlackBerry has bet its future on. And judging by the product itself, it's a smart bet. BlackBerry 10 is a truly cutting-edge platform, capable of mobile-computing feats that Android and iOS can only dream of.
However, BB10 is also coming way late to the smartphone game, and it's unclear whether it will ever get the support it needs — from consumers, businesses and developers — to really succeed. After using the Z10 for the past week, I think it would be a real shame if it didn't, because this phone can, in some surprising ways, be a real joy to use. The BlackBerry Z10 starts winning you over in the very first second with its novel way of coming out of sleep mode. Instead of pressing one of the very few physical buttons, you simply slide your finger up from the bottom of the screen.
The phone's lock screen then lights up, but it doesn't stop there: The phone will show you the unlocked screen, too, but only up to the point where your finger is, rather like a curtain rising. Finish sliding up and the phone comes alive in whatever state you left it in; slide back down and it shuts off again. It's useful, clever and addictive — and about as cool as "slide to unlock" could ever get. The trick also highlights one of the biggest problems the Z10 is going to have in winning over customers: It's unfamiliar. The Z10 has no home button.
It consolidates email, messaging and notification into a Hub that demands users think about those functions differently. It has an odd way of switching between apps. While some of these departures make a lot of sense, they amount to learning curve that anyone picking up the Z10 for the first time may not have the patience for. In a world where most smartphone sales happen in a store, RIM's going to need some serious on-the-ground support for this phone for customers to really see the potential. I can see a lot of people throwing it down in frustration after the first 30 seconds. At least RIM has designed a phone that people will want to pick up.
The Z10 is a good-looking piece of hardware, and I don't think that it's any coincidence that it looks like the iPhone 5 from a distance. It's a little bit larger — 0. This is a completely different phone, of course, and it shows. The Z10 has a rubberized back that feels good in the hand and ensures it doesn't slip, even on a sloped tabletop. The back is removable, letting you swap in a spare battery very quickly and gives quick access to things like the SIM card and microSD memory none is included, but it accommodates up to 64GB.
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There are some nice touches that show off RIM's skill in designing mobile handsets. The top and the bottom of the phone are sloped slightly down toward the edges to make it more comfortable to hold in landscape mode. The edges themselves have just the right amount of crispness, slightly duller than the iPhone's, and the volume buttons on the side have indented shapes so you can easily identify them by touch.
Overall, the Z10 a joy to hold. The screen is an extremely sharp 4. That takes it well beyond "retina" resolution at pixels per inch, and the result is ultra-crisp text and excellent color on things like photos and games.
Of course, beautiful visual experiences are table stakes these days in high-end smartphones, but it's good to see RIM did its homework here. Those pixels need an engine to drive them, and the Z10's is a 1. By my reckoning, the chip did a great job powering the phone, keeping up with my finger movements to make the overall experience feel fluid. Of course, LTE isn't available on every major carrier, but the Z10 will be.
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It's nice that the Z10 is a great piece of hardware, but the BlackBerry 10 experience is where the phone — and RIM's chance for redemption — lives and dies. BlackBerry 10 is a powerful multitasker and organizer, but it takes some getting used to, and it's not for everyone. The big focus in BlackBerry 10 is the Hub. The Hub represents a rethinking of how mobile phones handle messaging. Instead of switching between different apps to deal with email, text messages and notifications, the Hub puts them all in one place — basically a giant Inbox with all of your messages in a single stream.
Even Facebook and Twitter can be mixed in, integrated as system-wide accounts. It's less chaotic than it sounds. You can choose to display any single account at one time say, just Gmail or Facebook notifications , and even in the main stream every message has clear icons so you can tell at a glance what it is.
Don't want your Twitter replies mixed in, but still want Hub access to them? You can turn off what appears in the stream while keeping it in the Hub. The Hub is seemingly ever-present, always running in the background. Calling it up is a simple matter, but it's not immediately obvious. Whatever app you're running, whatever screen you're on, you can navigate back to the Hub with two simple gestures: swipe up from the bottom, then swipe rightward from the left edge.
It's not hard — unless no one has shown you how to do it. Swiping up is actually the gesture for minimizing your app, putting it on a page with all other apps the phone is running at any given time — what RIM calls Active Frames. When minimized, an app remains running, and you can resume exactly as you left it. This kind of multitasking, without taxing battery life, is one of BlackBerry 10's strengths — something iOS struggles with.
Although the number of active apps appears to be limited to eight, I was able to call up a game of Angry Birds Star Wars hours after I began it, picking it up at the exact level I was playing. Part of the flow is Peek, which is what RIM calls the gesture of sliding your thumb to "peek" behind your app at other content, typically the Hub. To get a quick look at the Hub, you slide your finger up, then to the right from any screen.
The movement tracks your finger precisely, snapping the "peeked" content back when you, well, snap back. It's extremely handy — once you get the hang of it, that is. Back to the Hub. I found it to be an elegant solution to the issue of "message creep," with having several different apps for email, texting and all the rest. However, like most messaging aggregators, it has its weaknesses.
Searching my Gmail account, for example, doesn't work anywhere near as well as on the native iOS app.
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The Hub provides a quick look at your calendar, visible when I pulled down from the top of my stream. There were my appointments for the next day, but I really started to taste the power of BlackBerry 10 when I launched the Calendar app. Calling up a Mashable staff meeting, the phone showed me the Facebook profiles and contact information of everyone invited. This wasn't in the Gmail invite — the phone was actively going out to my contact lists and accounts to and get any possible info that might be relevant to what I was looking at.
Much appreciated.