Htc hd2 upgrade to windows mobile 8
Many Thanks.
Can you please help me to resolve this issue and continue with flashing the ROM. I managed to fix the problem. What you have to do is to find the original rom upgrade from HTC, start the phone by pressing volume-down button and power burton and to wait your pc to recognize the USB of the phone. Then start the ROM upgrade wizard and flashing will start. This will return your phone to the original software. I have to do this upgrade for a friend. Just a question: Is this rom support the Hungarian language.
Thank you. I am having a problem. If anyone can help, it would be great. I keep getting the message: An error has occurred Read below for more information. MY htc hd2 keeps of turning off after like minutesa and restarts its self for some reason can i get an up[date asap plz.
Windows Phone 8 hacked onto HTC HD2 – Hope for all WP7.x users?
I had Win 7 work for 1 phone call then start restarting non stop. I have removed the SD card to be safe but nutn…. N E ideas? Prerequisite 1. Extract the downloaded contents. January 20, at 1: January 22, at 8: February 13, at 4: PDB says: January 26, at 7: January 27, at Evan says: January 27, at 3: January 28, at Paul says: January 28, at 8: January 29, at 1: February 7, at February 21, at DrComp says: March 23, at 3: February 27, at 7: This can be checked via the tricolor screen which should currently be displayed on your device. The second line should display the current SPL version — you need this to be: You should select SPL 2.
In order to install Android on your old Windows Mobile 6.
To reinstall the original Windows Mobile 6. Once downloaded, connect your phone to your PC via USB, restart the phone so that it is in the tricolor screen as explained above and run the downloaded ROM on your computer, following all on-screen instructions. Next, restart your phone, holding the power button down until a new screen appears. This is the MAGLDR Bootloader, where you can select various options and settings for installing different operating systems onto the phone.
USB Flasher , pressing the call button bottom left to proceed to the next screen.

Run DAF. Follow the on-screen prompts to completion, and the device should restart. Begin by copying the downloaded ROM to your microSD card via a card reader, and then insert the card into your phone. Select option 8. Once complete, you will be able to restart your phone, booting into the new operating system — Ice Cream Sandwich! It is more important to carry out the steps to completion in the correct order than it is to beat any timing records. One last point to note — due to design issues, some HTC HD2 devices have an overheating issue which tends to strike when using Android.
This usually manifests as a sudden reboot. Should this happen, follow the steps above to return your device to Windows Mobile. Your email address will not be published. Comes up with error , and nothing happens. Tried a few times but always the same. Any ideas?
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This usually only happens if the HSPL file hasn't flashed. You'll need to restart the process from scratch. Thanks for responding. It appears to have flashed although other differences are present. Perhaps they indicate some other problem? Okay, I think you have a slightly different device to the usual. There are a couple of alternate builds in circulation.
How To Install Linux From An Android Phone With DriveDroid
You'll need to check XDA for full details. What, exactly, is "the white part"? Do you mean your phone display? Do you mean Windows Explorer? Do you have to have a PC to do this or should it work on Macs also? I cant seem to extract recognizable files for my mac. I would recommend using Windows. This isn't to say that you can't use a virtual machine, however Not natively. Head here: The best instructions so far by a long way. It was all going so well Got past step one then repeated failures - I noticed I have on tricolour screen the info is the same except for the last two lines which read:.
It just displays the white screen with the green htc logo.
The best tutorial to install ice cream on the htc hd2. WiFi is on or off but that can not find my modem or other modem please help me, please.. Thank you for this! It works great, except that the memory is limited.
HTC HD2 - Wikipedia
I'll try the fix posted earlier for that. One problem I ran into is that there is a DAF.
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I used the wrong one at first and everything went wrong. I post this just as a warning to others. What version do you recomend me? It is necesarry to install the program for Bios for Android if i aldready have Android? What is this? Please help me because i don't know so much about this phone. Its a shame that several of your download links didn't work, and that might have contributed to the problem; but I followed this all mulitple times perfectly but end up with the circle of squares boot animation that simply runs non-stop. I can restore it back to windows using your advice regarding the htc website, but I want to fix this to be android!
Is there any way to tell where it's going wrong and a basic route to fix it? Dude i have a problem. On login screen , when i power up the phone some squares are turning around some animation and there stops whole phone and i cant do anything Instructions on restoring to Windows Mobile 6. If you haven't spotted these, then you clearly haven't followed the instructions carefully. I have got chinese android tab model WM wonder media unfortunately I tried to upgrade the tab to uberoid 12 from microSD and it is not at all booting, I have daubt that the system ROM is not responding because while upgrading it was failed to update the kernel.
Please let me know is this called as brick? Please , help me Thanks YH. I can't open it Also will this work on an HD2 that is rooted with Android Froyo 2. Since I'm still new to Android, I would appreciate if anyone could give some more specific instructions, or provide another link that would show them. I managed to run Android 2. Still trying to play around. It's slow and some things like bluetooth don't work.
That's why I thought maybe a more updated version should fix those issues