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Related 8. Hot Network Questions. Students of computer science and maths may find this App very useful when they start analyzing if mathemetical problems or algorithms are computable.
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Number Converter A tool to convert numbers between different numeral systems. Supports bases between 2 and 36 but also other numeral systems like Roman numbers.
It provides many features which makes surfing in the web much easier. Here're some key features: With Tabs you can open multiple web pages at the same time Using the Download Manager you can download files directly on the device The Upload feature lets you upload file and photos to web sites The iCloud support lets you share Bookmarks, Tabs, Settings and more across all of your iOS devices The Readability Support lets you sync a reading list between Apps and devices The Fullscreen Mode removes all the toolbars Filters can be used to block ads or other elements.
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Kalkulilo Taschenrechner: Turing Ein Simulator einer Turingmaschine. Number Converter Eine einfache App, um Zahlen zwischen unterscheidlicher Zahlensystemen unterschiedlicher Basen zu konvertieren. Die App bietet viele Funktionen, die das Surfen im Web sehr vereinfachen.

Hier sind einige der Hauptfeatures: Werbung, ausblenden. Die Suche kann erweitert werden.