Blackberry torch battery drains overnight

It just came right by itself! No idea what it was! CranialBlaze Expert Member. Joined Jan 24, Messages 2, Dolby Honorary Master. Joined Jan 31, Messages 27, I had it now too ; just reboot. Last night after starting this thread, out of sheer frustration, I pulled the battery and sim card out and then re-inserted them. On reboot my browsing was back! Most mental issue I have ever seen on a phone!! Joined Mar 9, Messages Found a temperory solution in OS6. Just delete that service book for now must have a 2 in it and the browser will start working immediately.

Troubleshooting Battery Drain on a BlackBerry Powered by Android OS

Seems like there's a problem with that service book which is being pushed to most OS6 devices by the carriers. The problem is back if you reboot the phone then you have to delete the service book 2 again. Hopefully it will go away soon but its not a major issue for me. Tobi Well-Known Member.

Joined Dec 5, Messages Problem still persisting! It is now becoming an irritation! TX for the service book heads up - it is easier to do than battery pull. Mine just did it again. If your carrier is having issues and your is hunting back and forth for a 2G and 3G connection all the time it will drain the battery fast.

charging light blinking, no display

My was constantly looking for a signal and the battery went down fast. I switched the phone to 2G only and it helped until the tower was back up. Like 0. Change your autoupdate for BW to a longer interval.

Close all apps that you are not using in addition to an webpages. Turn off WiFi and Bluetooth that you are not using. I also have an OEM charging pod at home and in the office. Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums. Originally Posted by cwmont. Updating to. That being said it does not mean you cannot upgrade to it following this threads procedures. By the way, i haven't got any 3rd part apps at all exept Facebook but all notifications are disabled.

And my Torch runs. I have really no idea what is the problem with my phone. So, it's not about the BW at all, as i haven't use it at all. If anybody have find out how to solve this issue, please let us know. At this point, I would try updating to. If that doesn't work, try reloading the most recent version of the OS from your carrier? Remember to back up your BB first before attempting the upgrade. Another carrier has thought. Please, contact us. Send a warning to Selected user. The user has 0 warnings currently.

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Next warning will result in ban! Home Cell Phone Reviews You are here. It was expected to be a rival of other high-end smartphones at that time, but unfortunately for RIM , it was unable to establish itself as a phone capable of reeling in new users. Not hiding it at the very bit, the BlackBerry Torch recycles the design of its predecessor. Reply Report. If the iPhone 5 looked exactly like the iPhone 4, will PhoneArena give it a con for 'Recycled design'?

How does iphone rating effect the blackberry rating? Actually, I have nothing invested in this. You seem to be overreacting a bit.

How to Fix Battery Drain in Your Car (Parasitic Draw Test)

My point was that PA has some arbitrary standards as to what constitutes a recycled or rehashed design. PA had no issue with the fact that the iPhone, iPhone 2, and the iPhone 3G were identical, yet the gets a knock for a recycled design. I don't own an iPhone or a I set up the phones for my company's account, and a few of our people have 's and the original torch from last year. They're well-built, with a solid feel, and they're not ugly phones by any stretch.

So keeping the same basic design is not a con in my book, but it is in PA's. This phone is still going to sell quite well. Even the previous version still sells. Actually, I think it is a fair review. This is not a bad phone, as they do not slam any single area. They give high marks to single core reviews all the time. Dual core is not available in even the majority of devices used yet. It is worth mentioning, but the Torch 2 is not priced at high end level, and should have been reviewed as a mid-range offering. At the Secondly, if you have the original Torch and like the design, RUN and get this device.

Everything is better.

BlackBerry Torch hands-on impressions - TechSpot

Not recommending it to current Torch owners who like Blackberry and want to stick with it is strange.. I currently live in Qatar and the Torch sells like hotcakes here! No matter how improved or unimproved the Torch 2 might be, it still will sell quite well here This phone is not gonna sell well. It's the exact same thing as its predecessor! First thing I just pulled the battery from my Torch and its battery say 1, mah so its battery is not a downgrade. Two most phone look similar to each other nowadays so knocking off points because RIM used a design they feel works is unfair.

This will be great for the money. Too bad the will not be available yet.