Iphone battery draining while plugged in
Works beautifully. Would it make sense to calibrate it now or wait a couple of months? Thanks much. I would wait a few months. I find that the opportunity to calibrate usually presents itself. It was interesting to learn about how calibration affects your battery. I learned a lot about why calibration is important.
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- The Most Common iPhone Battery Problems – And How To Fix Them?
My wife and I just purchased those wireless chargers for the X. Really convenient but I do notice she takes every opportunity to rest the iPhone on the charger anytime she walks in the door. Is the advice still valid or was that from an earlier period? Thanks again for this wealth of information. Thank you for sharing this page.
I really appreciate it. Also, sorry for the delay in responding to this comment. This is still valid for the iPhone X. But there is a tradeoff between battery lifespan and convenience. Given the longevity of Apple devices, it will become obsolete before the battery dies. Original battery was getting tired and phone was horribly slow with new iOS update. Worked fantastic for a couple of weeks and I then found this article. I figured I would add some additional battery TLC by fully draining and calibrating it as per the above advice.
Sadly it appears to have cooked my new battery and have found other articles that state fully draining a lithium ion battery is not only not necessary or recommended, it can be detrimental. My advice is to do some research before doing this procedure. In fact, I still use my old iPhone 4 every day as a kitchen timer and clock.

I only charge it once in two weeks. I also have a three year old iPhone 6, with the original battery, that has been calibrated several times. The battery is in mint condition, and it is not slowed down due to a failing battery. Read through the comments and you will see many claims that this works. Although it is no longer in the manual, you can easily find that Apple Store geniuses recommend and follow this procedure.
I have written about these issues in other articles. I have studied lithium ion batteries, particularly with regard to Apple devices, for years now. This cockamamie theory pops up every once in a while. There seems to be a lack of common sense in your comment. Some people do this every day. This is a misunderstanding with alarmist implications. It is simply not true. It seems to me that you had a defective battery installed. Either that, or you used a charger with too much power.
That is completely cockamamie. It is completely safe to run down an iPhone battery all the way and charge it. The battery you bought may be poor quality. It is well known that unofficial Apple replacement parts are often poor quality. You may have damaged the phone or battery with the DIY battery replacement. The lesson to be learned here is that people should get their devices serviced by Apple or an authorized service technician.
I know for a fact that calibration does not ruin the battery. I also know for a fact that people often buy poor quality batteries and damage their phone with DIY repairs.
Reader Interactions
I have linked to this in my article, but you neglected to read it, and decided to add an ad hominem attack on my credibility. Your personal attack is ironic, because you attempt to undermine my credibility, yet you are too ignorant and lazy to read a linked article providing proof.
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Your inconsiderate and thoughtless comment only makes you look bad. Your writing is garbage. Spell checking seems to be yet another technology you are unfamiliar with.
How To Calibrate iPhone Battery
I had to fix your spelling errors and profanity, but I left everything else as is. You should be embarrassed to post such poor quality trash. I rarely deal in ad hominem attacks, but you are a one-in-a-million moron. You are vastly overvaluing your opinion. You should be paying people to read or listen to your opinion, as it is of such low value. This includes non-Apple devices. It is not a measure of lithium-ion concentration.
Why does iPhone's Battery Drains So Fast? How to Fix it?
That is much too difficult to measure. It is an abstraction. Was it too hard to search the web for this before posting? The link was right there. I recommend draining the battery fully overnight or for a few hours. This only damages the battery if this is done over long term storage — months. I cover this in more detail in the linked article about extending iPhone battery life.
You seem more interested in clobbering us with the tiny bit of misinformation you have. Wow, there is no limit to your moronic nature. Apple slows down some iPhones with failing batteries. This was all over the news. The conclusion you have come to underscores what a complete moron you are. Are you in a prison or institution? Are you not able to get news coverage? Or are you just a moron? Incorrect once again. The power IC manages charging. There is nothing in the battery itself that regulates charging. I actually read the documentation for power ICs in Apple devices. Some of us actually research before writing.
I replaced my 4s battery a year ago and i still have the problem with the phone shutting down at approx. I am not sure if it is just a calculation error or if I am being short changed. I have resorted the phone twice. That did not change a thing. This situation makes it difficult to fully discharge the battery if it is almost half charged as the phone will not turn on.
About a month ago, I managed to get it fully discharged once, but it took 2 weeks. I drained it again, the fully charged the phone. I may not have restarted it. I have an iPhone 4s as an extra phone. It has a fairly new battery. How would you run the battery done to 0 if the phone will not turn on? Would this calibration work on my phone?
My iPhone is new. You can try it, but I think something else is going on. When you buy a new iPhone, there are often background processes that drain the battery faster. I remember when I first got my iPhone 6, it was losing battery power like crazy.
I calibrated it, and it helped, but something else was going on. These processes also run after major iOS updates. Does anyone have any observations to make in relation to re-calibration and the Battery Health statistic in iOS I calibrate it a few times a year. It really surprised me that the battery is in great shape.
Why does iPhone's Battery Drains So Fast? How to Fix it?
It may keep the capacity higher if it is done regularly. My iPhone 4 manual recommends calibration with the justification that partial charge cycles leave some ions stagnant — they stay in the same charged state. This causes ions to seize and diminishes battery lifespan.