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Prince of Persia: Escape
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Free download Prince Of Persia HD Nokia s60v3 Mobile games | New games free
Prince of Persia is an old dos game, published in by Broderbund Soft. Main genre of this old game is arcade. We gave this game stunning rating of 88 and you can download it for free right here. Fantastic and one of the most memorable old dos game, created by Jordan Mechner: Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia is set to a nicely done 2D environment and you play the role of a young prince, who must rescue the princess from the evil sultan.

You just have to pass through the 12 levels and princess will throws herself into your arms. Easy as pie, except for a few small things. Palace and dungeons you go through is full of all sorts of traps: the most scary one for me are abysses - you can see them everywhere in the game and you have to learn how to overcome them. It is important to learn how to time your jump, because if you jump a second later, you're gonna fall down.
You have to notice the places, where you can fall through the floor.
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There are also lots of traps in the form of the guillotine and the young prince could easily become 2-half prince. And last but not least, there are a number of trained enemies - Fakirs. As you advance during the gameplay, their skills improve and you start to meet smarter and harder opponents.