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Caution: It is critical that you include the necessary code to download the expansion files from Google Play in the event that the files are not already on the device when your app starts. As discussed in the following section about Downloading the Expansion Files , we've made a library available to you that greatly simplifies this process and performs the download from a service with a minimal amount of code from you. Normally, you should only use the second patch expansion file when performing updates to the main expansion file. However, if your resources exceed the 2GB limit for the main expansion file, you can use the patch file for the rest of your assets.

To greatly reduce the amount of code you must write and ensure a good user experience during the download, we recommend you use the Downloader Library to implement your download behavior. If you build your own download service instead of using the library, be aware that you must not change the name of the expansion files and must save them to the proper storage location.

Once you've finished your app development, follow the guide to Testing Your Expansion Files.

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When uploading your app for the first time or updating an app that uses expansion files, you must be aware of the following rules and limitations:. In most cases, Google Play downloads and saves your expansion files to the device at the same time it installs or updates the APK. This way, the expansion files are available when your app launches for the first time.

However, in some cases your app must download the expansion files itself by requesting them from a URL provided to you in a response from Google Play's app Licensing service. Note: The URL that Google Play provides for your expansion files is unique for every download and each one expires shortly after it is given to your app. If your app is free not a paid app , then you probably haven't used the app Licensing service. It's primarily designed for you to enforce licensing policies for your app and ensure that the user has the right to use your app he or she rightfully paid for it on Google Play.

In order to facilitate the expansion file functionality, the licensing service has been enhanced to provide a response to your app that includes the URL of your app's expansion files that are hosted on Google Play. Of course, if your app is free, you don't need to enforce license verification—you simply need the library to perform the request that returns the URL of your expansion files. In addition to the LVL, you need a set of code that downloads the expansion files over an HTTP connection and saves them to the proper location on the device's shared storage.

As you build this procedure into your app, there are several issues you should take into consideration:. To simplify this work for you, we've built the Downloader Library , which requests the expansion file URLs through the licensing service, downloads the expansion files, performs all of the tasks listed above, and even allows your activity to pause and resume the download.

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By adding the Downloader Library and a few code hooks to your app, almost all the work to download the expansion files is already coded for you. As such, in order to provide the best user experience with minimal effort on your behalf, we recommend you use the Downloader Library to download your expansion files. The information in the following sections explain how to integrate the library into your app.

If you'd rather develop your own solution to download the expansion files using the Google Play URLs, you must follow the app Licensing documentation to perform a license request, then retrieve the expansion file names, sizes, and URLs from the response extras. To use APK expansion files with your app and provide the best user experience with minimal effort on your behalf, we recommend you use the Downloader Library that's included in the Google Play APK Expansion Library package. This library downloads your expansion files in a background service, shows a user notification with the download status, handles network connectivity loss, resumes the download when possible, and more.

To use the Downloader Library, you need to download two packages from the SDK Manager and add the appropriate libraries to your app. For each library:. With both the License Verification Library and Downloader Library added to your app, you'll be able to quickly integrate the ability to download expansion files from Google Play. The format that you choose for the expansion files and how you read them from the shared storage is a separate implementation that you should consider based on your app needs.

Tip: The Apk Expansion package includes a sample app that shows how to use the Downloader Library in an app. In order to download the expansion files, the Downloader Library requires several permissions that you must declare in your app's manifest file. They are:.

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In order to perform downloads in the background, the Downloader Library provides its own Service subclass called DownloaderService that you should extend. In addition to downloading the expansion files for you, the DownloaderService also:. All you need to do is create a class in your app that extends the DownloaderService class and override three methods to provide specific app details:.

For example, here's a complete implementation of DownloaderService :. You can find the key in the Developer Console under your profile information. This is necessary even when testing your downloads. You must define the BroadcastReceiver to call an API from the Downloader Library that checks the status of the download and restarts it if necessary. You simply need to override the onReceive method to call DownloaderClientMarshaller.

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Notice that this is the class for which you must return the name in your service's getAlarmReceiverClassName method see the previous section. The main activity in your app the one started by your launcher icon is responsible for verifying whether the expansion files are already on the device and initiating the download if they are not. For example, the sample app provided in the Apk Expansion package calls the following method in the activity's onCreate method to check whether the expansion files already exist on the device:.

In this case, each XAPKFile object holds the version number and file size of a known expansion file and a boolean as to whether it's the main expansion file. See the sample app's SampleDownloaderActivity class for details. The method returns an integer that indicates whether or not the download is required. Possible values are:. In order to instantiate your IStub by calling CreateStub , you must pass it an implementation of the IDownloaderClient interface and your DownloaderService implementation.

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The next section about Receiving download progress discusses the IDownloaderClient interface, which you should usually implement in your Activity class so you can update the activity UI when the download state changes. For example, in the previous code sample for onCreate , you can respond to the startDownloadServiceIfRequired result like this:. After the onCreate method returns, your activity receives a call to onResume , which is where you should then call connect on the IStub , passing it your app's Context.

Conversely, you should call disconnect in your activity's onStop callback. Calling connect on the IStub binds your activity to the DownloaderService such that your activity receives callbacks regarding changes to the download state through the IDownloaderClient interface. To receive updates regarding the download progress and to interact with the DownloaderService , you must implement the Downloader Library's IDownloaderClient interface. Usually, the activity you use to start the download should implement this interface in order to display the download progress and send requests to the service.

With the IDownloaderService object initialized, you can send commands to the downloader service, such as to pause and resume the download requestPauseDownload and requestContinueDownload. To provide a useful message to your users, you can request a corresponding string for each state by calling Helpers.

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This returns the resource ID for one of the strings bundled with the Downloader Library. Tip: For examples of these callbacks that update the download progress UI, see the SampleDownloaderActivity in the sample app provided with the Apk Expansion package. Some public methods for the IDownloaderService interface you might find useful are:.

Note: If you do use the Downloader Library as discussed in the previous section, the library performs all interaction with the APKExpansionPolicy so you don't have to use this class directly. The class includes methods to help you get the necessary information about the available expansion files:.

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For more information about how to use the APKExpansionPolicy when you're not using the Downloader Library , see the documentation for Adding Licensing to Your App , which explains how to implement a license policy such as this one. Once your APK expansion files are saved on the device, how you read your files depends on the type of file you've used.

Regardless of how you read your files, you should always first check that the external storage is available for reading. There's a chance that the user has the storage mounted to a computer over USB or has actually removed the SD card. Note: When your app starts, you should always check whether the external storage space is available and readable by calling getExternalStorageState.

This returns one of several possible strings that represent the state of the external storage. As described in the overview , your APK expansion files are saved using a specific file name format:. To get the location and names of your expansion files, you should use the getExternalStorageDirectory and getPackageName methods to construct the path to your files.

Here's a method you can use in your app to get an array containing the complete path to both your expansion files:.