Destiny app external authentication error

Chilling with Calus. Cake Day. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. External Authentication Error Problems So your are doing PC, not Xbox? Beta code can't be redeemed till we're closer to beta. More posts from the destiny2 community. The hash of the Activity Mode for which streams should be retrieved.


Don't pass it in or pass 0 to not filter by mode. The locale for streams you'd like to see. Don't pass this to fall back on your BNet locale.

Pass 'ALL' to not filter by locale. Returns info about community members who are live streaming among your friends. Querystring Parameters streamLocale. Path Parameters membershipId The membershipId related to that type. See: Community. GetTrendingCategories Trending. Returns trending items for Bungie.

For pagination within a category, call GetTrendingCategory. See: Trending. GetTrendingCategory Trending.

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GetTrendingEntryDetail Trending. Returns the detailed results for a specific trending entry. Path Parameters identifier The identifier for the entity to be returned. Gets a count of all active non-public fireteams for the specified clan. Maximum value returned is Path Parameters groupId The group id of the clan. GetAvailableClanFireteams Fireteam. Gets a listing of all of this clan's fireteams that are have available slots. Caller is not checked for join criteria so caching is maximized. Path Parameters activityType The activity type to filter by.

Querystring Parameters langFilter. Gets a listing of all public fireteams starting now with open slots. GetMyClanFireteams Fireteam. Gets a listing of all clan fireteams that caller is an applicant, a member, or an alternate of. This parameter is ignored unless the optional query parameter groupFilter is true.

Querystring Parameters groupFilter. If true, filter by clan. Otherwise, ignore the clan and show all of the user's fireteams.

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GetClanFireteam Fireteam. Path Parameters fireteamId The unique id of the fireteam. See: Fireteam. See: Common. Gets any active global alert for display in the forum banners, help pages, etc. Usually used for DOC alerts.

Querystring Parameters includestreaming. Array Contents: GlobalAlert.

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Entities Applications. ApplicationScopes Enumeration. Object Properties range. See: Dates. Instances of blocked requests or requests that crossed the warn threshold during the time range. Object Properties start. Object Properties datapoints. Object Properties time. Object Properties applicationType. Link to website for the application where a user can learn more about the app. Value of the Origin header sent in requests generated by this application. List of team members who manage this application on Bungie. Will always consist of at least the application owner. OAuthApplicationType Enumeration.

Valid Enum Values None : 0. Indicates the application is server based and can keep its secrets from end users and other potential snoops. Indicates the application runs in a public place, and it can't be trusted to keep a secret. ApplicationStatus Enumeration. Application exists and works but will not appear in any public catalog. New applications start in this state, test applications will remain in this state. Application disabled by the owner. All authorizations will be treated as terminated while in this state. Owner can move back to private or public state.

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Application has been blocked by Bungie. It cannot be transitioned out of this state by the owner. Authorizations are terminated when an application is in this state. Object Properties role. DeveloperRole Enumeration. Object Properties membershipType. Display Name the player has chosen for themselves. The display name is optional when the data type is used as input to a platform API. BungieMembershipType Enumeration.

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