Anatomy app for blackberry playbook
News June 7, Claron Technology, Inc.
- Skyscape Medical Resources for Playbook and Blackberry 10.
- Claron Debuts Nil App For BlackBerry PlayBook, Provides Anywhere, Anytime Medical Image Viewing.
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- Anatomy of failure: Mobile flops from RIM, Microsoft, and Nokia.
- The few apps limit the tablet’s utility?
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Playbook is unfinished, unusable
Terms of Use. Like RIM, after lots and lots of promises leveraging its Windows savvy and market strength, Microsoft produced its own disastrous mobile platform, Windows Phone 7. It's not as bad as the PlayBook, and if you really want one, a carrier will sell you a unit. Dell too jumped on the Android bandwagon and produced a series of awful tablets, after a failed foray into making its own smartphone.
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- Android Apps on the BlackBerry PlayBook.
Remember the Axim? The list goes on. Nokia had to kill its signature Symbian OS after a new CEO forced it to admit that the OS was at end of life after several years of self-denial, and the company's efforts to create a successor had all failed.
Free Android Apps for BlackBerry PlayBook: 10 Best Downloads | Network World
It then jumped from the frying pan into the fire by adopting Windows Phone 7 and delayed new products until Then there is the parade of successful, largely Asian PC and display makers original equipment makers, or OEMs -- such as Acer, Lenovo, and ViewSonic -- who promise and even sometimes ship sloppy, ill-conceived devices in hopes of getting into a growing market. How enticing!
Why are such established technology powerhouses failing so spectacularly in mobile? How can they not see the self-destruction in their approaches?
How To Build The BlackBerry PlayBook App Ecosystem – My $0.02
As long as you already use the Adobe Connect service, you can set up a webconference and tap into the room with a PlayBook. On the tablet, you can share your video form the built-in front-facing camera, collaborate on documents, instant message, watch a slideshow, and even view a shared screen from a computer.
This app is like Pandora with more attitude. Once you select a "station" in a subgenre - like house or punk - you can stream the best and most recent songs on the device.
Sound quality on the PlayBook is just average, but sounds much better over headphones. You can rate songs, view bios and lyrics, and create custom stations based on the artists and songs you like. Kobo is the only e-book reader available for the PlayBook, and it works just about the same as the Kindle and Google Books apps. You can purchase books using an intuitive interface that shows book covers and author details.
Free Android Apps for BlackBerry PlayBook: 10 Best Downloads
The interface for flipping pages in an e-book also works quickly on the PlayBook's dual-core processor. Books tend to cost a bit more than they do on the Kindle, though.

Viewers on a tablet are helpful for seeing an e-mail attachment. But the PlayBook includes a full editor called Word to Go. You can set fonts and formatting, set page variables like margins and indents, and add a bookmark to your text.