Google maps android api free download
Here is some implementation to get you started:. When you feel comfortable with the basics, feel free to get explore the API and add new functionality to your app. Otherwise, skip to the last step! Welcome adventurous ones! This section is for those brave souls that ventured into the uncharted territory of Android Wear. Congratulations on making through each step of the tutorial :D.
Feeling up to it? Great, lets get started!
Google Maps API for Android
As I'm sure you've guessed, Android Wear is a relatively new mobile platform designed for wearables. What's really cool about Android Wear, is that development for it is nearly identical to the traditional Mobile platform. So, all the development we just did in the previous step for Google Maps on Mobile is exactly the same for Android Wear! In light of the dominant parallelism between the two platforms, I'll focus on a few key elements that really only pertain to Android Wear. When incorporating Google Maps into your Wear app, ideally, you want your view to be immersive.
The problem with that is the user cannot use traditional swipe-to-exit gestures to quit out of the map. Luckily, there is a nifty little tool we can use called a DismissOverlayView that, when invoked via a OnLongClickListener, overlays the entire view with an exit button. To use DismissOverViews there are two components, the layout placeholder and the Java implementation. Check out the implementation for both below:. I hope that this tutorial has helped you learn about Android development; increasing your skill set and confidence in developing more complex apps in the future.
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Exploring new topics is fun and exciting and I hope that by learning Google Maps you have broadened your creativity horizons. Add Teacher Note. On the software side of things On the hardware side of things Once you have all this set up, let's create our first Google Maps Project! Are you excited to start working with Maps yet? If so, then let's continue! New Project: Our Google Map endeavors deserve their own space, so let's create a new app! There's a couple ways you can go about it: Follow this guide! Import the included. Add an Activity to Mobile: Here, Android Studio gives you the option to let you add some initial elements to your app.
Click next to name your activity.
Find your Google Maps app version
Customize the Mobile Activity: On this next screen, choose a name for your activity. Click next. Click finish to create your app!
If you want this route, follow this link. Once you have activated the API, skip to the next step! To do that, follow the steps below: Head over to the Google Developers Console, and sign in with your Google account. Create a new project and give it a name of your choosing. We'll need that in our next step! This is the final stretch to implementing our Google Maps app.
Just one more step to go! Head over to the next step and lets get coding!
Add maps | Android Developers
Concept: Google Map layouts for Android is based extensively on fragments. Layout: Adding a Google Map to your app is very simple. This callback will trigger when your map is ready to be used. We'll get to that in a minute. To do that, do the following So, add this code into your onMapReady callback method: this. Interaction: Now that we have a reference to our GoogleMap object, there's a lot of cool things that we can do. Drawing a Marker: Say you want to mark a point on the map. Try this in your app for placing a marker Drawing a Path: You know how directions in the actual Google Maps app draws your route on the map?
Here's an example of a method that you can also put in your app Here is some implementation to get you started Concept: As I'm sure you've guessed, Android Wear is a relatively new mobile platform designed for wearables. Ensure you create an Google API based emulator. This emulator can also be used to test Google map and other Google Play Service integration.
The key is free, you can use it with any of your applications that call the Maps API. This key supports an unlimited number of users. You have to provide your application signature key and the application package name. This is based on the key with which you sign your Android application during deployment. During development the Android build system, automatically creates and uses a debug key.
Start building with Google Maps Platform
Select here the Services entry. You need later to register your application via its package in this console together with the SHA-1 fingerprint of your signature key. For this you select the entry and click on the API Access entry. Enter your SHA-1 fingerprint and the package of your application separated by a semicolon. For example, in the following screenshot the com. The procedure is described in detail in Getting a Google Maps key. In this exercise you create an Android application which shows a GoogleMap via a fragment. Create a new Android project called com.
Tools for common platforms
In this example we use the MapFragment. Change your layout file to the following code. Introduction to Android Development. Free use of the software examples is granted under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.

Lars Vogel c , vogella GmbH Version 4. To add a marker to a map, it is necessary create a new MarkerOptions object and then call the AddMarker method on a GoogleMap instance. This method will return a Marker object. The title of the marker will be displayed in an info window when the user taps on the marker. The following screenshot shows what this marker looks like:.
It is possible to customize the icon used by the marker by calling the MarkerOptions. InvokeIcon method when adding the marker to the map.