Android xml id naming conventions
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checkstyle – Naming Conventions
A common naming convention that everyone agrees to follow must be accompanied by consistent usage. This will result in developers, reviewers and project managers communicate effectively with respect to what the code does. While there are well-established naming conventions, there's no single one that fits all scenarios.
Each programming language recommends its own convention. Each project or organization may define it's own convention.
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An early use of Camel Case, more formally called medial capitals , starts in chemistry. Swedish chemist Jacob Berzelius invents it to represent chemical formulae.
Naming conventions for RecyclerViews in Android
The use of Snake Case can be traced to the late s. In the s, it's used in C language, while Pascal uses what is later called Pascal Case. However, the name Snake Case itself is coined in the early s. The s is when Camel Case started becoming common in the world of computer programming. However, the name itself is coined years later in and is attributed to Newton Love. In the s, Charles Simonyi, a Hungarian working at Microsoft, invents the notation of using lowercase prefixes to names to indicate what the name referred to.
Thus is born Apps Hungarian Notation. Unfortunately, some mistake Simonyi's idea and use prefixes to indicate data types. This is born Systems Hungarian. While Apps Hungarian is useful, Systems Hungarian is not, particularly in type safe languages. When Microsoft start working on. NET in the late s, they recommend not using Hungarian notation. R language doesn't officially specify a naming convention.
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Therefore multiple conventions exist. Naming conventions are probably not important if the code is written by a single developer, who's also the sole maintainer. However, typical real-world projects are developed and maintained by teams of developers. Particularly in the context of open source projects, code is shared, updated and merged by many individuals across organizations and geographies. Naming conventions are therefore important.
Articles written by Jay Kallen
Naming conventions result in improvements in terms of "four Cs": communication, code integration, consistency and clarity. The idea is that "code should explain itself". At code reviews, we can focus on important design decisions or program flow rather than argue about naming. Naming conventions lead to predictability and discoverability. A common naming convention, coupled with a consistent project structure, makes it easier to find files in a project.
In short, naming convention is so important that Phil Karlton is said to have said,. There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. What are some common naming conventions used in programming? Among the common ones are the following: Camel Case : First letter of every word is capitalized with no spaces or symbols between words. A variation common in programming is to start with a lower case: iPad , eBay , fileName , userAccount.
Microsoft uses the term Camel Case to refer strictly to this variation. Pascal Case : Popularized by Pascal programming language, this is a subset of Camel Case where the word starts with uppercase. Snake Case : Words within phrases or compound words are separated with an underscore. Kebab Case : Like Snake Case, but using hyphens instead. Examples: first-name , main-section. Screaming Case : This refers to names in uppercase.
Hungarian Notation : Names start with a lowercase prefix to indicate intention. Rest of the name is in Pascal Case. It comes in two variants: a Systems Hungarian , where prefix indicates data type; b Apps Hungarian , where prefix indicates logical purpose. Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account. Please include some best practices about naming conventions for android:id of components in XML layouts. Like in any framework some controls become deprecated, another controls are introduced. That's why there is a sense to define the following basic suffixes for the controls:.
I use such naming rules for a while and think they are quite convenient. They give an opportunity not to intersect ids between different layout. Also it's much easier to find related control by id inside the layout. I'm only slightly late on this one.

I've made another ticket to revise this once I've gather more feedback internally.