Fleet ride pts application pdf

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Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Published in: Education , Technology , Business. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Browse by Genre Available eBooks Toshia Ramirez. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Fleet ride systems pts rega training brief updated 31 jan 12 1. Year Group Breakdown This will be the official means of notification.

University of Minnesota Campus Shuttle

Naval Messages will no longer be transmitted. Now we are averaging approximately 24,, applications each month. Any future enlistment or continuation action will require a new approved PTS quota. September are the last group to receive automatic approval quotas. Sailors who have exhausted their PTS looks, but are then selected for advancement, will be reset for on additional PTS look at the frocked paygrade. Failure to adequately resolve valid customer complaints by the Contractors may lead to termination of the contract. Any complaints received by HART Customer Service will be sent to the Contractors for research and resolution within the same three 3 business day time frame.

A pattern of late pickups may result in termination of the Contract.

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Each selected vendor must demonstrate the ability to ensure equitable access to its services for customers in need of transportation via wheelchair accessible vehicles WAV. Within the parameters of this pilot, and based on ridership or economic climate, WMATA reserves the right to add additional qualified vendors, and enlarge the service area for which trips will be eligible for subsidized billing.

To that end, it is issuing this Request for Proposals RFP to solicit proposals from qualified firms and individuals who can satisfy the requirements described herein. In determining those offerors with whom he or she chooses to engage in discussions, the Contracting Officer shall first make a determination regarding the initial proposals that he or she deem to be within the competitive range for Contract award.

The Contracting Officer shall conduct discussions with all offerors submitting proposals that are within the competitive range. Offeror shall describe its capacity and methodology to provide on-demand transportation service to individuals. Offeror shall describe its capacity and methodology to limit trips to requests that will originate and terminate within the Maryland boundaries of the MetroAccess service area.

Offeror shall describe its ability to expand the service area beyond Maryland, should a decision be made to do so. Offeror shall describe its capacity for real-time tracking of daily trips for each customer. Offeror shall detail its ability to limit the number of daily trips of each individual customer to no more than four 4 one-way trips per day. Offeror shall detail eligibility requirements for all drivers. Offeror shall detail its screening process of drivers that ensures all drivers meet applicable federal, state, and local qualifications.

Offeror shall detail its method of background checks for all drivers. Offeror shall outline its training of all drivers in regards to serving customers with disabilities, specifically related to the following: 2. Accommodating customers traveling with service animals1; 2. Escorting customers who are blind in and out of the vehicle.

Offeror shall outline its method of ongoing evaluation and periodic background checks for drivers. Exotic animals will not be considered service animals for this Program, nor will comfort or therapy animals that are used solely to provide emotional support. Offeror shall detail its method s for receiving and staffing of a service request from a customer or someone on acting on behalf of a customer. For smartphone apps to be used on this service, Offeror shall confirm the following: 5.

Services for all areas

The app is available on the following mobile operating system s : iOS and Android. The app, on both operating systems, is certified as and WCAG 2. For website access, Offeror shall confirm the following: 5. The website hosting the online platform is certified as compliant. Offeror shall outline the manner by which it confirms trip requests. Offeror shall describe its ability to provide customers accurate fare estimates, if requested, prior to booking a trip.

Offeror shall describe the availability of an option s to allow customers to track a vehicle in route to provide them service. Offeror shall describe its method s for verification of customer, driver, and vehicle. Offeror shall describe its method s of vehicle arrival notification. Offeror shall describe methods available when a driver and a customer cannot locate each other. Offeror shall detail any requirements for its drivers to assist customer in and out of the vehicles. Offeror shall detail the process for trip requests that are not fulfilled.

Offeror shall outline its policy related to No Show trips and Late Cancellation trips. Offeror shall define a No Show trip and detail any payment required as a result of a No Show trip. Offeror shall define a Late Cancellation trip, and detail any payment required as a result of a Late Cancellation trip. Offeror shall outline methods available to customers to contact Offeror during a trip.

University of Minnesota Campus Shuttle - Wikipedia

Offeror shall describe average and minimum customer response times. Offeror shall outline its method s of fare collection for each trip. Offeror shall detail its capacity to implement a spilt fare system to enable a minimum payment by the customers; a subsidized amount of payment by WMATA; and additional fare to be paid by customers once the maximum WMATA subsidization level is reached. Offeror shall detail the methodology of customers and drivers to provide feedback at the conclusion of each trip, and how such information will be shared with WMATA.

Offeror shall detail its process for responding to incidents and accidents, and reporting incidents and accidents to WMATA. Offeror shall confirm its capacity to submit a monthly invoice to WMATA that includes the following information: a total number of trips taken by customers during the month, b total number of WAV requested trips, c sum of total trip fares for the month, d total of additional trip fees charged for the month, e total amount of WMATA subsidized fares, f total amount of WMATA subsidized WAV fare surcharges,, and g total payment amount due by WMATA for the month.

In conducting this assessment: 1. Technical Considerations Most Important: The Authority is more concerned with obtaining superior technical or business management features than with making an award at the lowest overall cost to the Authority. However, the Authority will not make an award at a significantly higher overall cost to achieve only slightly superior technical or management features. Proposers should be aware that both price and overall technical merit are of extreme importance to the Authority in this Solicitation.

Where its review concludes that two or more Proposals are of substantially similar overall value, the Authority will place greater weight upon the technical aspects of the Proposals. Costs will be evaluated in terms of the following: 1 Submittal of proposed prices for both the base year s and the option year s , if any; 2 Any offer that is materially unbalanced may be rejected. Such demonstration must include a showing that it maintains the requisite integrity, overall technical expertise and experience, including prior performance on other Authority contracts or contracts with other government agencies , and sufficient financial resources to perform the Contract in a timely, satisfactory and appropriate manner.

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F RFP No. Failure to do so may cause your Proposal to be rejected as non-responsive. Contractor Pre-qualification Applications are due to the pre-qualification office no later than the Proposal Due Date. Do not put copies of pre-qualification documents in your Proposal. For contact information, please refer to the Letter of Invitation. The issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by Metro to select any Proposer for negotiations or to award any contract.

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  • If a contract is awarded, the selected contractor will be engaged to provide Part A services including a right of first negotiation for Part B goods and services. The decision to authorize the contractor to advance to Part B will be made by Metro in its sole discretion following receipt of the Part A Statement of Work deliverables.

    The Proposer is solely responsible for the examination of solicitation documents, reviewing all amendments, comprehending all conditions that may impact the proposal, and the performance of the Work should the Proposer be selected. Failure of the Proposer to so examine and inform itself must be at its sole risk. Pencil or erasable ink shall not be accepted. Initial all modifications made to the Proposer's entries and identify the Proposer's name on the top right of each page. Liquid or dry correction materials shall not be used.

    Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in these solicitation documents may render the proposal s incomplete and may cause proposal rejection. This RFP does not commit Metro to enter into a contract nor does it obligate Metro to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals.