Blacklist application for iphone 5
All the settings can be permanent or configured by the user in a way that those rules will be applied in specified days of the week or periods of the day. Allowing you to create for example, a blacklist to a group of customers so they would be allowed to call you only on weekdays in comercial hours.
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The application also have a camouflage system where the user can change the default icon and the application name, this way a nosy person wont know that the iBlackList is working, theres also an option to create a fake password that will open the iBlacklist with empty lists just like if the application was not beeing used or you can redirect it to another application ex.
There is a history for every intercepted call or message accessible to the user by entering the correct password previously saved by him , all the filtered calls, facetime, sms, mms or iMessages will be listed in details with date and time. From within the application you can call back the filtered people and those calls wont display in your call history, you can even answer SMS, MMS, or iMessages using this feature to keep your privacy without saving any of it on the cell phone history messages and calls made outside the iblacklist will be automatically removed from your history if the receiver is blacklisted.
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Unlimited lists Independent controls for calls and messages allowing unlimited lists. Like Google, most providers have their own dedicated iPhone apps that provide access to many platform-specific features. On the plus side, these companion apps for mail services are almost always free, so it will only cost a few minutes of your time to find out.
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How to Block Nuisance Calls and Messages on Your iPhone - MacRumors
Top Deals. Email Facebook Whatsapp Pinterest Twitter. Enjoyed this article? Stay informed by joining our newsletter! Enter your Email. What could a call blocker app do for me?
Well, call blockers apps, as the name suggests are invented with the intention to block some of the unwanted calls from fake or unknown numbers. For example, nowadays, we get a lot of sales calls from service providers for credit cards, loans, funds, education, training and so on. In these cases, call blocker apps can help you by getting rid of those scammers. The apps are inbuilt to recognize streams of phone numbers which are spam or not, service and company of the particular number and thus helps in easy identification so that, you can attend or block it based on the information.

With the advanced technology, the call blocker apps of today have gotten smarter and are able to identify caller information immediately. They block the calls directly once they fulfill certain criteria and save your precious time from being wasted.
Tired of telemarketers? Here's how to block a number in iOS and Android
Should I Answer is one of the best call blocker apps that helps in protecting you from unknown calls related to telemarketing, advertisement, etc. It provides you with various blocking options like blocking calls from hidden numbers, foreign countries, premium rate numbers and from numbers that are not in your contact list. Additionally, it displays notifications like phone number rating, information, and user reviews once the phone starts ringing. Google play download link.
5 Best iOS Apps to Detect and Block Annoying Calls on iPhone
Blacklist Plus is an effective call blocker app with a user-friendly interface that allows you to block calls from both Blacklist and Whitelist. It has options like hang up and mute for blacklist contacts and four block modes like block all numbers from the blacklist, block all numbers, block all numbers except contact list and block all number except the whitelist.
Google download link. Looking out for an effective call blocker app without any annoying ads? Call blocker Free is now available for you with various message blocking and call blocking options that work in hang-up and airplane mode too. Allows you to access blacklist, whitelist and block spam calls with call reminder and notifications. Master call blocker helps you to get rid of robocalls, unknown calls, spam and anonymous callers. It maintains a separate phone number database in which call blocker checks the incoming call with it, identifies the category and then blocks it.
It has various settings to block a single contact or a group of numbers from your blacklist. Safest Call Blocker is a creation from Beebom and rated as one of best call blocker app from TechArena.