Facade avant blackberry bold 9780
I am currently t-mobile customer using unlocked atnt blackberry, wonder if I could still get credit even with atnt blackberry?? Yes you should! Singleweird, can you confirm its that simple as you describe. But, I would love to take advantage of this. But every site here says a postpaid plan is required. I went into a store traded in my blackberry and got a nexus on friday. The process was as smooth as my girlfriends ass. Might just have to go in the store. Thanks for that clarification.
Hope this last until at least this Wednesday. Crossing fingers!!!
BlackBerry Bold 9780 Price in India
My poor i-Phone 5 will now be relegated to 3rd string — lol! Question for you all: Would you get a Z10 or the Q10? And the thought of a true BB with a keyboard is a little appealing to me. On the plus side. The Q10 can be easily converted to a white body with use of parts off online retailers for less than what it would cost to convert the Z I have z10 and is great. The virtual keyboard is different and new so we will have to see how long it last, presumably the life of the phone.
Now Z10 is a little downgrade compared to Z30 that has way better reception technology with paratek antenna. Q10 is great but I will recommend to actually use it to see if you feel that the equipment is good in your hands. Hope in the old USA they have it at stores!
BlackBerry Bold 9780 review
I know my old nokia astound works almost everywhere in my building without having to switch over to wi-fi calling plus the transition is pretty seemless. Wi-Fi calling is really handy when I am not in the states, so that would be missed even if I had coverage everywhere in my building. I usually prefer having a physical keyboard, but the q10 keyboard was too cramped. The z10 has a excellent virtual keyboard, I can imagine the q10 would win out when it come to one hand typing though.
I have been kind of back and forth about the z10 and q10 for awhile. BB10 works great on the Z10, but it has a lcd screen and not a big battery.

The onscreen keyboard works great and it it seems like more apps are made for the z I am worried about battery life and I know I would would miss having the physical keyboard available. I could probably live with having a Bluetooth keyboard attached if need be though. The Q10 has a nice amoled screen but it seems little small when navigating BBOS, it was much easier to select and navigate on the z10 than the q I have head some Z10 owners on t-mobile already have Try another strore,or call up loyalty.
So people wrote they got this deal online and calling them up,all else fails email John,or get in with him on Twitter. Has anyone been able to get a refurb z10 with the trade in promo? I am currently on I want the Nexus 5 too…A steal at plus tx..
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Just went to the TMo store and tried to get in on this. They said the offer is only available to postpaid customers. Prepaid customers need not apply. They are actually wrong about that. You have 2 options, change your account to post paid since both plans offer tge same plans anyway. Or do what I did. Open a new account, trade in Bb, buy a phone out right have thrm activate it with your prepaid or just insert your prepaid sim then cancel next day. No contract!!
Got mine Sat. Cancelled yesterday, showed 0 usage so I will not be billed anything. The phone rep overcharged me for a new blackberry when what I wanted was a refurbished unit. Have others had such a hard time with this offer as I have? FYI I was told this offer ends March 5th, tomorrow. Magenta has fastest U. Keith Barnes. The length of the promotion.
Blackberry is so finished. Get over it seriously. Stone Cold. I love mine. So can you trade in 2 blackberries and get off? For me, I prefer to buy online anyway. You can view the full retail price at t-mobile dot com. Just find the devices and view its page. As of this morning there was no Z10 or Q10 listed on their website.
See my commet above. Thank you!! Se below for prices.
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Or just login to your account,u will see the prices. I called tmobile but they have not heard any news on this promotion. I was just thinking of looking there or eBay. Magenta is about to get flooded with old BBs. One trade in per phone phone purchased. Same as any other Trade in offer. My dad needs a new phone and has an old torch. Rick Rudge.
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Buying 2 blackberries right now for both my lines. Clifford Haight. Oh if only I kept my bold Just dumped a few months back. Would love to pick up the Z Is the blackberry pearl eligible for trade in? Anyone went to T-Mo Store for this offer? Was it an upfront credit or is it applied to your bill later?
May 23, 2013
I got upfront instant credit towards a new phone. Worked perfect. Go to a different store. They told me I needed to be on a simple choice plan. Total fail. Will this work if I am on a pre-paid plan? Or do I need to be on post-paid? Michael D. Clearly states towards a new device. It is a in store offer only. I would take that iphone off your hands if you want to subsidize that backup Z10 even more.
Thank you. Maybe try another store? Would an old Pearl Flip work for this trade-in?
Can I use an old from sprint as a trade in.