What the saying app level 40
This game seems to have just vanished off of my daughters fire this morning. And this was her favorite. If it's not in the app store, the developer pulled it or Amazon found major problems like spyware in it in violation of Amazon's app policies and yanked it. NOT saying it has it but that's one reason stuff will vanish. As was mentioned earlier you need to talk to the app developer about their app. If it's not int he app store, the developer pulled it or Amazon found major problems like spyware in it in violation of Amazon's app policies and yanked it. To be fair, today'sOP from kndarby was originally it's own thread and has since been moved by a Mod.
Forum regulars may be aware of a change but someone wandering by the forum would probably have no clue that a response appears to reference missing content or why posts in a thread seem disjointed.
I'm the same as you. My daughter loves it. Fire tablets do not officially support Google and vice versa so you are on your own.
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Amazon won't provide any support if you experience issues. Additionally, this is the US site and you mention pounds so you should contact Amazon UK which has forums and support of their own. Amazon Digital and Device Forum. Sign In. Feature Request. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack.
What the saying app level 40
Last edited by J. Penrose : Oct 11, Quote from J. Being creative isn't a hobby, it's a way of life. Posts Quoted:. For me it's definitely about the grind and such, but also more so just about the immersion and the chance to be a Guardian in this beautiful universe But here's something to grind for! Perfecting a 5 5 1 build or if you're a badass Experiencing all the endgame content like Raids, Crucible, etc There's so damn much! Experiencing everything and having fun! Good luck Guardian! That's all this game is, grinding. Level up your subclasses.
All three are helpful, regardless of class. It helps to get them their perks. Do the quests. They're tedious, annoying, and sometimes frustrating, but do them. Most give you gear and experience, some give you legendary marks, some get you exotics.

Just do them. Unfortunately, most people in this community won't run you through even a vault of glass run without some dumbass standards, but you can find those few "cool" people that'll help you.
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Do heroic strikes when you get the shot. They have annoying ass modifiers, but they can be fun. It's a good way to make friends, too. Do your research.
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I'm not saying devote a lot of time to it, but watching some videos on destiny does help. My personal recommendation for a tuber is planet Destiny.
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They have great reviews on exotics, they do step by step videos, it'll really help you out. If you're not really enjoying the way they flow, you can always check out Datto. I think his content is good, but I think he, as a person is a bit of douche. Personality aside, his information is more or less accurate, and he does go in depth with a lot of things, going so far as to do invisible math.
He really is a good youtuber though.
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Tefty Teft and briar rabbit are also good choices. If you want tips and tricks in the crucible, Mtashed is an arrogant douchebag with a superiority complex, but his content really will help you if you listen to it, and True vanguard someone help me with the spelling so I can edit this if anything is wrong, I'm actually trying to help this person is an incredible player, less of a dick, and his content is solid.
I hope this helps a little. Get your light as high as possible.
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Heroic Strikes are a good way. I'd run through the vanguard strike playlist and once your light is a bit higher, give the heroic vanguard strikes a try. Ranking up the vanguard and one of the factions can also give you higher light weapons and armor. By , you can try out King's Fall normal mode. That can drop gear and weapons up to light. Once high enough, you can go for King's Fall hard and Challenge of the Elders.
There's also Iron Banner coming up later this month that'll give out higher light gear. What system are you on?