My mad fat diary mobile
Her only friend, Bethany, is constantly demeaned by her. I didn't sympathize with Rae. I sympathized with her mother for having to deal with her. Rae also releases a cage of her mother's "budgies" parakeets because she hates the idea of caged birds.
Have you been watching … My Mad Fat Diary?
She told me tonight. I was due to be staying at hers and it was too late to go home. She has been a total, total cow. She is now covered in yoghurt because she says it helps with her spots. You'll need to raid the European dairy mountain with your zits, bitch. In all-caps, too. At the time of writing this, Rae is eighteen but her diary feels written by a twelve-year old. There's an excessive usage of exclamation points and capslock. Literally, my brain can't take it. Rae's dialogue is intolerable. This book did nothing to me, which is sad. I sympathized with her briefly, but all she ever did was go to the pub, trash-talk everyone else, and complain about life itself.
This book is moving to HULU. Yay for Rae, I guess. I'm not a huge fan of the diary format, but I've had good luck with British diaries-as-books. Remember The Adrian Mole Diaries? I read those years ago. And of course, there's always Bridget Jones's Diary. My Mad Fat Diary was entertaining and touching. It's the story of Rae Earl, a teenage girl who's just been released from a stint in a psychiatric hospital and is trying to sort out her life. She's desperate to lose weight, and desperate to have a boyfriend, and isn't having a ton of luck with ei I'm not a huge fan of the diary format, but I've had good luck with British diaries-as-books.
She's desperate to lose weight, and desperate to have a boyfriend, and isn't having a ton of luck with either. While I liked this well enough, I wasn't completely gripped by it. It got a little repetitive for me. Rae hangs out at the pub with the usual suspects her friend Bethany and some cryptically named guys called Haddock and Battered Sausage.
She lusts after guys who do not reciprocate. She starts yet another diet. She bemoans the fact that "being thin and pretty is the best thing a woman can be. While I can't deal with setting up yet another trial account on Hulu, I might check the show out over the summer. And if you've watched it, let me know what you think in comments! Read more of my reviews on YA Romantics or follow me on Bloglovin Thanks to the publisher for providing a free advance copy of this book for me to review.
Mar 05, Vicky rated it it was ok. It was something that I was really interested in watching as it has themes of Mental Illness which I'm interested in and is very stigmatised in society. So I thought I'd give the book a go before I catch up on the series. First of all, I would say that I enjoyed the writing of the book composed in journal entries. It was a very relevant and realistic teenage voice, that was relate able and sometimes hilarious. Unfortunately, this was the only thing that I really enjoyed about the book, and I kept reading only really because I found the writing easy and fun to read.
I understand that this is a real life diary, so I wasn't expecting a miraculous and complex plot. But that aside, the plot was next to nothing but the main character, Rae, pining over boys and constantly putting down her overweight body. There was little character development and no real closure or ending to the book.
One thing that I was very disappointed in was the lack of talk on her mental health. The title, the blurb and the TV series all suggest strong themes of Mental Illness, which was one of the main reasons I picked up the book. But I felt like I spent most of the book waiting for it to be brought up. Rae only vaguely mentioned it a few times and barely gave any information as to her reasons for having been in a Psychiatric Hospital.
Overall, I did enjoy the writing, it was funny and fast-paced. But the plot, lack of background information and development really let it down and it isn't something that I'd remember for a long time. I'll still give the TV series a go though. Nov 25, Pook rated it it was amazing Shelves: Nov 09, Dalimar rated it it was ok Shelves: Jun 30, Camie rated it it was ok Shelves: No es un mal libro pero no fue mi estilo.
Mar 26, Naoms rated it really liked it Shelves: Literally just a year in a life if a girl. It doesn't have a traditional story arc, but is funny, entertaining and at times heart-wrenching. Really glad I decided to read it. Review to come! Nov 09, Dalene rated it it was ok. At times I related to the main character and then other times I really hated her. I really wished I liked this book more, since the description sounds amazing. Aug 01, Jessica rated it it was amazing Shelves: Do I talk about the show first or the book first?
You need to watch it. Like this is her actual diary. God bless the woman for having the courage to publish it. Now on to the show vs the book. I was so surprised that the things you see on the show have actually happened to Rae. Like the whole being stuck on the slide at the pool party.
Totally happened. Haddock is the ever so lovely Finn. The show made Chop a lot funnier and less aggressive then Battered Sausage. I actually think Chop is a combo of Fig and Battered Sausage.
My Mad Fat Diary / Awesome - TV Tropes
Bethany, the real life Chloe, is a thousand times worse. I kid you not.
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I wanted to punch her in the face. The worse thing is that I have a friend whose done the same crap that Bethany pulls. As far as the rest of the characters, there is an Izzy, Tix and Archie but they are like a combo of different people. I really liked the book but like everyone else I think I prefer the show more.
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Book Rae is more…selfish in away but she is 17 after all. The show of version of Rae, while she can be selfish, is a lot more stronger. I think I identify more with the show Rae than I do with the book Rae. I love that the show is hilarious and extremely sad at the same time. I love that the show deals more with mental illness and self esteem issues and that we can see Rae grow and process everything around her.
The show is just flawless okay. Overall I enjoyed the book and will most likely pick up the next one. En basindan sonuna kadar ayni konulari tekrar tekrar tekrar okuyumusum gibi hissettim. Birde ben biraz daha komik bir kitap bekliyordum ama guldugum bir veya iki yer oldu onun haricinde cok rahat ve hizli okunan bir kitap olmasina karsin, ne biliyim Most people would be mortified if someone read their diary — especially their teenage years diary.
Rae Earl has published hers. Give this book to teenagers and hope it becomes a jumping point for some important conversation. When Ms. Even Rae admitted that neither of these was likely to happen. Like most teenagers, I was desperate to lose my virginity. However, I already had a lover that made me look pregnant but actually ensured that I would never, ever become a teenage pregnancy statistic; Food.
However, overall I found the diary very sad, what might be typical teenage issues made worse by budding OCD and obvious issues with food that were often difficult to read about. As each page turned I also had a growing concern about the monumental consumption of alcohol that seemed very commonplace amongst her group of friends. I did! I came to care enough about Rae and her friends to want to pick it up. This book was originally published in and I was unaware that in became a hit television series starring Sharon Rooney.
As I reached the halfway point in the book I kept thinking that it should be made into a movie. I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher, St. Jan 29, Aitziber rated it really liked it Recommends it for: After all, the diary is based on the experiences of Rae Earl, who has at least one brother, in the late 80s. The TV show, on the other hand, is about single child Rae Earl in To my surprise, a lot of situations, anecdotes, characters and even dialogue were, if not exactly the same, then obviously based on Earl's real experiences.
Teenage Rae is hardly a seasoned writer, nor particularly sensitive to the plight of others. Indeed, she often comments on the beauty of other women, only to follow it up with, "I'm not a lesbian!!! It's not rare for straight teenage girls who perceive themselves as wholly unappealing to ment, to turn it on their head and begin wondering if maybe there's something about them that advertises that they're not into dudes. Combine that with the societal male gaze, that shows women in such a plain sexual way that other women learn to perceive them and themselves as sexual things, but leads guys to think it's gay to look at other men in a casually sexual way, and you soon have teenage girls like Rae Earl.
But it's hard to understand all that when you're 16, it's the late 80s, you live in a small town social justice is not part of anyone's vocabulary, not around you. I wish adult Rae had footnoted those bits. On the other hand, it may feel intrusive, preachy or like an after school special. All in all, this makes the book not something you'll necessarily want to give your teenaged lesbian daughter, however mad or fat they are otherwise. But I did give it four stars because I think she's a positive role model otherwise. As hard as her experiences were on her, as much as she suffers and hurts herself, physically and emotionally, she will often ask why people don't let her be happy and love her just the way she is.
It makes the case that you can be "a blob with a gob," and have good friends, and have guys like you, guys who are not total creeps. Sure, those guys are ultimately too insecure themselves to date her, but it's progress! So I accepted and now.
What am I going to comment on? The writing? The realism? The authenticity? It reads like a diary written by a seventeen-year-old. She absolutely had her irrational teenage moments and she also had some pretty insightful moments as well. Her mother is less a mother and more a domineering roommate but she does have her solid mom moments. I thought the most intriguing part of this book was Rae interactions with Bethany. But I found myself liking these interactions the most. They ended up being telling of both people involved, I think.
At all. Throughout the diary Rae waffled between wanting to lose weight so boys would like her and wanting to find a boy who liked her for who she was. I personally thought she trended more toward the latter more often than not. For the most part it was an engaging-enough read but ultimately not for me. Nov 22, Georgie rated it really liked it Shelves: I have read this book twice over, and still, I can't bring myself to nudge the star rating up one.
The whole book just gave off the air of hit and miss, don't get me wrong I loved the book, but there was just something that wasn't quite But despite this, I fell in love with this teenage Rea Earl and honestly felt like when read through the various ent I have read this book twice over, and still, I can't bring myself to nudge the star rating up one. But despite this, I fell in love with this teenage Rea Earl and honestly felt like when read through the various entries I was experiencing her sorrows, heartache, and not to mention appetite, with her.

When I first read this book the only thing I felt for Rae was pity and some highly deserved respect as she strived on past the hurtful words people threw at her and dealing with her so-called "friends". This book also offered a hilarious insight as to how to look at people from a different perspective and not exactly take what people say to heart. Adding humour and wit at every possible chance I could totally relate to her with every page. I feel that for others who have read this book and were actually alive at that time and compair their personal experiences with that of Rea is a little For now I'll just call it annoying.
I personally didn't even exist when this diary was written but I honestly felt that through her words someone had taken their time to dig out an old photograph and give it to me, the imagery was so vivid and the characters were so clear. Some people have taken to slating this book on account of its sketchy "boring" qualities. Can I just point out: It isn't going to be brimming with details and plot twists and character development blah blah blah!
I could go on forever, but for your sake I'll cut it short and end it here: Just shut up, sit down and read this book, ok? Sep 28, G rated it it was ok Shelves: There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers Also Enjoyed. About Rae Earl. Rae Earl. I come from Stamford in Lincolnshire. Lovely because I spent a lot of time with good friends, music and tadpoles. I was a I come from Stamford in Lincolnshire.
I was a bit weird. Like we all are. I then worked in radio for 15 years. Secondly as a breakfast presenter. I got in trouble. Or they were about people and I never wanted them to see it. I have a shed in my back garden I go to. Hattie is my third. Other books in the series. Rae Earl 2 books.
- My Mad Fat Diary.
- My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary.
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Books by Rae Earl. No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from My Fat, Mad Teena No prince to carry me off to the sunset The reason why of course, I don't look like his princess, I look like his horse. But I just want to be loved by a bloke that loves ME! I want to feel special, you know. I almost feel guilty for feeling it. Welcome back. Sign in. Set in in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl, Rae, who spent four months in a psychiatric hospital for attempted suicide.
After finally leaving the hospital, Rae reconnects with her best friend Chloe and her group, all who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems and her four month stay in the hospital.
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Rae is a young teenage girl struggling with mental health issues. Having spent time in a psychiatric institute, she comes out and tries to make connections with her friends and family. However, her friends are unaware of her stay in hospital and life doesn't always go her way. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb More. Edit My Mad Fat Diary — Jump to: Summaries 2 Synopsis 1.