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Skill Keywords Comparison See which hard skills or keywords , soft skills, and buzzwords occur most often and match between your resume and the job description. The Revised Simplex Algorithm. The Product Form of the Inverse. The Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm.
Review of Differential Calculus. Introductory Concepts. Convex and Concave Functions. Golden Section Search. Unconstrained Maximization and Minimization with Several Variables. The Method of Steepest Ascent.

Lagrange Multiples. The Kuhn-Tucker Conditions. Quadratic Programming. Separable Programming. The Method of Feasible Directions. Pareto Optimality and Tradeoff Curves.
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Review of Integral Calculus. Differentiation of Integrals. Basic Rules of Probability. Random Variables. Mean Variance and Covariance.
The Normal Distribution. Review Problems. Decision Criteria. Utility Theory. Flaws in Expected Utility Maximization: Prospect Theory and Framing Effects. Decision Trees. Decision Making with Multiple Objectives. The Analytic Hierarchy Process. Saddle Points. Two-Person Zero-Sum Games: Randomized Strategies, Domination, and Graphical Solution. Linear Programming and Zero-Sum Games. Two-Person Nonconstant-Sum Games. Introduction to n-Person Game Theory. The Core of an n-Person Game. The Shapley Value.
Introduction to Basic Inventory Models. Single Period Decision Models. The Concept of Marginal Analysis. The News Vendor Problem: Discrete Demand. Continuous Demand. Other One? Period Models. Periodic Review Policy. Exchange Curves. What is a Stochastic Process.
What is a Markov Chain?
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N-Step Transition Probabilities. Classification of States in a Markov Chain. Absorbing Chains. Work-Force Planning Models. Two Puzzles. A Network Problem. An Inventory Problem. Resource Allocation Problems. Equipment Replacement Problems. Formulating Dynamic Programming Recursions. Forward Recursions. A Probabilistic Inventory Model. Progress, trends and directions - Open access 1 May Exposure at default models with and without the credit conversion factor - Open access 1 August Deep learning with long short-term memory networks for financial market predictions 16 October Theory into practice, practice to theory: Action research in method development - Open access 16 December Multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection: A literature review 1 April Design and control of warehouse order picking: A literature review 16 October Enterprise resource planning: Implementation procedures and critical success factors 16 April Beyond crowd judgments: Data-driven estimation of market value in association football - Open access 1 December The impact of global climate change on water quantity and quality: Remaining useful life estimation — A review on the statistical data driven approaches 16 August A quantitative model for environmentally sustainable supply chain performance measurement - Open access 16 August Facility location and supply chain management — A review 16 July Managing a dual-channel supply chain under price and delivery-time dependent stochastic demand 1 January Trends in transportation and logistics 1 February