Iphone 5 wifi fix cydia
Note: Once you take out your SIM card , make sure the card is not scratched or damaged in any way.
Signal Booster: Aweseome Cydia Tweak to enhance iPhone’s Carrier and WiFi Signal Strength
In case you notice the damage, contact your carrier and ask for a SIM card replacement. If you do not see any damages, insert your SIM card into another smartphone to see if the No service issue occurs. If it does, contact your carrier for a replacement. The update always comes with bug fixes and it also improves the security and the performance of iOS devices. That is why it is advisable to update the software when a new version becomes available. Here is how to do just that:.
- How to Reinstall a Cydia Without Wi-Fi | phon-er.com.
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This useful method can fix no service on iPhone, but it is very effective for many other problems, including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi issues. You will have to re-enter your Wi-Fi passwords and pair your iPhone with Bluetooth devices all over again. Here is how to reset network settings:. This method is safe because you will not lose any data or media on your iPhone. Here is what you have to do to:.
No service on iPhone can also be fixed by restoring the iPhone using iTunes.
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You need to keep that this will erase everything you have on your device, so backup your data first. To restore your iPhone to factory settings, follow these steps:. Sometimes, no service on iPhone may appear after iOS update. Some users complained about the issue after they upgraded their devices to iOS 9. In most cases, all you need to do is wait for a while and give your device some time to settle after the update. There are a couple of things to try:.
No Service error can only be resolved by downgrading your current iPad baseband. Most people jail break their iPhone with Redsn0w and upgrade to iPad baseband. Be sure to back up all data by iCloud or computer.
If you tried the solutions above, and nothing worked, contact your carrier. Marienne, Your fix still works a year and a half later! My iphone 6 has been useless 3 days now.. It sounded like a poker machine paying off when all the texts and voice mails came rolling in. I hope you have a successful IT service; you deserve it! Hello, All the solution above not worked for myIPhone 6…. Finally I found another solution: after factory reset my network signal appears on my phone but diasppear very fast.. Solution is: when YOU have the network signal after factory reset , very fast enable data on your IPhone and keep it eanbled forever….
FOR my IPhone 6 it. They were no longer able to hide it on the iPhone 7 as you can see by the news. It is a terrible design, and cheap install of the product. Either cheap weak soldering by factory so the pads are having issues or the chip is blown and needs to be replaced.
Please help me. We should all sue Apple. It bent and now I have no service no matter what I do. What an absolute disgrace for what they charge for these polished turds. Sometimes you can skip 1 and start directly with 2. The issue has happened before, but it was easily fixed with the other suggestions. But this time nothing was working until I saw this comment. Thank you so much!! This sounded ridiculous but it totally worked!! I went to Verizon and they made fun of me, apple phone call was no help, but this worked! This sounds like the dumbest thing ever, but it worked!

After my son messed with his phone settings and everything for hours, it worked! Lo and behold, it worked!!! No way!!!!! This worked!!!! I took it to the store , I spent hours on the phone with tech support everyday for a week. And this worked!!!!!!! Having exhausted all other software options, I became so desperate that I actually tried this. Thank you! Its for sure bent phone. Iphone 6 especially; even the small one will bend and once its bent the antenna or sim will not carry a signal. I squeezed mine really hard after I turned it off and that helps. You lose service once the connection is lost from whatever is connecting it.
Basically this iphone is an piece of garbage.
- How to Fix Cydia Error 'POSIX: Operation timed out' - iBlogApple.
- How To Fix No Service On iPhone After iOS Update!
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My phone has had no service for over 4 days. The turn off cellular data, turn on airplane mode…. Then cut off? I had same issue, nothing worked. I was convinced it was antenna or bad radio.
iOS 9.0 – iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak (updated to latest iOS 9.3.6)
I took it to my cellphone repair shop and the guy messed with it for two minutes and it worked because he had messed with another for four hours. The answer: Turn off voice roaming. Verizon had some programming thing on their new tower her that only allowed the phone to work on roaming, not normally. Well Holy phone batman, you helped fixed my phone!!
Part 2: How to Fix WiFi Not Working on iOS 13/12
Turned off voice roaming, as you said, after I tried everything. It actually worked. Tried everything here and several other places and this was the only thing which worked.