Minecraft pe ios controller support
Pocket version of the game is currently ideal for hardcore fans of the franchise who want to play and when not sitting at the computer or console.

For those who want a purebred Minecraft experience, I suggest you get one of the GameSir gamepad. Of course, this is only a brief introduction to this game, I bring you a review soon. Igor, Best Android Gameplay.
iPhallex wrote:
GameSir, Just Play! Minecraft PE 0. Recently, I am so fascinated in Minecraft PE. And expecially after the release of 0. I have played it a few months ago, it just has 0. And still lack of so many things. No big different from the old version.
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At that time, I work so hard for a small company. The job is really so boring, because the boss just let you sell things in a stupid way.
And soon, I was so tired of that dull work. I quited. And then I have found a company, which just let you play games and tell customers how to enjoy games with our gamepad, and with our Happy Chick Game Center. Normally, I need to test all the games in our game center. And… slowly, I found something…. That was really shock on me. I have never found such a game center like this. I know you need newer controllers. My Bluetooth controller isn't supported.
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There might be something in the play store to help but it's been a while since I tried to connect a controller. Newer Xbox One controllers support Bluetooth. You might be able to sync it and see what it does. Spilner , Depends on the phone too, my oneplus doesnt allow bluetooth controllers to be added.
Posted on 13 October 17 at Larvi1 1,, Newer Xbox One controllers support Bluetooth. You might be able to sync it and see what it does. New Paralyzer said: I know you need newer controllers. Artie , It seems like a lot of people didn't know Microsoft added Bluetooth.
About Minecraft PE's mfi support / iOS Games / AfterPad Forums
It makes the need for the PC wireless dongle really useless since most PCs come with built in Bluetooth. New Paralyzer said: It seems like a lot of people didn't know Microsoft added Bluetooth. Zarda1 , Want to join in the discussion? Please log in or Register For Free to comment.
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New Minecraft Pocket Edition update adds controller support and cross-platform multiplayer
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