Call filter windows phone 8
Nokia adds call and SMS filter to Windows Phone 8 running Lumia phones | BGR India
Learn how your comment data is processed. Windows Same issue..
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Also the Battery Saver appears to not function at all. Any updates on this? Have the new builds rectified this error?
Lumia XL dual sim RM under Also on Lumia All the information is there but it is not possible to block numbers. Grrr cant Unblock a number previously blocked. For it to be enabled, the smartphone must run the Lumia Amber software version, which is based on the second Windows Phone 8 update also known as GDR2.
For this reason I could not get the feature to appear on a Lumia , that has yet to receive an update to the aforementioned iteration. But, I can confirm that it works flawlessly on my Lumia , which runs the Lumia Amber software version. All Rights Reserved.
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I have to agree with commenter Greg Duncan July 9, that they settings screens you show do not remotely even look like the ones on my phone. Would be nice to know. Not seeing any app in the windows-store WAF. Another Amazing Microsoft Product! When this product OS was conceived? I understand this device is actually running JAVA!. Your email address will not be published.

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Here's a look at the Forum Subscribe Search. Thank you Jim, You are absolutely correct on the fact that the caller can still leave voice-mail.
Nokia adds call and SMS filter to Windows Phone 8 running Lumia phones
Does anyone can help me? Thanks, Mihai. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Related Items: microsoft , mobile , Windows Phone.