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Slap your byline at the bottom of the HUD's ever-present inventory screen. Are you a fan of the arrogant Muay Thai kickboxer Adon? You can thank Inafune for that, who created Adon from scratch the same year he first drew our favorite Blue Bomber. This precursor to NFL Blitz pioneered a technique that would later make Boon famous: digitized sprites of real-life actors.
Legend has it that the on-field players were modeled after Boon himself. There's a good chance you might've missed this PS1 FPS, despite it being a respectable sci-fi shooter. And for your sake, we're glad you missed the disemboweled teddy bear used to advertise the game in Germany. OK, Ken Levine may be the only developer who worked on a critically acclaimed masterpiece right out the gate. Still, he had to rough it as a screenwriter before transitioning to games! Yep, what you're seeing above was made by the same dude who would be president of HAL Laboratory and Nintendo itself.
It's unclear if that "II" is a representation of a road, because it seems there was never a Car Race I. Either way, this project was a clear demonstration of Iwata's programming prowess even during gaming's infancy. Started with: Dragon's Keep Apple II , doing the programming himself and helping with the writing and graphics.
Just look at that screenshot. No offense to Lowe's early art skills, but that butt-chinned Garfield wanna-be makes us laugh harder than the entirety of Larry's sex-fueled escapades.
No wonder Cage's games aspire to be interactive movies--he must've been starstruck by working on something featuring Jean Claude Van Damme back in Quite honestly, we can't blame him. Howard was denied a job at Bethesda twice before his persistence finally got him hired.
When I found out SWERY had worked on this timeless samurai fighting game, my respect for the man soared beyond its already lofty heights. Play The Last Blade and its sequel, and I hope you'll see why. It's a commonly held belief by the Internet that Kamiya's first work was on this straightforward puzzler, which was essentially a Japanese port of The Incredible Machine's predecessor with Ghouls n' Ghosts branding. This is despite the fact that Resident Evil 2 released a few months prior.
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So far as we can tell, there are no known instances of ridiculous breast physics in this bit gridiron game. This may seem shocking, given Itagaki's later works, but there you go. This crazily named pirate platformer had some awesomely insane box art to match the title. This FMV-heavy game was definitely different--moreso in a "bizarre sci-fi survival horror" kind of way than a "good" way.
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We much prefer it when Ueda takes the reins. Started with: Dodge 'Em, doing all the game design, programming, art, and sound by himself. There's no denying that Romero is a living legend. But something tells us that Dodge 'Em is still a better game than Daikatana. Yes, there's a softer side to the man who created Kratos and Sweet Tooth.
And you thought Jaffe's first game was Mickey Mania! On an unrelated note, you should play Skyblazer--it's actually pretty great. Sure, a World War II dogfighter with then-impressive first-person flight seems like a far cry from Meier's most famous works.

But is there ever not a good time for shooting Nazi pilots of the sky? This concept might've been too ahead of its time: a multiplayer-only, team-based strategy game before that had been established as a thing. Turns out, getting a small studio's online-centric game off the ground was pretty damn challenging back in the '90s. Square's first game was also Sakaguchi's: a portentous adventure game about biological warfare. Sakaguchi also credited himself with the nickname "Goblin," despite not being a green-skinned mischief maker. Mikami's first game let you test your knowledge on the go, if that's what you're into.
And before he terrified us with the RE series, he made such kid-friendly bit Disney classics as Aladdin and Goof Troop.
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The man's got range! Gish was McMillen's breakout hit, but he got his start with this simplistic puzzle game. It was essentially the precursor to Not Tetris, where the blocks' physics could be manipulated until the playfield was a jumbled mess. Before penning digital murder mysteries and not one, but two Quest series, Jensen got her start on some good ol' fashioned edutainment.
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This particular example features fully voiced sea creatures, so we're immediately on board. If that doesn't get you a job interview, nothing will. Kojima has legions of fans thanks to his creation of the Metal Gear series, which is still going strong. And is it just coincidence that Kojima's first job involved a male penguin, while his claim to fame stars a Solid Snake? Yes it is. His early efforts saw him transitioning from games about cowboys to games about sailors-- Popeye , to be exact.
Started with: The Entrepreneur, but we're going to pretend it was the port of Druid 2: Enlightenment. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Learn more. Official Club Wish list. See System Requirements. Available on Mobile device. Description Like challenging tasks? Show More. People also like. Dotster Rated 4. Flow Free: Bridges Rated 4. Rated 4.
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