Home phone junction box wiring
There are many external wires that are probably now redundant due to different telephone connections in each flat. We would like to clean up these wires and refix or renew what is necessary plus remove whatever is redundant. We have informal contacts across the UK, including several in your area. The feasibility of the job for an independent engineer can only be assessed bu actually seeing the site! If you need further help, please be in touch. Great article, some really good info here. Quick question regarding wires, I have an older property with a thin old grey phone line running down the side of and into the house from a junction box near the roof which is connected to the i believe drop wire?
Looking in the junction box and what is coming into the house, 2 wires are connected by jellys. Replacing the wire would be pretty simple, but what wire do i need to use? Is it CW? Thanks for your kind words. It is likely that the grey parallel-wire drop wire has a damaged sheath, or has fractured. Be kind to it, though — it is probably over thirty years old!
My preference would be for Dropwire 10, which can be bought by the metre on eBay. However, it is tricky to strip without the right tool. I have blogged about it recently.
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It is very strong! However, some external-grade with a black weather-proof sheath will suffice.
There is some on eBay as item I hope that this helps- please leave me some social media feedback if you can — this helps me to justify giving free advice on this ad-free so far site. It should be easy to notice an improvement with the service ima, currently getting!
Rob after your recommendation I went and got myself some dropwire 10 and have replaced the old wires on the house and ancient extension within the house so there is a continuous run of cable from the new master socket to the connection box near my roof. Final question, as I now ha e real internet speeds again, I have left several metres of dropdown 10 spare coiled up, will this degrade service? Thanks again for the article — I was losing the will to love trying to get talktalk to acknowledge a problem!
The coiled dropwire 10 should not have a noticeable effect on speeds.

It is of such robust construction that the twist in the cable vital for speed maintenance is maintained. Yes, TalkTalk are cheap, but dealing with their customer service department is character-forming. Hi Rob, Great forum by the way. I have been head scratching over this for a few days and looks like you may be the person to advise. Old Victorian House. Master Socket by the front door.
One extension EX1 runs round the door frame into a very old and now yellow phone connection point, which then runs from this, up the wall, through the floor and into master bedroom into another socket and old again yellow panic alarm. A second extension Ex2 also runs from the master, all the way out to the back of the house old office space. I want to remove Ex1 and all the old yellow boxes and wires associated with it.
I opened the Master socket to look at whats what and was confronted with a nest of wires. Main BT line in-6 wires. EX1 is what I want to remove. Or will this ruin main connection. NB: we have no phone — only used for broadband. If this is helpful to you, would you be able to leave some feedback on the following social media pages, please?
Bit of a random question. In addition he has now had telecare installed so it is more vital that it remains plugged in. Hi Rob, I have moved my master socket upstairs by cutting the phone line shortly after the telegraph pole feed hits the eaves of the gutter area at my house and iv run the cable in through a hole in the wall of the upstairs bedroom, everything is working but I wondered If this would have an affect on my service as the length of cable has changed, I have been suffering from poor download speeds and connection loss under load and wanted to move the router upstairs for better connection to pcs and games consoles, I had a torpedo style JB which was sodden with water ingress I removed this and soldered the connection inside the house with insulation and enclosure.
Many thanks in advance. Hi Rob, I have moved my master socket upstairs by cutting the phone line shortly after the telegraph pole feed hits the eaves of the gutter area at my house and iv run the cable in through a hole in the wall of the upstairs bedroom, everything is working but I wondered If this would have an affect on my service as the length of cable has changed…. If this is fibre to the cabinet, rather than fibre to the premises, you will still be supplied via the same copper pair of wires to your house.
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He could do basic tests and find out if there is a problem on the exchange side. Hi Rob.. An extension is planned to rear of this wall, so there will be a large hole knocked through where this MS is situated. Quite why it is in that position beats me! It was installed by previous owner. Could I do this myself without recourse to Open Reach? The two wires—white A and Orange B seem to be pressed into knife contacts—which cut through the insulation. Can I remove them and reconnect by pressing into same connectors after repositioning the MS?
Have read your answers on many aspects of this situation, but not seen anything to exactly match my situation. Cheers, Bob. A screwdriver will damage the prongs. Your cable may be dropwire, which needs special handling to strip properly. See an earlier blog on dropwire. Rob, Hoping you can help me as you definitely seem to know your stuff. There are three phone sockets in the house fed from the BT master socket by wiring that was plugged into the BT master socket by a RJ11 adaptor.
It all worked fine with BT. The broadband supplier has provided a Grandstream voip adapator with an RJ11 socket on the rear and their own RJ11 to BT in-line adaptor. If I plug my RJ11 line directly into the voip nothing works. If I use their in line adaptor and then my own crossover type to change back to RJ11 my phone rings when there is an incoming call but it cannot be answered.
Also there is no dial tone. Everything worked with a conventional BT line so what is different? Let me know how you get on! Hi Rob can you help how great you share your knowledge so freelymy son has moved into an lod house he has no land line does not want one the is an old lozange shaped junction box? The incoming line is terminated in a white box 65mm x 65mm attached to my roof soffit with what appears from a distance to be crimp joints — I have photo if it helps — what type of crimp joint should I use to affect the swap — I have an comms engineering background so am comfortable with this sort of stuff.
These are commonly-used by Openreach in street cabinets and enclosures such as the one you have described.
Telephone Wiring
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Farina on 3rd November at pm. Rob Govier on 3rd November at pm. I will soon be blogging on the whole issue of external cabling, so stay tuned!