Android 2g 3g switch widget root
There is a battery icon in the notification bar, however it is not very precise.
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Fortunately, there are a number of widgets that display the battery level of your device on your home screen:. In the next part of this Android widget series, we will discuss the various clock widgets in the market. Image credit: Johan Larsson. That said, some of the widgets described in the article are both interesting in terms of function, and quite interesting looking… beautiful, even, a few of them.
Skip to content. Is this article useful? Yes No. Comments 3. Facebook Tweet. Sep 6, at am. Gregg L.
Your Answer
Dec 11, at pm. All that said, I admit that some of the widgets in this article sure seem nice. Damien Oh. Thanks for recommending Elixir2 and SDTools. I just checked them out. Please keep this limitation in mind in case you are not sure whether you are affected by it or not.
This is outside of this app's control. However, some network types are not supported by the custom ROM mode. When trying to set them, e. Please disable any such unsupported types via the app settings. In such cases, toggling to the "next" preferred network type doesn't work since this app doesn't know the current preferred network type.
Other issues: When reporting any issues please include the following info in your post: Device, ROM and ROM version, exact version number of this app you use don't just write "latest" , superuser management app e.

Describe in detail what you tried to do, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead. Cheers, cygery Screenshots: Quote:.
Toggle Network Type 5.0 (root) APK
Attached Files com. OP Recognized Developer. Join Date: Joined: May Device compatibility: Please note : This is not an exhaustive list and only mirrors my current state of knowledge. If your device is neither listed in the "compatible" or "incompatible" list its compatibility isn't known yet.
If you test it please report and I'll update the lists. The Following 51 Users Say Thank You to cygery For This Useful Post: [ View ] Akoolive 14th January , altahichamzio 19th July , asabaraba 15th January , b0li 6th May , bombadier 1st July , ciopik 28th December , dankatz1 28th November , decebal 25th March , Divshal 5th June , draa 7th January , eldani25 16th May , ezet 20th December , fradbari 5th August , geri.
Thanks Meter : Join Date: Joined: Nov Does it work on Kitkat as well? Join Date: Joined: Mar Join Date: Joined: Jun Thanks Meter : 3. Thanks a lot, works fantastic.
If I want to use that with other apps than Locale or Tasker in my case Lama , what is the Intend I need to use to set the network mode? What is the syntax? Great job. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk. Tested on my Nexus 4 :. Thanks Meter : 7. Join Date: Joined: Apr Works great as a PowerToggles custom toggle.
I only wish its icon would update to show you what mode it's in right now. Right now I have to also have the built-in "Data Network Toggle" added, which tells you what mode it's in after you click on it. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Previous Thread Next Thread. Search this Thread Advanced Search. Android Apps and Games. Miscellaneous Android Development. Tag Search. Advanced Search. Find All Thanked Posts. Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. Show Printable Version. Email this Page. Linear Mode.