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It is said that it beat the official type approval for the Motorola by about a week. There were four Orbitel mobiles type approved in the same month. The first was the Orbitel TPU A third version was produced for Ericsson called the Hotline GM The fourth version was produced for the German D1 network listed as mobiltelefon model It was also the phone used by the University of Technology in Sydney for work they did to determine the limits of position fixing using a GSM network…the results being fed into the ETSI standardisation work in this area.
The company was eventually bought by Ericsson. Back to the Top 6.
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When GSM was introduced it was more than just a new radio air-interface but a whole new mobile platform. The complexity was enormous for the time and the specification was still fluid. The first Class 4 GSM mobile that we would recognise today as a hand portable phone was the Motorola Unsurprisingly it was an old analogue package…the brick…with a new digital innards.
It got its official type approval on 3 September That was over two months after the Orbitel and over a month ahead of the Nokia Whilst GSM brought many benefits in those first few years they actually took mobiles backwards in respect of their size, weight and power consumption compared with the analogue mobile phones of the same period. But the size of the potential GSM market was so large that it kept the chip industry investing heavily in shrinking the GSM chips and reducing their current drain.
With this came reductions in size and weight…and price…and the huge industrial momentum behind GSM resulted in the analogue mobile phones becoming a relic of history. Back to the Top 7. Nokia launched its first GSM mobile phone, the Nokia , on The memory could hold 99 phone numbers.
The timing was perfect and the bet well placed. Like a surfer, with a mixture of skill inspired intuitive user interface and luck, they were lifted by the rising GSM tidal wave to global dominance.
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Together they tell a tale of two company strategies around the choice of technical standards. Few would argue that the Motorola MicroTAC was not the better mobile phone both technically and in terms of style. But for Nokia the one design to the new GSM standard opened up a market in over 14 countries but for Motorola, each new analogue market necessitated a significant re-design. There were a huge variation in the frequency of operation and technical standard for the analogue cellular radio networks across the world.
By GSM had ignited the mobile phone revolution and in the process had up-ended the global mobile phone industrial landscape. Motorola lost its crown to Nokia and was never given the space to re-claim it. Back to the Top 8. By Sony were reported to be producing , batteries per month for cell phones in Japan. The self-discharge of the battery was less than half compared to Ni-Cd and NiMH — contributing to improving the mobile phone standby time. But one of the big technical challenges has been safety. Early lithium-ion batteries posed safety issues. By a number of other suppliers had built Lithium-ion battery plants and around this time the first mobile phones outside of Japan started to come with Lithium-ion batteries.
Battery safety has been improved as well as battery performance — energy capacity has doubled over 10 years. Today there are a number of different Lithium-ion battery technologies and together they dominate the mobile battery market. Note: my research has yet to track down the particular mobile in Japan that first had a Lithium-ion battery — hence the title of Anon.
Back to the Top 9. From this Mercury One2One and Orange emerged. Mercury One2One were first to open their service in but only covering the area within the M Mercury had a problem. Who would want a service only within the M25 when Vodafone and Cellnet offered a service across the whole of the UK? How did they attract consumers attention? I was told by a Mercury executive at their pre-launch dinner that their marketing consultants told them that the public only notice two words in Ads above all others…sex and free.
They came up with their free calls in the evening and weekends. It resonated with the DTI vision of the mobile phone as a mass consumer market.
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It also caught the public imagination and created credibility for the mobiles being an effective alternative to the wireline telephone. The service was launched with two mobiles. The first was the Motorola m The second mobile was the Siemens m Opening up the MHz band to mobile radio not only made more capacity available for cellular radio but allowed more network competitors to enter the market. It was also the bridge that eventually made it possible to roam across the Atlantic with ordinary low cost mobiles.
It caught the attention of BellSouth Executives and led to a joint development that was announced in November at the Wireless World Conference. At the time it was hailed as the first time a company had placed a computer in a cellular phone, rather than placing a cellular phone in a computer. That said the development manager Rich Guidotti described it as a communications device first and a computer second.
When used as a cellular phone, Simon offered standard cellular features, including a built in emergency call button, last-number redial, last numbers redial, address book auto-dial and roaming preference. IBM Simon — the first to build a computer into a mobile telephone to produce a personal communicator. The phone worked on the analogue AMPS network. The e-mail could work through any Lotus cc:Mail post office that supported remote dial-in.
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Faxes could be created using a pen-touch screen or writing directly on the screen using a stylus. In parallel BellSouth was also working with Apple to integrate cellular radio into the Newton that BellSouth described as an electronic organiser rather than a personal communicator. IBM themselves described Simon as a voice intensive device and were also working on more data intensive devices.
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The manufacture was sub-contracted by IBM to Mitsubishi. The Timex Datalink model 50 was the first watch able to receive down-loaded data from a computer.
It was launched in These black and white visual images were received inside the watch via a tiny lens at the top edge of the watch face and translated by an optical to electrical transducer into binary data. Later models included the Model 70, and s that allowed more telephone numbers to be stored. Fossil SPOT smartwatch The data was transmitted as a sub-carrier of an FM Sound broadcasting carrier and was a subscription service run by Microsoft but only available in North America.
Their business model allowed for competitive information channels fed from specialist web sites.

Later models were introduced by Tissot with touch screen and Swatch. In Microsoft tried to re-energise the product with an upgraded model called Abacus with increased memory. In no more SPOT watches were produced and in Microsoft ceased the associated data broadcasting service. The first game on a mobile phone was provided by a German company called Hagenuk. Hagenuk MT provided the first mobile game. Hagenuk had got in early into the GSM phone market.
Their first GSM mobile, the MT, got it official type approval only 4 weeks after Nokia got type approval for their first GSM hand portable the but Hagenuk beat Nokia by three years in getting a game onto a mobile phone. According to software engineer Christian Kraft he came up with the idea that the business people buying a mobile phone might also like a game on it. He implemented a version of Tetris in C code on the MT over a weekend.
A Hagenuk marketing manager loved the idea. After fixing a lot of bugs and copyright issues the game was implemented on the MT A small royalty on each phone was paid to the original Tetris inventors. But if Nokia lost the battle to be first with a mobile phone game they won the war of mobile phone games against Hegenuk. Hagenuk had to sell their mobile phone business in A case where being first was not enough. Back to the Top Nokia — 1st phone with Nokia tune There are a number of happy accidents of history in the mobile phone story in terms of successes that nobody foresaw.
One of those happy accidents was the mobile ring tone bonanza. Without doubt its foundation was laid by Nokia with their introduction of the Nokia tune.
The Nokia that brought with it the musical ring tone. It was the first identifiable musical ring tone on a mobile phone and in this regard the Nokia was game-changing mobile phone for the industry and consumers. Nokia Communicator — the first mobile to make a reality of the mobile office on GSM The Nokia Communicator gathered around it a hardcore of devotees who organised their lives via their mobile phone.
It is probably the point of origin of the mobile phone becoming a vortex sucking in ever more functions and applications as the basic mobile phone became commodity consumer items. It was announced in Q1 The mobile was manufactured by Hagenuk at its Kiel facility in Germany. The mobile came with built in guides of the functions to provide a manual-free operation from the start, and also allowing users to define their own personal menu structure — a feature we tend today to associate only with smart phones.
Hagenuk and Toshiba produced the first mobile with integrated antenna. Motorola was one of the last to lose the outside antenna following a battle within the company between the engineering department, who were trying to squeeze out the best technical performance, and the marketing department, who were tapping into consumer preference.
Soon all mobile came with integrated internal antenna. However this tilt to consumer preference has come at a cost most consumers are unaware of.
The fact that mobiles work at all with such a huge drop in antenna efficiency is down to improved receivers able to work with much weaker signals and much higher density of base stations providing stronger signals on average. Integrated internal antenna at and MHz longer wavelengths are particularly inefficient. Some designers are better than others in meeting this challenge but this, like the antenna, remains largely hidden from consumers.
The Siemens S10 was the first mobile phone with a colour screen but it was not the screen that was to change the world. Siemens S10 adds colour for the first time to the mobile screen. The mobile was manufactured by Mitsubishi and had screen has a resolution of 96 x 11, pixels and colours. The next technology milestone for mobile screen quality was the J-Phone SH07 from Sharp — the first mobile phone in the world to have a 65k pixel resolution screen. The popularity of coloured screen exploded around the world and only 2 years after the emergence of the Di annual sales of mobile phones with coloured screens had leapt to over million units.
Neither the Di nor the SH07 appeared outside of Japan as they only worked on the PDC network standard — a technology that was unique to Japan — one of the reasons why Japanese Companies, in spite of their fantastic mobile phone innovations, were held back from dominating the global mobile phone market.