Colleges with applications still open
Are you dragging your feet about your application because you're not sure what to do next year? Perhaps taking a gap year to volunteer, work, or figure out your future educational plans is the best option for you! We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:.
She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. How to Get a Perfect , by a Perfect Scorer. Score on SAT Math.
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When Are Most College Deadlines? Want to build the best possible college application? Rebecca Safier. About the Author. Ask a Question Below Have any questions about this article or other topics? For over 21 years, IvyWise has been dedicated to helping students find the schools that will be a good fit for them, where they will be happy and succeed.
Our team has over years of combined experience and we have worked with thousands of students.
How to apply
IvyWise College Admissions Blog. These Schools Still Have Space For Students in the Class of For students who maybe got a late start on the college admissions process, or their goals and interests have suddenly changed, trying to apply for admission to the fall term may seem impossible. Written by IvyWise. Previous Post. Next Post.

Join Our Mailing List! Recent Popular Categories. Kat's Lists 1 Fisher V. Recent Posts. IvyWise College Admission Blog. Planning for College? I think the biggest thing I love about Lawrence is how safe I feel here, and it's such a small school that I see the same faces walking around every day. The dorms are average, most professors are great, and the food is decent compared to other universities I've visited. The only other downside is that there is the "Lawrence busy" mentality, and there is a slight mood of competetion throughout the campus to constantly be grinding.
Personally, I've developed from a shy, homeschooled kid to an outspoken leader. Academically, I have been able to take part in courses totally outside of my specific major and has helped hone in on my creative side through classes like theater. Lastly, professionally I've been able to work alongside my college career as a co-op which has resulted in me getting work experience even before I graduate and better prepared me for the time after graduation. I can't imagine having this experience anywhere else, go Flyers!
What attracted me most to the school was the strong community and support for all students. The professors really care your success, and they care about you as a person. Anyone on campus will refer you to the best place of help for what you need. The food is really good, as far as college cafeterias go. The campus is in a nice small town, 15 minutes from Mankato and one hour from the twin cities. There are lots of parks and nature to explore nearby, like Seven Mile Creek County Park I went there on a class field trip! My favorite place on campus is definitely the arboretum! It is so nice to have Professors who are invested in the environment that students are in and actively engage the class in what is being taught.
The campus is very pretty and easy to get around. Everyone is dedicated in their studies, but are still engaged with the community within Rhodes as well as out side of it.
Wellesley College
Though I have only been here a short time, my overall experience has been positive and has motivated me to work harder and enjoy my life while doing so. Being a student with austim was very worried and nervous attending a college with zero people I would know. Freshman week being only ones on the campus truly broke the ice. I was attending as much as possible to learn what the campus will be like for the next 4 years. All are very welcoming; Advisors are easy to communicte with to progress correctly.
I knew on my first visit this would be my college! Is amazing to see a dream come true and how well I fit in this college. They are so helpful, working hard for all to succeed. My experiences here so far have been greatly beneficial to my future already and have allowed me to start making numerous professional connections just 8 weeks into being here. The small community here makes everyone feel like family. The one-on-one time that you can get from your professors is extremely beneficial.
Every professor cares about YOU succeeding. Every department is successful here and I do not know of many small town colleges that are strong in every single major. You'll even see plenty of furry creatures such as the squirrels, ducks, geese, and swans! Plus, chicken tenders from World of Wings Cafe.
Colleges That Are Still Accepting Applications for Fall
Nothing beats this small and diverse campus. The campus feel is everything I was looking for in a college and I wouldn't change a thing. There are plenty of food services offered and plenty of variety and delicious options. All and all, its impossible to stress how at home I feel here and anyone who steps foot on the campus and talks to someone who works or attended this school would know why. I am great friends with my roommates, I loved my music classes, and even found an interest in Norwegian. Luther College offers lots of different classes that expand on your learning and education.
They also have wonderful and excellent staff! All of the professors want to know every single one of their students and they want them to succeed. The only thing I would like to see change is more availability in classes.
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The classes fill up extremely fast, so if you don't have an early registration time you don't have high chances of getting in the classes you want. The campus is beautiful and the classes are small, so you really get to know other students and professors. The professors are also very helpful when it comes to course work. We have our own police station that only works for the campus, not the city.
Applying to Oxford
We have a high ropes course and other activities that different organizations put on such as cookies and canvas and philanthropy events put on by the social Greek houses. Having access to the canal and downtown is also a very nice perk. There is a lot of construction and updates being made as part of the " Vision" so tuition has increased, which is the only downfall. Skip to Main Content Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. Please turn it on if you're experiencing issues. Cancel Apply. Best Colleges Sort: Best Colleges.
Carleton College. Colby College. Smith College. Reed College.