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The number of animations for your spandex scrappers is seemingly minimal. I mean, I've yet to see more than a few different sets of movements per character. Green Lantern and his mates look great when they're standing dominantly on the battlefield. Spend a few minutes in their company, though, and their limited move-sets soon mean the effect wears off.

1. Build the Ultimate Team to Compliment How You Play; The Basics of Battle

The music is suitably orchestral, presumably because you officially can't make anything with Caped Crusaders in these days that doesn't feature a gigantic string section. That said, the "pows" and "thwacks" are meaty, so that's good. My biggest concern at the moment is that the combat seems really simple It's a two-button system, where you tap for a light attack; swipe left or right for a slower heavy attack; and place two fingers on the screen to block.

Unfortunately, the number of combos at each combatant's disposal seems to be rather limited, plus your opponent's AI is lacking, resulting in some easy bouts. The 3v3 fighting hasn't evolved at all over the last few days. In fact, I've found that victories come rather too easily.

Furthermore, the game has already become a slog, my progress halted only by the game's energy system and my general apathy towards what's on offer. Fighting generates Power to unleash special abilities - much like the Alpha meter in Street Fighter Alpha. So, you build this Power up by punching the snot out of your opponent, then unleash the move by tapping the meter and rapidly hammering on an on-screen button prompt. There's no technique to learn here, though. No subtlety to its implementation whatsoever.

The move either makes contact and causes damage, or it doesn't. The quickest way to beat up the opposition is to tap twice on the screen, swipe, wait for a prompt on-screen, and follow its instruction. You can attempt to change things up, but why bother. Especially when this technique gets the job done with minimal resistance.

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There isn't even any positional 'game' to master, for you can't move your character manually. If you're knocked down, your hero will get back up, move towards the enemy, stop at a reasonable distance, then restart the scrap. The option to block is also mishandled, as you'll only successfully defend an attack about a third of the time. Your block input doesn't seem to be recognised quickly enough for it to take effect before your opponent has taken his swing.

My characters - represented as cards - are also gaining experience and levelling-up at the moment. Do you watch livestreamers play video games? Yeah, sometimes it's better than actually playing. No, I just don't get the appeal Maybe, depends on the game. Not anymore, boob-streaming has killed it.


View Poll History. Also Worth Reading! Gamers Love the '80s But Why? The fighting is so straightforward, so easy that I don't feel like I'm a hero fighting a villain or vice versa.

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Instead, I'm thinking: 'why am I bothering to play this when a particularly fast-moving insatiable birdie could put up just as good a fight as I can? I still don't feel like I have much control over my characters.

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Well, aside from swapping them in and out when one is low on health; using a special move; or performing the aforementioned golden combo. There's no meta-game here, either, so there's nothing to do outside of the core fighting except spend Power Credits on card packs and upgrades.

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The upgrades to your abilities appear minor, but when you're given a new super-move to pull out that can be extremely useful. The absence of any major tactical advantage you can gain by using the higher-power specials is offset by the incredible amount of damage they deal. During these wars of attrition, you see, the heavier the damage, the better. In one of the early "Power Surge" matches, by the way, you can pull out specials more often new rules, huh!

However, this still isn't enough to break up the monotonous grind of 'tap, tap, tap, wait, swipe'. If you're really invested in the home console version of Injustice: Gods Among Us and want access to the unlockables on offer for ploughing through this companion app, then go ahead. Knock yourself out. You're gonna have to go through a thoroughly boring grind to gain access to them, though. Oh, and that's exactly what the game is, incidentally: a 'companion app'. It just doesn't stand on its own two feet well enough to warrant being downloaded by anyone else.

Injustice: Gods Among Us. By Peter Willington. Find out more about Injustice: Gods Among Us. But it's still early. The game can get better - I'm sure of it.

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Cheats

Day 3: Or maybe it doesn't The 3v3 fighting hasn't evolved at all over the last few days. Day 7: Supermeh I need to start this segment of the review with an apology.

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How are you getting on with the game? You can tell us and the rest of the PG community about your experiences by leaving a comment in the box below. Want to unlock some trinkets for it and don't mind trudging through a repetitive fighter with minimal skill requirements?